
Pokemon Rejuvenation

Ray a 17 year boy from the Unova journeys to the Aevium region with his guardian Nancy, however on arrival they are ambushed and he is left on his own in a new place, she finds new friends and falls in love with a young girl, however tragedy strikes when the organization which tried to kill him targets the girl, will he be able to protect her? ADAPTATION OF A FANGAME OF THE SAME NAME BY JAN AND CO

Ibrex2000 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Rift

The white beast gazed upon Ray with it's crimson eyes and as quick as it came it vanished. Ray stood in silence for about 20 seconds before chasing after Melia again.

Goldenwood forest

Ray See's that the once beautiful scenery was now bellowing with smoke, in front of him he sees Melia talking to a man and a woman about the explosion.

Suddenly an elderly woman wearing white covered in dust came rushing over to the group, this was the woman Ray met before Gloria.

"Please help me those ruffians stole my precious furfrou..... Wait a second that's Ray please help" Gloria recognizes and asks for help.

Before he can even answer  a group of Team Xen grunts make their way towards the cave entrance.

"Hey wait we ain't done stealing from you" the male one in the middle said smiling evilly.

"Sir it seems our Target is here as well" the female grunt alerted.

"Alright then come here woman!" The second male grunt to the left said rudely to the group.

"Oh my! You had your eyes on lil old me? I'm not as young as I used to be but it seems I've still got it! Hohohoho!" Gloria dances around and smacks her old ass making everyone present cringe.

"Ewwww why would we want a gross old lady like you! Shut up granny!" The rude grunt shouted.

"why I never!" Gloria said as she turned her head away from them.

"We're looking for for a blonde girl named Melia, we have orders to kidnap her, and if you don't comply" the male grunt leader said as he took out a purple pokeball.

'popppp!' from the ball came a truly gut turning sight, a glowing purple cat with a coin on it's forehead, veins all around it's body, it's mouth foaming, and it's red eyes filled with hate stared at them.

"Shit Medalis lied, the changes are too visible!" The grunt leader cried.

"No no that's impossible! A shadow Pokemon?!" Melia screamed at the monstrosity in front of her, everyone else we're still speechless.

"Yep it's a shadow Pokemon alright! Like team cipher's but stronger" The female grunt boasted.

"I can't stand this crap anymore! Team Xen is going down!" Ray said full of anger.

"This is definitely a time of emergency" Melia says this, drops her briefcase case and inserts certain numbers '6489'.

Smoke emerges from the briefcase revealing a transparent glove like object "Could it be? Ray catch!" Melia tosses the glove at Ray.

"Huh wowww!" As Ray tries to catch the glove, it inserts itself on his arm automatically.

"Ray listen this might sound crazy but try catching that Pokemon" Melia said with all seriousness as she looked at him.

"buhahahahhahah! No way Meowth finish them" the grunt leader ordered.

"Nyasuuuu!" The demonic creature longed at Ray however.

"I trust you Melia! Pokeball go!!!" Ray tossed the pokeball with his right hand where the glove was, and strangely enough the pokeball shot out an energy net that "snagged" the shadow Pokemon immediately.

"Impossible you snagged it!" The grunt leader cried

"I knew it was a snag machine"  (but why would dad give that to me) Melia said.

"Give it back! I raised Meowth from an egg", "yah only team Xen are allowed to steal Pokemon", "bloody hypocrite!" The Xen grunts all piled on insults towards Ray.

"Shut up!" Ray shouted back shutting them up.

"If you truly loved it you wouldn't have done this it!" Melia added.

"You'll pay for this! You won't leave this forest!" The grunts said before retreating.

"Alright people you should all hide in the cave, since it's me their after I'm sure they won't hurt any of you" Melia suggested and the crowd ran into the cave.

"I'll protect you Melia I promise" Ray said as he put a hand to his chest.

"Thank you, I'll try my best to support you" Melia smiled making Ray blush again.

The two continued to rush deeper into the forest, unknown to them a powerful for was standing in their way.


Near the lake in front of the forest exit was a small cliff. 3 people stood there wearing black uniforms with the x symbol on them.

The woman standing on the left side of the cliff looked bored as hell, her expression was that of a person who wanted nothing to do with anything at all.

Her orange hair was tied into two ponytail that stayed by her right and left side with two purple hair pins on each side as well, her uniform had more red on it than other Xen members.

Standing on the right side was a tall man with black hair,his uniform had more black on it than red.

His expression was that of a confused human being wondering about numerous things at once.

