
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Transformers crossover

Hello everyone, I was reading a few cross over comics that included Batman and Spiderman crossover to Captain America and Transformers crossover to fanfics that included Pokemon and Transformers crossovers. It looked like fun so I decided to write this while I am having a bit of writers block. BTW this will be like a short novel, less than 30 chapters. It will not be a full fledged book. If anyone wants to make these ideas full on books go ahead. Just give me a heads up because I would love to read them too. :D

Ellora25 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Transformers - Zombies?

Sentinel Prime wanted to quit! He was done, just fragging done with everyone's slag. He was done with the corrupt council, he was done with the Autobots, he was done with the Decepticons and he was just done with being a Prime. When he accepted the title as a Prime, he was expecting to help Cybertron become more grand. What he did not expect was becoming a teacher to a young Prime and High Lord. Do not get him wrong, the old Mech enjoyed teaching, what he didn't enjoy was the troubles his brats brought him.

Megatron went and created the Decepticons in an answer to Optimus's Autobots. The two were so alike yet different and the pining, the annoying pining between them. He was tempted to throw them into a warehouse and not let them out till they spark bonded. But his brats were tolerable, he adored them, the Council on the other hand gave him endless processor ache. Thanks to Starscream and Prowl's combined efforts they figured out where the younger Mechs were disappearing to.

It had been quiet the mess to deal with, he was however grateful for Vector Prime. The older Prime had been a major help in dealing with the Council. Vector Prime had taken out an old law which had not been changed because no one even remembered it. The law stated any Cybertronian who harmed the young would be stripped from their position, power and place. Everything they owned would be given to the younglings they had wronged and would be exiled for the rest of their existence. If they didn't want to be exiled, they would be pitted against Scraplets with no weapons to help them fight against the pests.

Vector Prime was smiling as he explained, "The Scraplets were originally considered pest but later on they were kept because they made good punishment choice."

Sentinel shuddered, "I see."

Sentinel, 'Datapad to self! Do not piss Vector Prime off.'

Optimus, "That actually explains why no one ever bothered getting rid of those things."

Megatron, "The more you know."

Starscream, "I think, it's beautifully poetic."

Gold Bug, "They sure didn't hold back with the punishments huh? I wonder if something like this happened back then."

Jazz muttered darkly, "I wouldn't be surprised."

Jazz was furious when he saw the state the young Mechs, Femmes, Constructicons, Praxians, Minicons, etc. He was ready to go hunting for the bastard, the only thing keeping him from doing it was his Conjunx sending waves of comfort through the bond. Jazz stayed calm and helped the younglings to get out of the warehouse where they had been kept for a while. They were physically and mentally scarred and trying to heal and recover would take time. They even came across a rare pair of spark split twins, who were wary of them but agreed to testify about what happened. The twins, a Mech and a Praxian, a very rare combination were thankful to them but weren't sure if they could return to their home. The Carrier and Sire bond they had, went cold after a few solar cycles and they feared for the worst.

Optimus and Megatron who overheard were worried and suspicious about how they ended up in a slave market, launched a private investigation. Megatron told them they would be staying at their neutral base till their medics gave them the green for health. The two of them were visibly suspicious and reluctant to join them but Optimus's twin pranksters convinced them somehow. The twins were actually more cooperative after meeting the prankster duo and agreed to go with them.

The twins were very devastated when their fears were confirmed. Their Sire and Mech had been offlined because they fought back against the kidnappers. The twins really were orphans, they mourned for a long time before Megatron offered them a place on his part of the crew. Optimus just watched him with loving optics as he made sure the young Mech and Praxian were alright and healed up before joining them. Chromedome and Tailgate were very bright and easily picked up on what they needed to do.

Tailgate even got closer to Cyclonus and Arcee, two Cybertronians who were on complete opposite spectrum to each other. Chromedome was very protective of his Praxian twin and had taken to giving both the Hunter and Femme the talk. Cyclonus was amused but seriously promised to take care of Tailgate while Arcee was understanding. They both knew what happened to Tailgate and even though they never mingled they clicked whenever they met. They just needed a third partner to complete their circle.

Things were going well, till they discovered another underground laboratory. There was an accident and they released a virus that started to spread throughout the City closest to it, which was City of Vos. To say Starscream was furious would be an understatement, he called for a City wide evacuation and shut down. They were all very shocked by the virus that was created, it was powered by dark energon. DARK ENERGON! Where did the blasted Council member even get the fragging dark energon?

Starscream, "Unbelievable! Just fragging unbelievable!"

Megatron, "Stay calm! Do not panic! Focus!"

Starscream, "How can I stay calm? My people, my City, they are in danger."

Optimus, "We will save your people, as for the City, I'm sure we can rebuild it. Though, it'll take time to clean it."

