
Pokemon Re:Online

An extremely difficult monster game called Pokemon Royal Online, ‘Lucas’, the 4th in the world ranking, loses his mind while clearing a legendary dungeon. What? I’m a game character? When he woke up, ‘Lucas’ had become a level 1 NPC. Not knowing how or why this happened to him and looking at the sky he says “You messed with the wrong person.” The story of an implacable master, who does not tolerate a single defeat, begins.

PokemonBlack · Komik
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6 Chs

Who is Lucas Black.

I didn't know how long I had been sleeping, but I had a surreal dream to the point of amusement. I had somehow been transformed into an NPC of the game where I became a champion in just one day.

But then reality hit, and I opened my eyes to find something very different from my familiar room. The walls and ceiling were entirely made of metal or steel in a futuristic style that I didn't recognize.

However, what brought me back to reality was not the place, but the excruciating pain I felt in my ribs and my arm, which was completely bandaged. Looking around, I noticed several machines probing my condition and monitoring me.

"This definitely isn't Earth," I thought in anguish, closing my eyes.

"Finally, you woke up, huh?" A woman with brown hair tied in a bun, her crystal-green eyes in the middle of her beautiful slender face. She wore a pink scientist outfit with a gray skirt and matching ballet flats. She was probably around 38 years old and stood at 1.75 meters.

I couldn't react to her arrival and just looked at her with a neutral expression. There was too much happening all at once for me to process in a short period of time.

"How did I get here? Why am I here? Who did this to me? Why? Why? WHY ME?" Anger surged in my chest for a moment, but it quickly subsided.

"It's no use," I concluded.

She didn't mind my lack of response and promptly approached with a clipboard that I was sure contained a lot of information. Looking into my eyes, she gave me a slight smile as if finding my situation amusing.

"You have a very interesting and unique history, Mr. Black," she said. I couldn't help but feel nervous about what she meant. I knew nothing about the past of this new body or who he was.

"Name: Lucas Black."

"Age: 17 years old, born on May 1, 1495, according to the Arceus calendar."

"Born in the Kalos region in Lumiose, West District."

"Parents: deceased." She raised her gaze to me with a playful smile. She seemed to find every piece of information she wanted. Even though Orre was infertile and had no Pokémon to "capture," it remained one of the most technologically advanced regions compared to any other.

"Best Student in the Region: receiving the shiny Froakie starter from Professor Augustine Sycamore, as well as being sponsored by the same professor. Obtaining benefits as a mid-rank trainer, access to Pokémon storage facilities, and the right to participate in his new research, receiving two items."

She looked up at me and showed almost no reaction while examining the information about this body. Even I was astonished by the history of this body. But obviously, she must have read these pieces of information before appearing in front of me.

"History: As the top student in your region at the age of 15, you were sent to the Paldea region as a bonus reward for being the best student, enrolling in the Orange School and being sponsored by Professor Sara and the academy director, Clavell. You were granted your requested Pokémon [Charmander]."

It was too much information to process. "Why would such an illustrious student come to this war-torn world in the middle of a war?" I couldn't help but have a complaint in my heart.

"Was he one of those idiotic geniuses?"

"After 2 years of entering the Orange School, demonstrating incredible Pokémon knowledge and battle skills, perfectly utilizing the [Terastallizing] ability that is strictly restricted by the higher powers of the Paldea region and is only granted to those who prove worthy with the power of the [TERA ORB], you disappeared exactly 3 months ago."

Lowering the clipboard, she looked directly into my eyes, her expression revealing no transparent emotion. It was like dealing with an old fox that had been around for a long time.

"Suddenly, this illustrious student appeared as a prisoner in the Orre region, which is infinitely far from the Paldea region. Even 3 months wouldn't be enough time for you to traverse all the regions and arrive here, where there's been a war between Orre, Cipher, Johto, and Kanto for a year and a half. Only an idiot would come here in these circumstances."