And finally the third person had a long blue jacket on covering his Xen uniform, his Ash blonde hair tied at the back into a spiky ponytail.

His expression was that of anger and frustration, no doubt do to the task he was fulfilling, in front of him was nothing less than a tear in the sky itself.

Suddenly the grunt Ray had defeated came towards the cliff and knelt down.

"Sir we have a problem, we found the girl but she was with this unnaturally strong weirdo who snagged my shadow Pokemon" the grunt said.

"Just great, they've got a snag machine I'm pretty sure this ain't a coincidence, no matter I'll deal with them after the Rift is finished, until then Eli, Shantel protect me!.

"Sir yes sir" Eli the tall grunt said while saluting with the wrong hand.

The girl however face palmed

"It's Sharon not Shantel" she said unmotivated.

"Whatever just do your job Shanty" the blonde guy said again.


Evening had come and Ray was snagging all the team Xen grunts shadow Pokemon, he had snagged a shadow Finneon and Cacnea(cactus Pokemon) Melia healed up both their Pokemon when the chance appeared.

Suddenly the sky was blackened and the two know the only way  to save the forest was on the cliffside blocked by grunts.

"You aren't going any further" the Sharon Said.

"Steal the girl yes, sell her to high ups" Eli said in a strange tone

"you mean capture... Also we're not selling her" Sharon corrected

"Yes that, we kill girl too!" Eli said with vigour.

"Ehhhhhhuuhhhhhhhh!" Melia screamed and hid behind Ray.

"Screw you! I won't let that happen!" Ray raised his fist.

"We're leaving this place!" Melia shouted at the elites.

"We're elites you can't win just give up and spare me the drama" Sharon said again.

"No way, don't underestimate us!"

Ray and Melia said in sync.

Eli and Sharon sent out a black crow and a ghost Pokemon,

"Misdreavus go!", "Murkrowww!"

"Misssssss!, "Murrrr!" The ghost and the crow flew alongside each other.

Ray and Melia brought out their strongest Pokemon as well.

"Pip I choose you!", "Hapi show up!" "Pippp lupp!", "Togepiiiiii!"

The double battle took place at that moment.

"Misdreavus use hex!", "Murkrow feather dance" Sharon and Eli commanded.

"Missss!" Misdreavus shot a laser of darkness at Hapi but it wasn't effective.

"Krowwww" the bird laced Piplup down feathers in hopes of lowering it's attack however

"Pipppppp!" Piplup's aura flared up showing that it's ability Defiant was working.

"Thanks for the power boost! Pip Peck attack!" Ray's battle instincts kicked in and Piplup went to work.

"Luppppp!" Pip struck the black crow with enough force to fall a tree, "murrrr!" The crow fainted.

"Muuuuuuuuuh!" Eli screamed like a kid having a tantrum as he re called his Pokemon.

"Hapi retaliate with metronome!"  Melia ordered, "togepiiiiii!" Hapi wiggled it's finger and a huge black energy ball(shadow ball) shot out towards misdreavus knocking it out.

"Well that sucks" Sharon retrieved her ghost and brought out a metal rod from her back pocket.

"Give up never we!" Eli shouted as he also brought out a metal rod to fight the kids with.

Ray shielded Melia as he also took a fallen tree branch to fight with then.....

"Garboooooo! ooo!" A nasty smell came from the treetops, it was the shiny Garbodor Ray had fought in the abandoned sewers.

Sharon and Eli looked at the beast with eyes of greed catching a shiny was viewed upon as an achievement.

"Yo boss, this garbage thing seems like a threat so Eli and I'll have to deal with it byeeeee!" Sharon and Eli then chased after the garbage monster far from Melia and Ray's position.

"Garbodor..... Thank you, Ray we have to save the forest" Melia pleaded with the dark skinned boy.

"No worries you've got the future champion on your side!" Ray gave a thumbs up and the two continued up the cliff.

They stopped as the saw a man standing on the edge of the cliff sending out a strange red aura into the tear in the sky. The man turned to look at Ray and Melia and he had a pissed off expression.

"The hell are they feeding you kids nowadays...well whatever I'm Zetta an admin of team Xen.

"I'm Ray and I'm here to kick your ass!" Ray struck another pose.

"Ray... Buhahaha did your parents hate you or something! Buhahaha!" Zetta laughed at Ray pissing him off.

"Screw you! Nancy gave me that name cause I'm a "Ray of hope!" And I'll definitely save her..." Ray was giving  a speech but Zetta lost interest and turned to Melia.