Starscream was about to say something when an alarm sounded, "What the? Don't tell me!"

The three of them had wide optics as they watched a familiar looking portal opened and a familiar face returned. With the human sparkling returning the bond returned with full force of a freight ship. The pair watched as the their adopted sparkling returned and looked around confused before seeing one of the infected. They were scared when the infected creature turned to their sparkling and started to approach him sniffing at him before grunting and leaving.

Ash was very much used to Legendaries coming to him with requests for help. He had not told his group about what was going on although Yellow and Riley knew. He had told them after the two had noticed the different fluctuations in his aura. He had come clean about the requests the Legendary Pokemon and how he had been traveling from one planet to another. To say they were furious was an understatement and the next time he had run into Legendaries again, they rushed to where he was. They stayed with him and scolded the Legendary Pokemon for pushing the responsibility on him.

Ash had to calm them down so they didn't end up stabbing them and promised them he would be fine. That took some time but finally they calmed down and Dialga and Palkia finally explained why Ash was specifically picked for it. He was, in the coming future, one of the first humans to have a successful relationship with an alien race. The familial relationship between them helped the two race to come to an understanding and building a good interstellar relationship.

Riley and Yellow wanted to protest but realized that Ash may have already bonded with them. They told him, they would let him go only if he told Red, if not his mother, Ash nodded agreeing with it and called Red. To say his brother was not pleased was a huge understatement and Red scolded him for not telling him from the start. Ash had to spend a few more hours calming him down who had appeared where he was with his Alakazam who was also not amused. After calming them down which took the entire night when he told them everything that happened, Red finally agreed to let go.

Ash walked out of the portal sighing, 'Boy, that could have been worse.'

Lucario, -You alright Meema?-

Gardevoir, -Yeah, partner you look exhausted.-

Ash, "I'm fine, just thinking it could be worse that's all .... Oh! The bond is back... Haaaa.. "

Lucario, -I feel it too. Those are some strong emotions.-

Gardevoir, -Me too! They really care about you.-

Ash, "Stop."

Lucario looked up and saw quite a disturbing sight, it was a Cybertronian but a very strange looking one. Lucario and Gardevoir stood ready to battle as the strange looking being bent forward sniffing them? It stood up and snarled before perking up and going towards another area away from them. Lucario and Gardevoir gave a sigh of relief but Ash had felt the fear coming through the bond and watched as the creature walked away.

Ash wheezed, "That was a zombie.... A Cybertronian zombie."

Ash, 'Am I in Transformers Prime? Oh dear! I hope not. In that timeline Cybertron died.'

Lucario, -Meema? What are you thinking?-

Ash narrowed his eyes, "We are going after him. This is suspicious."

Lucario, -Okay.-

Gardevoir, -This is Cybertron, what a beautiful and fascinating place.-

Ash and the two Pokemon went after the zombie creature and Ash could feel the apprehension coming from his bond. He sent back assurances that he would be safe but it only made the worry coming back twice the amount. Ash sweatdropped at the worry but he figured he could understand and promised he would be careful. He felt the frustration coming from the two of them as they followed the zombie be joined by other zombies.

Ash, "Over there! I think there are a few people inside that building."

Lucario, -Aura sight... Yes, there is a family in there. Oh dear!-

Gardevoir, -What do we do partner?-

Ash, "We distract them so they can get out of there."

Gardevoir, -Okay.-

Lucario, -Got it!-

Ash, "Come Absol, I need your help."

Absol nuzzled him before looking at the problem and nodding. Absol jumped up and crossed the wall to where the zombies were gathered and attacked using dark ball. It was followed by bullet punch from Lucario and Gardevoir attacked using moonblast. The attacks hit the zombies and they turned to them and gave a loud screech as they started to run after them. Gardevoir and Lucario grabbed Ash and jumped on top of some of the cables that was overhead them. Ash then looked back and told Absol to use night slash on the rest of the zombies to get their attention.

Ash, "Time to run! Return Absol, good job buddy."

Optimus was furious, he was downright angry, he warned his sparkling to not get the infected cybertronian's attention, but what did he do, he went and got their attention. His sparkling is getting a thorough lecture on his self preservation once he got his servos on that wayward sparkling of his. He could feel Megatron's own frustration for the sparkling through the bond as well. And some of the Warlord's thoughts about locking the sparkling up and not letting him out, till he was at least fifty vorns. Optimus would have tried to talk him out of it but even he was furious and under that fury was fear for Ash's safety.