"Swollen arm, 2 broken ribs, twisted knee, and your supposed Pokémon disappeared. The only thing we found were your items and your Pokedex-Rotom. That's how I discovered various pieces of information about you." Lily might be in a war, and her emotions might be in chaos with Professor Krane being kidnapped and constant warfare with deaths on the left and right.

She was honest, and with such a person's background, she gave some leeway and a chance for him to justify his story and what happened for him to appear trapped in a Cipher facility they had destroyed.

Her voice sounded grave enough to indirectly tell me that if I gave the wrong answer, things would end very badly for me.

"What do you have to say?" she asked.

I was very surprised by everything she said and hadn't absorbed everything she had told me. Every time she recounted a part of Lucas Black's history, a notification from the system appeared. His curiosity was at its peak, but he had no way to check the notifications that appeared with the woman in front of him.

"I honestly don't remember," I decided to lie until the end. "All I remember is being tied up and locked in a dark, cold room, chained there by Arceus knows how long." The pain that shot through my ribs helped twist my expression with sadness and pain.

"I woke up being interrogated for the same reasons by those guys you call Cipher team. I was tortured and beaten for hours and days, every time they used a Pokémon to heal me slightly and used an Alakazam to try to read my mind, but they never succeeded, and I don't know why."

My expression was one of pain, and my voice came out slow and dragged due to my injuries. She listened to my entire story calmly while monitoring me and confirmed that I wasn't lying. She told me that I was saved by her son named Ryuuto Michael, along with Lieutenant Surge and his team of Rangers.

She explained that this was a special facility in Orre, and I slowly became familiar with it and the other two researchers who assisted her. One of them was another son she had named Jovi. She was very spontaneous and strangely spoke only in the third person, a very fun person indeed. Her other son, Michael, was in an operation to take down Cipher.

She firmly believed that the war was coming to an end, her calculations said it would last at most another year and a half, and I decided to help them and get revenge on them for what they did to me. At first, she felt reluctant and suspicious, thinking that I was trying to deceive her. But over time, she gradually accepted it after receiving information from her Psychic Pokémon, and I became part of the team.

And when I was lying in a room given to me by Lily, I could see all the messages that appeared in the system.

[Synchronized data] ... [establishing connection]... [error].....[error]

[Repairing]..... [successful attempt]...[success]

[Statistics reset]....[New parameters have been opened]....[Change log can be viewed].....

[Your Pokémon have been updated, welcome to Pokémon Online!]

[error].... [updating data].... [update completed]

[You've discovered information about Lucas Black~]

[All information has been updated!] ..... [Do you want to view the log?]

[You've received titles]..... [Do you want to view the log?]

[You've unlocked Teralize Battle Zero Energy]... [Do you want to view the log?]

[Your Pokémon have been updated!] ..... [Do you want to view the log?]


I was a little shocked by the flood of information that came all at once and decided to see each one one by one.

[NPC]: Lucas Black

[Titles]: [Beyond Evolution (NEW)!].... [Teralizing (NEW)!] [Do you want to view the log?].... [Spirit Bound (NEW)] [Do you want to view the log?]

[Beyond Evolution (NEW)!]

°(With the desire to surpass limits and ascend to unknown skies, a miracle will open the way and reveal your true form, achieving your mega evolution. Being the first player to achieve such a feat, you've earned the title.)


°[The cost of mega evolution is reduced by 25%]

°[Mega evolution now lasts 20% longer than normal]

[it is possible to use 2 simultaneous mega evolutions now]

°[Once a month, you can use mega evolution without meeting the necessary requirements.

The time period of mega evolution will be reduced by 50%. The pokemon will also be weakened by 50% in all abilities for 1 hour.]

[Teralizing (NEW)!]

°(Terastallizing gives the Pokémon a gem-like appearance and changes its type, with a Tera Jewel on top of its head corresponding to its new type. Each individual Pokémon has a designated type it transforms into when Terastallized, called Tera Type)


[As the first player to perfectly use the Teralize Power, you can now use Teralize power outside of Paldea by using Zero Battle Energy.]

