
Chapter 258: Airship Fortress, Xiaozhi Relies On, Lorelei's Shock!

At the same time, far away from Norman, there is Fire Island around Shamouti Island.

Gilruta flew into the Fire Island Sky in his huge airship powered by double-digit Attribute treasures.

Several strange iron hoop devices trapped the unwary Moltres inside.

Offended by the ant-like human in his eyes, Moltres was furious and let out a ferocious growl.

Flames were rising all over the body, forming a long flame dragon that was about to burn the broken circles that trapped it to ashes.

However, Moltres was surprised to find that its flames falling on the device composed of several iron rings had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the power of the whole body is constantly being absorbed by the device, and then transformed into the power that binds it!

This also leads to the fact that the more Struggle it is, the more tightly it will be restrained.

After failing to break the restraints of the device in the first place, he became a turtle in a urn with nowhere to escape.

As the resistance continues, its own strength is constantly being weakened.

In the end, he completely lost the ability to resist, and was controlled by Gilruta and taken back into the huge airship.

This device was specially created by Gilruta to target powerful mythical beasts.

As long as you are carelessly controlled by the device, you will not be able to break free from the inside with the strongest force at the first time.

It is basically impossible to escape through one's own abilities.

Of course, such a good device is not without its shortcomings, that is, the external defense is weak.

No mythical beast is needed, ordinary Pokémon can probably destroy it!

In the airship, facing Moltres, the legendary fire god of the Kanto Region, Gilruta's eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

"What a perfect collectible!"

"No, it's not perfect yet. Lugia, the legendary sea god who can easily calm bird fires, is the most perfect and valuable collection!"

"The God of Fire, the God of Thunder, the God of Ice?

It's just a bait to lure out Lugia!"

When I think about it, Lugia, the God of the Sea, can also become one of his collections, and it is the most perfect collection.

Gilruta couldn't help but have an intracranial orgasm, and the enthusiasm in her eyes became even more intense.

"Xiaozhi, where are we going?

And why are the weather and those wild Pokémon so abnormal?"

A group of four people rode on Bi Diao's back, assisting the Psychic Barrier supported by Xiaozhi to isolate the outside wind, snow and strong wind.

Misty and others couldn't help asking Xiaozhi.

The weather outside and the behavior of wild Pokémon are really abnormal.

Combining Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask them to get on Bi Diao's back together and fly in one direction at high speed.

They knew that Xiaozhi must know something.

Otherwise, we would not have reacted as soon as we saw these anomalies.

"It's nothing, it's just an ignorant and arrogant collector who is ready to extend his claws to the mythical beast and take action.

What we are heading to now is Shamouti Island.

The three islands of ice, fire, and thunder surrounding Shamouti Island are home to the legendary three holy birds of the Kanto Region.

The gods of fire, ice, and thunder combined together have the ability to change the world's climate. "

Xiaozhi explained to several people concisely and concisely, which caused a strong shock in several people.

They didn't expect that a collector would be bold enough to target the Three Holy Birds.

Isn't he afraid of offending the three holy birds and dying without a burial place?

Gilruta said that he was really not afraid, and that the Three Holy Birds were just an addendum, and that his real target was the first-level god Lugia.

"Looking at the current climate change, even if his conspiracy did not succeed, it has already aroused the anger of the Three Holy Birds.

If the anger of the three holy birds is allowed to remain unquenched, the consequences will be disastrous.

Xiaozhi, now that we have passed, what should we do?

With the two of us working together, I'm afraid we won't be the Rival of any of the Three Sacred Birds.

By the way, aren't you and that giant Dragonite good friends?

If we add it, can we deal with one?

If that doesn't work, I'll notify Alliance and ask them to call Du, Bruno, and Granny Agatha over. "

Lorelei said to Xiaozhi with a worried look.

"It's okay, there's no need to call them. In fact, even if we call them over, plus the two of us and the giant Dragonite, they won't be any Rival of the Ten Song Dynasty among the dominant birds.

Xiaozhi waved his hand.

The strongest Pokémon the Elite Four have on hand is only Iv79.

The ultra-ancient Dragonite is only Iv80, and has just entered the realm of main-level gods.

The gap between the three holy birds of the second level god is really outrageous.

Even the Three Holy Birds that have been weakened by Gilruta's device cannot defeat them. In the past, they were just delivering food.


In a battle between mythical beasts, the main force must be the mythical beast!

"Then what should we do? Then why don't we go there to send..."

Before she could say the word "death", Lorelei saw Misty and Sundae looking at her like they were fools.

Misty already knows that Xiaozhi has a Mewtwo that is comparable to a first-level god. Although she is not with her for the time being, she can swing it over at any time if necessary.

Sundae, on the other hand, has been with Xiaozhi for a long time and is used to Xiaozhi's approach of making plans before deciding and never putting himself in danger.

Although I don't know what Xiaozhi relies on, I also know that Xiaozhi will go to Shamouti Island.

We are absolutely sure that we can solve this incident, and at the end of the day, we are sure that we can escape unscathed.


Now that they heard Lorelei's unfounded worries, they all cast a surprised look at her.

At this time, Lorelei also understood the cause and effect, especially since Xiaozhi knew so much about the incident, so he must have been prepared for it.

He immediately felt that she had asked a very stupid question, and he groaned and covered his face with his hands.

I feel that I have given face away not only to Xiaozhi, but also to Misty, the Lostelle girl, and Sundae, the little cousin.

Damn it, can Xiaozhi defeat her?

Xiaozhi always gets frustrated here, and not only does he get frustrated but he also gets...

Thinking of this, Lorelei's face turned red, and she stretched out her hand to touch her stomach, which was different from the previous flatness and slightly undulating.

On the other side, Professor Oak, who had just arrived at Little Orange Island, also discovered that the weather and wild Pokémon were different at this time.

By analyzing the weather and the migration paths of wild Pokémon, Professor Oak made a bold and accurate guess.

The source of the problem is Shamouti Island!

According to legend, there are three holy birds living around Asia Island, but few people can meet them.

Once a ship approaches the three small islands around Asia Island, it will sink for various reasons, making the three small islands mysterious.

Now it seems that the legend of Asia Island is true, and there should really be three holy birds with the magical power to control the weather living there!

The changes at this time must be related to them!

Professor Oak, who was so far behind, no longer bothered to look for Xiaozhi, and took Gary straight onto the boat bound for Shamouti Island!

(Picture: Collector Gilru Tairu).