
Pokemon Reincarnation System

A chapter a day keeps the weirdos away. Welcome to the world of Pokemons. A world unfocused on humanity as it should be. A world where you see the negative effects humans brought on Pokemons. A world in which one sees the true power of Pokemons. A world with the biggest troll Pokemon, Mew. A world in which the 'Glitch' Pokemon exists. And why not throw the mentally ill main character that reincarnates into a new Pokemon endlessly into the mix? Yep. This is the perfectly normal world of Pokemon. *** Warnings: Volume 1 rushed. Heavily AU Mostly MC's POV Emotionally Reactive MC Chaotic-Evil MC Non-Human Protagonist. Slow pace? *** Volume Progress: Volume 1, Rattata Volume 2, Hoppip Volume 3, Abra Volume 4, Deino Volume 5, Type: Null Volume 6, Deoxys Volume 7, Cosmog Volume 8, Eternatus *** Tags: Furry, Weak to Strong, Slow Pace, Non-human protagonist, 1st POV, Pokemon, Reincarnation, System, Harem, Chaotic-Evil MC, Adventure, Action, Hateful MC, New Writer *** First time writing. I do not own Pokemon. The picture isn't mine, nor any used in this story.

FryKnight · Komik
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374 Chs

Special Chapter 3 Slice of Ralt's Life

Ralts D Leona formerly known as Mike Marshall died from drowning and reincarnated as Ralts in Celadon City. Born with a Special Ability, an ability unique to her life as Ralts. The ability is Cuteness Overload the upgraded version of Cute Charm.

This ability makes both Humans and Pokemons infatuated with her regardless of gender. Leading her to nearly die from the number of Pokeballs aimed at her. Luckily for her, Erika, Celadon City's Gym Leader arrived in time, saving her from being caught and turned into a plushy.

She has now been living with Erika for one month and thanks to Erika's pampering made Leona had no intention of becoming the very best Pokemon, but the very cutest. Much to the system's disappointment.

Sitting on top of the sink in the bathroom, she was looking at herself in the mirror in front of her as she comb her hair with a toothbrush and sang.

"I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world~

Life in plastic, it's fantastic~

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere~

Imagination, life is your creation~

Come on, Barbie, Let's go-eek!"

Using only a month, Leona was able to do something only Legendaries and Meowth have, talk. Different from Meowth, Leona does it similar to how most legendaries do it, but easier thanks to her ability Telepathy. Combining Telepathy and her mastery over the Psychic energy, she can release her mental thoughts into sounds. Something most Pokemons haven't been able to do.

"Don't mind me continue singing," Erika who had just entered yawned.

Still, in her white pajamas with a green flower pattern on them, she pats Leona's head before taking out her toothbrush and toothpaste from the closet above the mirror.

"I-I was just clearing my throat. Yes, clearing my throat,"

"No need to be embarrassed, you're a good singer," Erika said confidently.

Leona being the Feeling Pokemon, how could she not know that Erika was being honest?

"Of course I'm," Leona patted her nonexistent chest, and raises her head proudly, she jumped off the sink and onto the ground before walking off towards the door.

"Help please,"

"Here you go," Erika opened the door.

"Thank you,"


Leona can be seen sitting on Erika's lap, her head resting on Erika's stomach, enjoying the feeling of Erika brushing her hair.

"You know you don't have to comb your hair right?"

"I just enjoy the process,"

Leona's personality compared to her Rattata counterpart is much different thanks to Erika's nurturing.

"Then have you considered what I told you yesterday,"

"I won't enter random buildings, please don't remind me,"

Leona doesn't understand why those pedophiles aren't in horny jail. She had never heard anyone with a fetish for Gothorita in her past life. Thinking if what would've happened to her if she wasn't saved by Sabrina made her shiver involuntary.

"Not that, I'm talking about Sabrina's request,"

"To become her trainer? I refuse,"

"Why? Don't you want to grow stronger?" Erika asked.