~[You've acquired Zero Battle Energy] > [Current Energy > 0/100]

[Now you can use Teralize energy without the Tera Orb!]

[Spirit Bound (NEW)]

(An indomitable spirit that never gives up alongside its partner, to survive against all odds, they unite and become one with an unwavering will.)


°[When synchronizing with your Pokémon, shared damage received is reduced by 50% during the Battle Bond effect. Not effective with mega evolutions or Gigantamax.]

[You can choose one Pokémon to give the Battle Bond ability to, but only a few Pokémon can be chosen. The exchange is irreversible.]

[Selected Pokémon 0/1]

[Age]: [17] [Do you want to view the log?] > 15>17

[Pokémon/box]: [Charmander Lv.1] .... [S.Froakie Lv.1] ... [Trapinch Lv.1] [Do you want to view the log?]

°[Charizard Lv.297 > Charmander Lv.1] ... [S.Greninja Lv.301 > S.Froakie Lv.1] ..... [Flygon Lv.298 > Trapinch Lv.1]

[All other Pokémon have been reset/undone.]

[Now you can store Pokémon in the box. Available space 3/15]

[Skill]: [Mega-evolution. Lv1].... [Energy Battle Lv.1] .... [Spirit Bound Lv.1]

[Items]: [Necklace Stone/1 pc.] [Charizardite X/1 pc.] [Super Potion/6] [Heal/4x] [Berry Straw/6x] [Candy X/M. 9x] [Pokeball 7x] [Great Ball 5x] [ Ultra ball 2x] [Premier ball 2x]

[Affiliation]: [Kalos/Lumiose] / [Paldea/Mesagoza]

[Sponsorship]: Prof. Sycamore (Kalos) / Prof. Sara (Paldea).

I was quite shocked by these extravagant titles, especially Teralizing and Spirit Bound. One could only be used in the Paldea region due to its Zero Battle Energy effect. Now I could use it in any region I wanted... I would have to use it very carefully or as a trump card. If other people knew that I could use it as I pleased...

The mega-evolution title was really good, there was no denying it... But compared to the other two, there was simply no comparison in terms of utility and rarity.

And the other, Spirit Bound. I had never come across this kind of ability before because it was exclusive to a few people. It was impossible to obtain this ability through normal means. The number one player in Pokémon Online had this ability with their Greninja. It was a terrifying ability that could go toe-to-toe with and surpass most mega evolutions and Gigantamax forms.

"I never got this ability. I caught numerous Froakie and evolved them into Greninja, but I never got anything like this," I sighed with disappointment. It was a bitter time. Many people tried, but out of all the players, only 4 succeeded. That's how rare this ability was. I couldn't even buy it because it was sold at exorbitant prices...

"It was a bitter time," I smiled depreciatingly. I felt even more bitter and upset when I saw the levels of the Pokémon Lucas Black had, and they were all reset...

"It's been reset... there's nothing I can do," I looked closely at the names of the 3 Pokémon that the current Lucas Black owned.

"It's not a bad composition; I like it."

It had been 3 weeks since I entered the game, and little by little, I accepted the reality that I had become an NPC within the game after becoming a champion. I got up and walked through the corridor until I reached Lily's research laboratory and finally accepted my new life after almost going crazy.

"I would like to use the virtual battle simulator," I said.

And so, my new life begins. After all, there was a timer on my menu window showing a duration and a mission.

"beta test: 1y6m.

[Mission] >[Cipher Destruction]


°(You have discovered the truth about Lucas Black. Help Michael and Lily defeat/destroy or kill the Cipher team during the Orre war! Refusal is not allowed!)

°(Rescue Professor Krane from the clutches of the Cipher team)

[Rescue or purify the target DX001.]

°(Prevent the death of NPC Michael).

°(Failure > DEATH)





Another chapter with over 2k words. Any errors or tips to help improve the fanfic are always welcome.

PokemonBlackcreators' thoughts