


I began to move the normal energy as explained by big papa and performed Quick Attack. Rushing forward, I tried to hit big papa who dodged my attack once more.

"That's all for today,"

Sighing in relief, I dropped on the spot. I'm both physically and mentally exhausted from this week of training. During this time big mama and Risa haven't returned, making me feel worried, only a little worried.

Using only a week I managed to get Last Resort to intermediate. The look on papa's face when he saw that made me laugh. I'm a protagonist so I'm not surprised, the system stated my soul is slowly improving my talent.

My talent is now at Deep Yellow, unfortunately, my soul isn't strong enough to improve my talent to a shallow green. But that doesn't change the fact that each reincarnation increases my soul strength. Why? Because the system stated my soul would go to a special place before reincarnating.

Why I'm bothering to explain to you folks when I'm so tired. Closing my eyes I went to sleep.


Risa's back, I'm not going to get sleep, am I? Looking up at the sky, I saw 3 Fearows and 2 Spearows in the air.

As the birds began to dive down, I saw Risa and big mama jumped off a Fearow back and onto a tree.

"Stupid old monkey," I muttered.

This was going to be a long day, a day I would prefer to sleep on. Thinking this, I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.


Not today.

A brilliant thought hit me. I quickly began to circulate the normal energy in my body and...

[Host has successfully learned Rest]


"I refuse,"

"Risa you can't keep him for yourself,"

"I marked him, he's mine Fearly," Risa retorted.

"If we're going by that logic, your mother marked him first,"

"Grrr~ he's mine," Risa barked, her non-existing chest, pressed on my back.

Something was rising, and it wasn't the moon.

Jokes aside, I think it's best to go back and sleep.

"I know you're awake, mate," she said excitedly, licking my forehead.

"Can you get off me mate?"

"Of course mate," Saying that she came off me, allowing me to stand up.

"tsk," The Spearow, Fearly clicked her tongue.

"Ara ara, Daniel's son has finally woken up,"

Looking around, I noticed a couple of trees around me are missing, and some signs of a battle. Standing beside me was Risa, and in front of us were Fearly and Feara. I can see big mama and papa silhouette coming from behind me. Lastly, the two Fearows and Spearow were chatting with four of my siblings, one of which is Carl.

"Can you not?" Big papa said in a subdued tone.

"Can I shall, beloved,"


"Daniel's son..."

"My name's Mike," I refute.

"Mike as the next head of your family,"

"It's Risa," Big papa countered.

"Shut up!" Feara and big mama shouted.

Feara stared at big papa, seeing as he's not planning on talking, she continued.

"It's your duty to have a harem,"

The hell?


Risa growled at Feara, Risa having no intentions of sharing.

"Big Papa doesn't have a harem," I strangely refute her.

Never expected I would refuse a harem.

"That simp would get a harem soon enough," Feara said confidently, I could hear big papa grinding his teeth.

How does she even know what simp means?

"Risa is enough," I said.

"Well said, son. Say no to the h*es," I could hear the admiration and respect from his tone.

"Don't listen to him, look at my beautiful godchild, Fearly," Her beak pressed onto Fearly's head, Fearly's stared down shyly.


Staring at Fearly and the other Spearow, I could see some differences, Fearly body is more slender and... feminine? It's nothing compared to the jade beauty Risa, but I can feel slightly attracted to her.

"We aren't from the same egg group," No matter how beautiful she is, if I can't impregnate her what's the point?

This isn't a Hentai world but a Pokemon World. I'm going to become the best Raticate there ever was, not the horniest Raticate there ever was.


"I thought you were mature enough to understand," she said disappointingly.

I'm mature.

"You didn't even try to think of this from a political perspective,"

"You're already big papa's mate so of course, you'll aid us," I reply.

"Do you think we'll live forever? Once I'm dead how long do you think our alliance would last?"

Once the alliance breaks the Fearow family would lose, after all, we have Risa.

"This generation of children, we have 20 yellow talents and 3 green. Besides you and Risa, what talents do your family have?"

I misunderstood the strength of an Overlord family, huh.

"Hahaha, do you really think this alone is our family strength?" Big papa laugh.

"Don't worry son, we may not have any green talents, but all Raticate families on route 1 are ours. We may not have more yellow talents nor green talents than them, but we have the numbers," Big papa said reassuringly.

Hahaha. There's one thing we rats are good at, and that's reproducing.

A couple of years from now an army of Raticates would destroy Viridian City. Bwahaha.

As for attacking Fortress City, no way, who knows what monster trainer is lurking there.

"Sorry Feara, but I'll refuse for now,"


Feara's POV

Why is my love so smart?

Doesn't he know everything I do is for him?

Taking advantage of his son's Careful nature is for the greater good. Once he and Fearly are together I could use that as an excuse.to get closer to him.

Everything I do is him, why can't he understand that?

I don't even mind him having a harem so why won't he accept me?

Even Rataya doesn't mind.

It doesn't matter how hard he struggles my talons have already sunk into his son.

I don't believe after all the training Fearly received she can't subdue him.

Although she's acting shy, her scheming personality is even scarier than mine.


Daniel, you'll sooner or later be mine, but first, those pesky intruding humans got to go.

Avenging master Pink is important.