Megatron, #I don't understand, doesn't he have a birth Carrier and a birth Sire? Why do they let him come here?#

Optimus, #Perhaps they don't know about him coming here? I know Bumblebee hides things from Gold Bug and Speedway and Blades hides from Windblade and Blackstorm. I think our wayward sparkling is the same.#

Vector Prime commed, :I didn't think I would actually witness another human jumping into danger. I know my older counterpart shared his memories with me but still. I can all of a sudden understand his frustration and love. He is going a different direction now.:

Starscream, #He changed his direction? I see, instead of coming this way, he is leading the infected towards the smelting pool.#

Optimus sped up, #That foolish sparkling!#

Megatron sped up as well, #I'm locking him up once I get my servos on him.#

Ash had told Lucario see if they were near the smelting pool from their first visit and Lucario nodded. Turns out the facility that held the sparklings and younglings were not that far from the City they were in. Ash though half wondered if someone had something against the children of Cybertron. He felt very strongly about that and Optimus almost crashed into a wall when he read that suspicion through the bond. Megatron was grim beside him and hurried up to get to the pools worried about what that bitlet was thinking.

Starscream, #Skyfire, take a group with you and help the family unit that was trapped inside the building to escape. It seems the little one's distraction worked a little too well.#

Skyfire, #Alright... Just stay safe!#

Starscream sent him a reassuring nudge and Skyfire flew off in the opposite direction of where they were going. He and his team of three ariel bots and two grounder bots landed outside the building and entered it by using the emergency lock. They found the four family units huddled together ready to defend their sparklings and younglings. Skyfire helped them outside and led then towards the area that was safer than the City while explaining the situation.

Back at the base Vector Prime had to deal with a bunch of young Cybertronians who had just reached adulthood. They were asking what was going on and if everyone was okay and if Ash had returned again. He seemed to always turn up to help them when the situation becomes very dire. Vector Prime explained the situation to them the best he could without scaring them but they got worried anyway. Humans were not as fast as Cybertronians and despite his abilities, Ash was still at a disadvantage compared to the infected monsters.

Those monsters did not need rest or refueling but as a human Ash certainly did. They all remembered how he and his Pokemon would eat alongside them as they consumed their energon. It was nice. They watched the screen as Ash was running along side Lucario and a new femme they had never seen before, and Pikachu was missing too. They were running towards the smelting area where the boiling pool still existed, they had been waiting for the pool to cool down but it had not cooled down that much.

Ash looked up as he felt the heat but didn't stop running and called for Alakazam and Eevee. He told Gardevoir and Alakazam to combine their psychic abilities and create a platform for them and told Eevee to copy cat the move. The three Pokemon nodded and combined their powers to create a psychic platform and Ash told Lucario to use aura sphere. He knew the Autobots and the Decepticons had reached the place but he needed to take down at a quarter of them if half was not possible.

Ash, 'The ones in the back probably switched their priorities by now realizing there were cybertronians behind them.'

Lucario, -I can hear fighting... Take this.-

Ash, "Hold the platform, let them climb."

Alakazam looked down at the smelting pool apprehensively, -I don't approve but it might work.-

Ash waited till the closest zombie was a few feet away, "Now, cut off the platform!"

Gardevoir, Alakazam and Eevee smirked as they let the platform disappear and the zombie creature fall. Ash noticed they had gotten almost half of the zombies while the rest were fighting the Decepticons and the Autobots. Ash and his group slowly approached the fighting area and watched them fight with awe. Megatron was feeling very smug and Optimus gave a satisfied grin before focusing on the battle. Seeing the smelting pool completely eliminate the infected Cybertronians the group decided to force the rest of the infected into the fool.

Ash was very impressed on seeing Megatron and Optimus expertly use the Star Saber Sword and Skyboom Shield. He knew they would master the two weapons very quickly and they did. Ash did not realize thanks to the exhaustion he felt after running using aura his control over his emotions were a bit low. The two adults clearly felt and heard what he was thinking and were actually feeling quite proud of themselves. Their sudden happiness and confidence resonated with the shield and the sword and Megatron suddenly had information on a move that could end this while Optimus knew how to increase the shield's radius.

Optimus, #Everyone behind me now!#

All of the Autobots and Decepticons rushed to get behind Optimus who held the glowing shield up while Megatron focused on increasing the swords power and slashed at the targets. Ash jumped up and started clapping very excitedly, an action that made Vector Prime realize that Ash knew, somehow he knew what the weapons were actually capable of. He wondered to himself if the humans had documents about the sword and shield somewhere on their planet. He would have to consider traveling there himself once the space bridge has been completed.

[A. N.: So quite a bit of time has gone by and yes, for those who guessed it. Ash is in the Sinnoh region.

And he almost caused Optimus to crash and almost gave everyone a literal heart attack or spark attack. lol

He'll get a Ralts in Hoenn, dear readers. And the reason he wasn't contacted to go to Cybertron during Hoenn, well you will have to read the main story to learn.

See you next week.]