Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
"You know who I am?"
I was surprised but also felt relieved we didn't have to go through the normal formalities.
"Word gets around fast." Blue signaled the chairs as if asking us to sit and we did so.
The pokemon center was busy as always no one besides nurse joy knew that we were even there.
"Listen, kid. I know you're eager to do this and all but you're only ten.You should be catching wild weedles in Viridian forest or training to beat the champion one day.
Not joining some operation to defeat a gang boss." Blue tried to reason with me and I groaned to myself. I knew this was going to happen.
"I've fought them before and I'm still alive and talking to you right now!" I tried to make him reconsider but all he did was shake his head.
"Well.. consider yourself lucky." He said before getting up from the table.
"Hold on a minute!" I shouted out to him.
He stopped and looked at me and with the look he's giving me i could tell i don't have much time to speak
"Give me a chance. I want to fix this." I started to say.
"This thing you're trying to fix, is nothing of your concern.." Blue said.
"I know that! But…I can't let what happened to him..ever happen again." Tears filled my eyes as I spoke. I didn't want some other ten year old to die because of some stupid organization.. And it feels like this is the reason I came to this place.
Not to be the best trainer but..to save the world of pokemon..
Blue rubbed his head in frustration and let out a huge sigh before turning to me.
"Look kid. I don't know who this "him" you're talking about, but i'll give you one chance."
"Defeat me in a battle with 4th gym lvl pokemon and i'll consider it."
"Deal!" I agreed without hesitation, practically jumping up from my seat.
"Then it's settled."