"I don't mind getting stronger, but I want to stay beside you,"

"If that's the case I'll train you well," Erika said with a determined expression, one see a hint of red on her face, the ability Cuteness Overload was affecting her more than she thought. Holding Leona in one hand, she stands up. "Training should start as soon as possible,"

"Can we start later?" Leona asks using her signature move Charm.

If this was anime, Erika would right now have a nosebleed. Erika slapped her cheek lightly to wake herself up and glared at Leona.



"The world isn't safe to be weak and I can't guarantee your safety so grow strong enough so that don't have to worry about it," Erika said lightly, about to leave the house and head to her Gym, unaware of how much her words had affected Leona.

'Weak, that's right. I died because I was weak, but I won't allow you to die because of it,' Leona thought her determination to train strengthened.

Erika's position in Leona's heart wasn't much different from Risa's Position in Mike's heart... if one excludes the fact Mike was bordering the boundary of obsession for Risa.


The gym wasn't like how it was shown in the games, the anime, or the manga. It was a greenhouse with the 'GYM' title on it.

"This gym's great, it's full of hot women," the old man said starting through the glass of the gym. His breathing was heavy and something had long since risen and it wasn't the shield hero.

"Excuse me are you a challenger?" Erika asked him, ignoring the tent poking his pants.

"No," the old man's eyes glued to Leona.

Sensing the lustful thoughts of the Old man, Leona really wanted to start training so that she can teleport him to the center of Tauros' territory.

"Then I kindly ask you to leave,"

"Sorry but I can't do that, this place here is important for my research,"

'System, status please,' Leona asked wanting to know what moves she knows hoping one can blast away this pervert.

[Name: Ralts D Leona

Age: 1 month

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Ralts

Type: Psychic, Fairy

Lvl: 1

Innate Ability: Cuteness Overload

Ability: Synchronize, Telepathy

Racial Ability: Emotion Sensing Horn, Emotion Synchronize, Psychic Amplifying Horn

Talent Grade: Silver

Nature: Careful

Move set:

Beginner: Growl, Psystrike, Moonblast


Advance: Charm]

"Sir I ask that you leave, you're making my trainees uncomfortable,"

"If they're uncomfortable they would've told me,"

"Go away pervert," Leona's hand pointed towards the Old man shooting out a beam of psychic energy hitting the man's stomach.

*cough* *cough*

The Psystrike, no psychic attack used by Leona was an insult to all psychic Pokemons, it couldn't even kill an old man and the user is exhausted from that one attack. Though this is expected when a low leveled Pokemon used a moving way above its level, especially when the move is exclusively used by the strongest psychic type Pokemon Mewtwo.

"Sir are you alright," Erika said glaring at Leona in her hands.

"Little princess Leona, I hoped you know what you have just done,"

"???" Leona tilted her head in confusion.

"A 'wild' Pokemon attacks a trainer under the gym leader's command. I'll give you two choices, become my Pokemon or tomorrow you hear about this in the news,"

If not for Emotion Synchronize forcing her emotions to remain calm like Erika, Leona might've attacked once more and said 'I chose the third option, remove the trouble,'

"Sir did you just now threaten 'my' Pokemon?"

"It's not yours it's a 'wild' Pokemon, and even if it's yours all I did was speak the truth,"

"Gourgeist, Shadow Sneak,"

A shadow extended from Erika at a fast speed, before being able to reach the shadow took form behind him and headbutt him onto the ground before vanishing.

"Leech Seed," Gourgeist spat a few seeds besides the fallen old man. Vines grew to ensnare him.

"Hey let me go!" He shouted.

"I had given you a chance to leave not only did you not take it but threatened my Pokemon as well," Erika spoke as she walked towards the old man and took out a pocket-size camera from his pocket.

At the same time, the gym door opened and the girls from inside came out.

"Research huh," Erika scanned through the pictures of her assistants and trainees tending to the plants, most of which zoomed in at revealing places.

'Research indeed,' Leona touched her nose, light shined from her eyes hidden under her hair.

