
Pokemon:Rise of a Legend

A Pokemon game streamer gets transported to the Pokemon world, he was really happy at first thinking he will be the best Pokemon trainer with his game knowledge but little did he know real Pokemon world and training real Pokemon is nothing like clicking buttons and increasing levels and EV's. Follow him on his journey of trying to be the very best.

Lazykage · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 6: The Rookie Cup

Viridian City Gym is set for the occasion. The crowd is bigger than I expected for a tournament for beginners, these people sure love Pokemon battle.

I head in with Adrien and Cole to register in the counter right to the battle arena ,where we showed our trainer license and registered the Pokemon we are suppose to use and as it's a 2v2 battle,

I obviously registered Scyther and Zubat ,while Adrien registered his Squirtle and Pidgey and decided not to use Caterpie (for obvious reasons) and Cole went with his Charmander and Beedrill resting his NidoranF.

After it was all done they gave us a card like ID's which tells that we are competitors of the tournament. I also got to know that there are 16 trainers competing including us three. we were than as to go to battle arena as it was time to begin the tournament after all the Opening ceremony was done.

After reaching the arena we lined up with other trainers and the announcer begins his monologue of hyping it up. Finally it was time for the fixtures of the matches and I was match with a guy called Joey(where have I heard it before) ,I didn't bother to look at other match ups as I was just trying to calm my nerves in front of such a huge crowd, it's the first time I was doing this kind of thing. After every match ups were announced we moved back to our seats except for the trainers of first match and finally it began.

First match wasn't that exciting as the guy called Alex completely destroyed his opponent only using his Vulpix.

Second match was Cole vs Lara it was a good watch as Cole's Charmander beats Lara's Bulbasaur and Beedrill knocks out her Clefairy.

As it continued 2 more match went by and I could pick up some tips from how different types of Pokemon are used in such amazing manner like type advantage is a joke here. It depends more on the trainer and Pokemon link up with strategies negates type advantages most of the time. Power of friendship I guess.

Finally it was time for my match as the announcer calls up my name and my opponents and asked us to come in battle arena. I walked up to the field and took my position and so did my opponent.

After the rules were told to us the refree announces

"Let the battle begin"

Joey: Go Rattata.

(wait a minute is he the one who I am thinking he is?)

" Zubat, I choose you."

Joey: Rattata quick attack, let's go

"Zubat, dodge and use Supersonic."

Rattata charged in fast but Zubat somehow managed to dodge it and land his supersonic which makes Rattata confused

Joey: Snap out of it Rattata come on

"Zubat use wing attack"

Rattata was unable to snap out of confusion and Zubat hits it with Wing attack that send him flying towards it's trainer and faints.

Referee: Rattata is unable to battle Zubat wins.

(Guess training is Viridian forest actually helped Zubat get stronger that I thought.)

Joey: Come back rattata,no worries, you tried your best. Now go Spearow.

(I decided to stick with Zubat)

"Zubat use Supersonic"

Joey:Not this time Spearow dodge it and use fury attack.

Spearow swiftly to dodges supersonic and attacks Zubat furiously land big hits .

"Hang it there Zubat, try to dodge it."

Joey: Keep attacking don't let it get away.

Spearow furiously attacks and chase Zubat

" Zubat use Poison Fang"

Joey: Spearow dodge it and use Wing attack

Spearow dodges Zubat's attack and hit him with Wing attack which looked pretty hard to take but Zubat still holds on.

Joey:Keep the momentum Spearow, Wing attack again.

(Zubat seems tired and hurt)

"Alright Zubat let's give it out all

, Let's go poison Fang"

Both Pokemon flew towards eachother and a big clash occurs in midair smoke cover the area and both of them came crashing down to the ground fainted.

The referee announces

"As both Pokemon are unable to battle, Byson is the winner as Joey does not have any Pokemon left ."

(The crowds seems to enjoy it and they go ballistic cheering)

I walked to Joey and thanked him for the battle as he congratulated me for going through to the next round.

I walked towards the healing center and wishes Adrien for his battle and he congratulated me for the win and so did Cole.

Due to the tournament one of the Nurse Joy has setup a temporary healing center for Pokemon in the Gym for the participants. I left both my Pokemon there and went to have a peek of other matches.

Adrien won a hard earn victory with his Squirtle the last Pokemon standing and rest two matches were decent matches.

The final 8 has been set and I didn't get matched up with both Adrien and Cole also these matches weren't that challenging as we managed to breeze past our opponents, probably because they are all beginners they don't know much of what they are doin except for spamming attacks.

(After a. hour)

As the semi-final matchup looked in the big screen

Byson vs Cole

Alex vs Adrien

Cole walked up to me"Hah, finally I get to battle you,Byson."

"Haha ya I finally get Battle you."I replied with a smile

"I won't go easy on you, just because we know eachother" Cole seems excited.

"Same goes for you" as we had a little stare down.

As Cole and I had the first match we stayed in the Arena as Adrien and Alex went and took their seats.