"So you're Melia huh? You're cuter in person" Zetta said giving a small smile.

"Leave this forest" Melia stated as she moved closer to Zetta.

"Can't do that girly, Ray hahaha, where'd you get that device on your hand?" Zetta asked.

"None of your beeswax!" Melia replies and sticks out her tongue at him.

"It's definitely part of my "beeswax" that thing negates a huge chunk of team Xen's plan, now give it here!" Zetta shouts at Ray.

"Hell no!"Ray holds his right hand and stares daggers at Zetta.

The blonde Man grimished at the attitude of the kids.

"Fine then", 'swoooosh!'  Zetta flings a red disk into the tear in the sky and it expands rapidly and turns red with black lines.

"You're probably wondering what this is, it's a "Dimensional Rift!" it's the ultimate weapon and makes a great transportation"Zetta makes the voice of a salesman when advertising the Rift.

"Weapon?" Melia asked.

"That's right, by placing a normal Pokemon in the Rift it's miasma mutates the Pokemon making it a monsterous force of destruction!" Zetta shouted.

"I'm not a fan of using that method though, it's more like a last resort" Zetta explains.

"After all that, how about we play a game Ray?" Zetta suggested.

"If I win you hand over the snag machine and Melia, but if I lose I'll use this Rift and destroy you"

"That's unfair you dumbass!" Ray shouted.

"You're the only one who gains anything out of that!" Melia yelled

"Genius right? Anyway time to end this, Sayonara" Zetta states as he brought out 4 pokeballs.

"Minior you first!" He tossed a ball and a rock shelled Pokemon came flying towards Ray.

"Pip go!" Ray sent out Piplup to defend him.

"Rock throw!", "Bubble!" Zetta and Ray commanded at the same time.

Pip's bubble attacks overwhelmed the rocks and hit the flying meteor head on knocking it out.

"Not done yet Grimer, Cyndaquil now" Zetta threw out more pokeball Grimer was a being of purple sluge amplified by shadow energy while Cyndaquil was a normal mouse Pokemon with fire on it's back.

"Pip bubble again!" Ray commanded Piplup and the penguin shot a barrage of bubbles at the fire mouse knocking it out instantly.

"Grimmmmmmm!" The shadow Pokemon launched itself at Piplup.

"Snag on!!!" Ray shouted as he threw a pokeball with his right hand snagging the shadow Grimer.

"Frustrating! Fine how will you handle this go Zepto!!!" Zetta sent out a dark four legged beast, it's face was covered by a rusted iron mask, it's claw we're as sharp as razors(type null).

(A type null?! But for him to have one?)  Melia pondered in her mind as Ray was still oblivious to the beast's true identity.

"Crush claws!" Zetta ordered and the beast pounced on Piplup delivering a painful claw attack on his pelt.

"Pippppppluppppp!!!! Piplup tumbled away in pain.

"Damnit I can't lose you now, Pip return!" Ray returned Piplup into his ball.

Melia was utterly shocked at the power of the beast in front of her.

"Hahahaha, giving up, afraid of Zepto's power huh? hahahaha!" Zetta taunted  Ray like a Maniac.

"Swoo, let's do this!" Ray sent out the only evolved Pokemon he had, Swoobat.

"Swoobattttooo!" The pig nosed bat entered the battle with a big grin.

"you think you can escape his claws in the sky? Zepto air slash!" Zetta commanded and the beast silently followed up by sending numerous blades of wind at the bat.

Swoobat dodged majority of the blades but was hit by a few strangely it was still smiling.

"Time for the debut of a new move! Heart stamp!" Ray ordered and Swoobat swooped into action.

"Swoooooo!" Swoobat coated itself in pink psychic energy and tackled the dark beast with it's pig nose.

"Grrrrrr" the beast bit down as it was knocked to the side.

"What are you doing keep attacking! Air slash!" Zetta yelled.

"No backing down! heart stamp!" Swoobat countined it's psycho tackle.

Zepto tried it's best to shoot down the bat but Everytime it hit Zepto flinched until the beast dropped to it's knees.

"Pffttt I lost well I'm impressed not going to lie" Zetta returned Zepto to it's pokeball.

"Just stop all of this, stop using shadow Pokemon!" Melia pleaded.

"Why don't you stop breathing! Now you people have forced my hand!" Zetta yelled at the two before flinging a huge red fish into the Rift turning it blue.