"Call officer Jenny to pick up the trash," Erika said walking away with Gourgeist reentering her shadow.

Note: Most ghost pokemon can't innately enter one's shadow, but through training it's possible.

"B*tch," A Pokeball rolled out his... zipper, bringing out a Gothorita.

'Ughhh,' a disgusted expression came on all the females, a face that looked like they stepped on sh*t.

"GothatD, quickly save me,"

'bruh,' Leona thought.

"Phantom Force,"

By the time GothatD got the old man free, a Gourgeist figure appeared behind GothatD and hit her, shooting her away, fainted. Gourgeist slapped the old man's face, slapping out a few teeth with the hit and the man's consciousness.

"Serves him right," A girl huffed.

'Well, that was interesting... GothatD,' Leona chuckled.


The old man was arrested for sexual abuse on his Gothorita, GothatD, and was further charged with a crime against humanity, whether or not he committed those crimes won't matter. Civilians should understand who they can and can't mess with.

GothatD was sent to the Pokecenter in a hopes to cure her Stockholm Syndrome.


Inside the gym can be described as a greenhouse fuse with an indoor park. Inside were countless berry fruits some of which were rare such as Enigma, Custap, Rowap. Herbs can also be found growing in here, but the most common sight was the flowers, the gym was so stacked with flowers one can literally smell them.

All who were trainers had their Pokemons either beside them or roaming the gym. At the center of the gym was a dirt battlefield, in it was Erika her Pokemons, and Leona. As a Gym Leader, Erika had a lot of Pokemons, 10 Junior Pokemons, 10 Senior Pokemons, 10 Junior Elite Pokemons, and 8 Senior Elite Pokemons.

The Senior Elite Pokemons are her main team, consisting of Venusaur, Bellosom, Vileplume, Victreebell, Jumpluff, Breloom, Carnvine, and Roserade. Most of which can be seen in training.

"phew, I'm done," Staying focused while lifting Erika into the air was hard for her. As for why Leona's using Erika as weights for her psychic training, it was because Erika was curious about how would it feel.

"No more,"

"You aren't stopping until you can make me fly," Although her tone was strict, her eyes shined excited to be able to fly high in the sky.

"Erika I don't think I'll be to do that today," Leona said, believing that even if she hit level 20 she won't be able to pull it off safely.

"That's fine, you can do it tomorrow," Erika assured Leona.

Leona turned around and instinctively use Psystrike aimed at the now teleported Sabrina. A psychic barrier appeared in front of Sabrina blocking it.

"Interesting, you managed to catch a glimpse of my psychic energy before I managed to teleport," Sabrina said.

"Of course I did," Leona said proudly, 'My instinct is number 1,'

"Well then, let's begin your training session,"

"I won't become your Pokemon,"

"I know, I had already foreseen that you would refuse my offer, but that doesn't mean I won't train you,"

"Why would you help me?"

"Your innate ability is persistent,"

Sabrina is the world's strongest Psychic and psychic type trainer. Although she only recently became a Senior Champion trainer(strength-wise) her psychic has already reached the peak of the Advance stage, meaning she can fight one vs one with a Guardian.

Yet Leona's ability Cuteness Overload an ability that works similar to a Psychic's Mental Charm was able to affect her. This means that Cuteness Overload would be a Gold grade ability.


Iron -> Bronze -> Silver -> Gold

Truant -> Run Away -> Pure Power -> Desolate Land

Only legendary Pokemons are known to have this category of abilities. It really makes one wonder who are Leona's parents. One might guess it to be Mewtwo but everyone knows Red caught Mewtwo years ago.

"Erika had you heard the latest news yet?" Sabrina asked.

"Did I miss something?"

"For someone who likes gossip, how come you haven't heard it yet?"

"It's something confidential I bet," Erika snorted. She does only tell her friends about whatever the league tells her, but because of this reason, they no longer tell her anything confidential.

"Yep, Red's missing,"