Referee: Let the battle begin

Cole: Charmander, I choose you.

"Go Zubat"

Cole:As expected you start with Zubat. Go Charmander use Ember.

"Zubat dodge it and use wing attack"

Zubat rushes in dodging ember and hitting Charmander with wing attack.

Cole:That won't take us down, Charmander use smokescreen.

"Zubat be on gaurd"

Cole: Charmander Use Metal Claw.

Charmander comes out of smoke and hits Zubat hard with Metal Claw.

" Zubat use Supersonic"

Cole:Dodge it Charmander and use Ember.

Charmander dodges supersonic and fires ember.

"Zubat fly up and use Wing attack"

Zubat avoids ember and charges towards Charmander.

Cole:Hah, right where I want you, let me show how hard I have been training. Charmander Fire fang.

"No Zubat dodge..."

It was too late Zubat was in Charmander's range and they clashed with a blast.

As the smoke clears Zubat is on the ground Fainted and Charmander a little hurt but still standing.

Referee:" Zubat is unable to battle. Charmander wins"

*The crowd goes cheering*

"Come back Zubat.You fought well buddy take rest. Go Scyther."

Cole:Come back Charmander, let's go Beedrill.

"Scyther, use Slash"

Cole:Beedrill, dodge it and use Fury attack.

Dodging Slash Beedrill begins attacking

"Scyther, double team."

Cole: Don't get fooled Beedrill, use Pin missile.

Beedrill stats attacking randomly unable to find the real Scther.

"Scyther, use swords dance."

Cole: Beedrill, poison sting"

Beedrill's attack is deflected by swords dance and scyther's attack is now boosted.

Cole: It won't matter, Beedrill go fury attack.

"Scyther , dodge it with quick attack."

As Beedrill was furiously attack, Scyther was able to dodge it thanks to it's speed and managed to get behind Beedrill.

"Finish it Scyther, Night Slash."

Cole: Poison sting, Beedrill.

Before Beedrill could react Scyther smashes it hard on it's back and Beedrill crashes to the ground...Fainted

Referee:" Beedrill is unable to battle, Scyther wins."

*Crowd is getting louder*

Cole:You did well Beedrill, time to rest. Let's go Charmander.

" You enjoying this Cole?"

Cole:, Sure am, let's see who is better now. Charmander Ember.

"Double team Scyther."

Cole: If that's how it is than Charmander use smoke screen.

Smoke covers the battle arena

"Careful Scyther, Use focus energy"

Cole:Not so fast, Charmander Fire fang.

" Scythe use Slash"

Scyther was unable to locate Charmander as it gets hit with Fire fang which is super effective.

Cole: let's end it Charmander Metal claw.

"Scyther use quick attack to dodge it"

Scyther barely dodges

Cole:Heh not bad, Use ember.

"Scyther use Swords dance to block it."

Scyther use swords dance and spins to negate Ember.

Cole: Don't back down, Charmander use Fire fang.

"Scyther, double team"

Charmander is confused as to which one is real.

"Scyther use Slash."

Scyther hits charmander and send him flying some distance and to the ground but it gets up.

Cole: we are not done yet , Charmander smokescreen.

"Scyther Focus energy."

As the arena is covered in smoke

Cole: Charmander, fire fang.

"Scyther blow the smoke away with your wings."

Scyther flaps it's wing fast and blows the somke away and sees Charmander coming towards him.

"Let's go all out, Scyther Night Slash."

Both attacks collide with a big boom and it's smoke all over the the field.

Whole stadium is silent

The smoke slowly clears and I see Scyther standing and Charmander.......Fainted

Referee: Charmander is unable to battle, Scyther win and as a result Byson is the winner."

*and the crowd goes wild*

Not gonna lie that is the toughest battle I have had since I came here.

Cole walked towards me"That was a great match, Byson. congratulations."

"Thank you, that was really tough"I replied with a big smile.

"Ya, but next time I am gonna win." Cole says with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Haha, we will see about that."

We both went to see Adrien to wish him luck as he congratulates me and tries to comfort Cole.

"Hey, I am not that sad about it."Cole seemed bashful.

I decided to first go heal my pokemon and Cole came with me to the healing center as we hear announcer calling Adrien and Alex to the arena.

We hurried up and after leaving our Pokemon with Nurse Joy rushed back to just to see Adrien's Squirtle faint against Alex's Vulpix not only that he's pidgey also already lost in just few minutes Adrien was wiped out.

Adrien was almost in tears and Cole rushed towards him while Alex had that Poker face as he walked towards stands. Few people in the crowd were wondering if he is even a beginner.

He is a guy in his late teens and has defeated every trainer with just Vulpix.

Nevertheless I went to Adrien who seemed more disappointed in himself for not losing but more for not even being a challange for his opponent.

*Ladies and gentlemen, as of the result of the the second semi-final here are your finalists.*

The big screen in the stadium show with mine and his picture and it's written..


Byson vs Alex

I had my exams so I couldn't write for few days.


Hope y'all enjoyed it

Lazykagecreators' thoughts