"Gyaaaaaaaaarraaaaa" a loud voice is heard from the Rift and suddenly a large purple serpent showed it's face, it looked at Ray with eyes of hate, it's intense Aura causing the whole area to stand still.

Ray tried to run away from the serpent but as he turned away from it his body was being sucked into the beast's mouth, "Aw shit!" Ray shouted as his body was lifted from the ground.

"Ray hold on!" Melia grabbed Ray's hand in attempts to bring him back to the ground however the force takes her to the edge of cliff next to Zetta.

"You trying to push me off no way" Zetta Mercilessly kicks Melia's stomach forcing her to let go of Ray.

Ray's expression turned grim as he was sucked into the Gyarados's mouth.

Tears flowed from Melia's eyes as she cried out for her friend, "Rayyyyy!!!".





Rift dragon gate

"Pipppplupppp!", "Rufffff rufffff!", "Leooooo", " bellllusprouttttt", "swoooooo" noises from all around him woke a disgruntled Ray.

All 5 of his Pokemon circled around him looking worried.

"Guys where are we?" Ray asked as he cleared his eyes.

The environment was strange the sky was dark, the grass and trees were blood red, and the water was a strange indigo.

'bizzztttttt!' "download complete!" A feminine voice appeared from the silver tablet device in his bag.

"My Cybernav?" Ray touched the screen of the tablet and say strange writing

"Rift Dex..."

"Code Evo"


Ray tried to wrap his head around the weird text but suddenly he heard a 'splash', the same red fish Zetta had thrown into the Rift was now splashing in the indigo water.

'splash', 'splash', 'splash', 'splash' the fish somehow managed to climb a waterfall and jump over a red gate stationed above the river.

'twikkkkkkkkk!' the fish started to glow a grimly red as the darkness of the realm infused with it, it's body grew longer, it's color changed to purple and it was multiple segments of it's body enter flashing portalsband appeared at different locations close to it through other portals. "Gyaraaaaaaaaa!" The demonic beast shouted, it wasn't as big as the one that swallowed him but was the size of a water tower.

"Ummm h.....hey buddy" Ray tried to talk to the beast but suddenly, 'zoooom' a portal appeared next to his face And a Sharp tail nearly stabbed his cheek.

"Pipluppppp", "Guwahh" Ray was tackled by Piplup and that spared him from getting impaled.

Ray opened his eyes to his other Pokemon struggling to stay alive, The Rift Gyarados  was knocking them down and trashing it's body around, appearing and disappearing in different with the portals.

"Damn!!! Pip bubble!" Ray ordered as he pulled out to great balls from his bag(great balls are stronger pokeballs used to capture stronger Pokemon).

"Piplupluplup!!!", "Greatballs go" Piplup shot out a barrage of bubbles to the left side of the beast's face while Ray tossed the 2 balls at it's right.

"Raaaaaaaaaaaa!" The beast then made segments of it's long body appear from the portals and block the projectiles, even the great balls couldn't catch it.

"Gyaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!", "luppppp!" The beast shot out a blast of air from it's mouth hitting Piplup and dealing heavy damage.

"Pippp!" The dark skinned boy tried to reach for his partner but a sharp pain in his right side forced him to the ground.

A portal open up next to him and the beast's tail struck him down hard.

"Gahhhh, damnit it all!!" Ray hissed as he held his side, the pain similar to being hit by a car, he also hated the fact all his precious Pokemon were in the same position laying on the red grass.

Ray closed his eyes and wondered(How'd it come to this, not even 2 days have passed since I got here and I've had 2 near death experiences!.....After finding people who don't judge me..... After getting.... friends....) Tears started to fall from his eyes.

(I couldn't save Nancy, I can't even save Mel....) Ray stopped inner monologue due to familiar voice.

"Rayyyyy! Can you hear!" A white mist appeared in front of him.

"I won't let you fight alone! You're my friend! You have to get up!" almost like a warm shower the mist engulfed Ray giving him his strength back.

(Melia?)Ray stood up and saw the full image of the girl. Her body was pure white and bellowing like smoke in front of him. She had a determined look on.

"I believe in you!" She shouted with all her might.

These words hit Ray as he tighted his fist(was I giving up, tskkk!), He hissed at his weakness.

"Guys we're not done yet are we?!" Ray shouted at his 5 party members.

1 by 1 they all stood back up thanks to the confidence in his voice, Piplup, Swoobat, bellsprout, Rockruff and Litleo were standing up beaten and bruised.

The Rift Gyarados hissed as it readied to attack.

"Come on you dumb purple worm!, you'll be the stepping stone for my team! Our legacy starts today" Ray shouted and his entire team growled as well.

"Gyaaaaaaaaarraaaaa!!!!" Gyarados attacked with it's segmented  body using the portals to ambush Ray's Pokemon however....

"Bellllll!", "Swoooooo!", "Rufffff!" , Bellsprout planted it's feet into the soil and wrapped it's long leafy arms around the serpents body and pinned it down, Swoobat used it's psychic powers to hold the body part that attacked it to the ground. And finally Rockruff's fangs turned jet black as she also bit down on the Gyarados's flesh and pinned it down too.

Gyarados's eyes grimished at the pain it felt being unable to recall it's pinned body parts.

Meanwhile Leo was roaring at full force at Piplup who was storing up it's attack power with Defiant.

"Just a little more..." Ray countined to watch unknown to him the demon serpent tail charged at his back from a portal.

"Leooooo!" Litleo saved it's trainer by leaving it's post and biting the tail and pinning it down.

"Thanks Leo! Pip, it's now or never!", "Pipppp!" Ray shouted as he picked up  Piplup and ran towards the demonic beast.

"This is our full power! Super combo Peck attack!!! Oraaaaaaaa!" Ray flings Piplup at Gyarados with all his strength while Melia spiritual presence hovers above him. "Pippppppppppppppppppppp!" Piplup screams as he flies through the sky.

Gyarados bared it's fangs ready to bite down on the penguin however, due to Pip's aerodynamic built, Piplup changed it's direction midair and plunged straight through the serpents throat "yaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr!!!" The beast cried as the overpowered Peck attack left tremendous damage on it's body.

The beast exploded in with a flash of light blinding Ray and his Pokemon, the last words he hears are...."I knew you could do it".





Goldenwood forest

Ray feels a warm and soft sensation from under his head he opens his eyes to see the smiling face of Melia.

"You did great Ray, you came back" Melia says softly and Ray notices where he's positioned.

(A lap pillow!!!!!) Ray opened his mouth in shock, his face turned bright red as well.

"Out here, Garbodor and I fought against the giant Gyarados, Zetta saved it by sending it back to the Rift, the police appeared after to help the people in the cave, then I tried to help you through the Rift" Melia relayed to Ray.

"you helped me alot honestly, also my Cybernav scanned that dimension's data for some reason, have any idea why?" Ray said as his face returned to it's normal complexion.

"I've got a theory, let's go test it" Melia lifts Ray from her laps and the two leave the forest.

East Gearan city laboratory

Melia and Ray enter her her dad's laboratory as she hears an unfamiliar voice, the blonde girl grabs Ray and hides behind a book shelf, Ray feels her warm body touching his and blushes again.

A mortified professor Jenner was discussing with a woman wearing a red and black dress, her red shoulder length hair curled at the back like devil horns, are Ruby red lipstick being the most vibrant feature.

"First off, hanging up on me is a no no, with that out of the way, Zetta should be picking up the girl by now" the woman said with a pissed off expression.

Jenner looked sad as he faced the woman.

"Stop moping around! You've done your job, you've raised her well, now it's time you return her to team Xen, then all our lives can go back to normal" the woman continued nonchalantly.

Melia couldn't stand it anymore and came up from behind the bookshelf to confront them with hapi on her shoulder, "I knew it was all part of your plan!"

Jenner's face brighten up "Melia! I'm glad you're safe, Ray really pulled through just like I hoped..." He expresses his feelings but Melia but Melia butts in.

"The snag machine, the cybernav all of it was part of your plan, and worse you got Ray involved in this!" Melia shouts.

Ray tries to calm her down but his injuries start to hurt again.

"Wait Melia I can explain..." Jenner is once again interrupted by someone.

"Damn Zetta couldn't do a simple task, Houndoom go!" The woman sends out a black dog with horns and white bones on it's body "Houuuuunnnn!".

"I'll deal with this in my own way from now own! Hapi metronome!" Melia ordered and the egg Pokemon wiggled it's finger "piiiiii!".

Togepi started to shine and so did Melia, Ray had an awful feeling growing in his gut.

"Ray grab my hand!" Melia offered her right hand.

In that single fate defining moment Ray ran towards her.

"Gehhhhh!" Ray stumbled and fell to the ground due to the pain in his side.

He failed to grab the girls hand and in a split second she vanished....

This moment would hunt the boy for the rest of his life "as the moment he truly lost".

To be continued