
It's a Trap!

It has been a few days since they left the Tech school, Ash was purposely using the Map on his Pokedex and modifying it so that they wouldn't question why they were so far off the road.

Currently, Scyther was out practicing Slash on long grass and low-hanging trees as they were walking, at first he was worried he would have to teach him to cut before he remembered that was stupid and went through the forest without it.

Misty was in the far back making the order Ash, Brock, Yellow, then Misty. Misty of course wanted to say something about being off track but after seeing Ash's (Modified) map on his Pokedex and Scyther she decided to remain quiet.

Meanwhile, Ash was thinking about what happened and what would happen, 'So team Rocket didn't do anything in Pokemon Tech, which I mean makes sense, but I hope they do show up in the hidden village since that was a big part in my plan to get Bulbasaur.'

'Well I always have Plan B, but I don't want to try that. Well, no matter what, the main thing I need to worry about is how to get past the bridge without falling.'

Ash's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a stream turning to see a Oddish drinking from the stream.

"An Oddish," Brock said, "They normally aren't found around this area so what is one doing around here,"

"Wow, an Oddish!" Yellow exclaimed before looking towards Ash, "It looks like yours before it evolved."

Yellow seemed to want to catch it before Misty cut in, "Sorry Yellow but I call dibs." Before throwing out Seel's Pokeball.

"Seel use Headbutt, " The Oddish who was still distracted was not expecting the sneak attack, sending it flying Back close to the Bushes.

"That weakened it. Gotta catch it now." Misty said as she pulled out an empty Pokeball, "Poké Ball, go!"

But as the Ball was in the air it was intercepted by two vines hitting it out of the air, then slapping Seel.

When everyone turned they saw a Bulbasaur. Glaring back at everyone who tried to hurt his friend.

"A Bulbasaur, but those are only found deep in Viridian forest. What is one doing out here?" Brock questioned.

Bulbasuar looked back at everyone in a challenging glare before running off with Oddish with a "Bulba".

Meanwhile, Misty looked dejected for not catching Oddish. And Yellow comforted her.

After a bit everyone decided to Keep walking until they reached the bridge, Ash returned Scyther seeing it, and went over his plan in his head.

"Wow, what kind of bridge is this," Yellow asked, looking toward the boys.

Brock pulled out his map and looked it over, "I can't find this bridge on my map, what about you Ash are you seeing anything on your Pokedex."

That pulled Ash out of his thoughts as he pulled out his Pokedex and handed it to Brock, "No there's no information about this place."

"Well we don't have anywhere to go except forward," Misty said as she took the lead and they followed behind her, but Ash specifically took the back.

They all tried to stay balanced on the wooden bridge and for the most part, they were doing well before the wind picked up and started blowing on them. Causing the rope on the bridge to start snapping, so Ash initiated his plan.

He ran to the ropes that started tearing and grabbed the two sides as they snapped off holding the bridge, to be honest, he could hold the bridge together even without Aura enhancement, but he acted like he was putting in a lot of effort for dramatic effect, and so they wouldn't wonder how he could do it.

"Ash!" Yellow was the first to see what Ash was doing because she was directly in front of him causing Brock and Misty to look and see Ash hold the bridge together.

"What are you doing?" Misty asked, Shocked by what she was seeing.

"What does it look like I'm saving all of you, now you guys need to get across the bridge," Ash said, trembling as he kept the act up.

"What no, we aren't leaving you," Brock said looking around.

"Yeah there has to be something we can do," Yellow said, trying to see how she could help.

"No it's fine, you guys need to get across before something happens, I am the only one here with a flying Pokemon so get off this Bridge before another one of the ropes snaps," Ash said, continuing his act.

Brock wanted to protest but he knew Ash was right and grabbed Yellow and Misty, "Come on we have to trust him or we will all end up falling."

Yellow tried protesting but Misty also helped calm her down a bit as they got off the Bridge.

"Pikachu you awake," Ash called out as a tired mouse came out of his Backpack and jumped on Ash's shoulder before noticing where they were and going full Loony Toons.

"Yeah, you mind helping, just get onto my belt and press the button on the Pokeball," Ash said, since he only had one Pokeball on his holster and the rest were put away.

Pikachu climbed down Ash and pushed the Pokeball releasing Fearow, who was also shocked seeing where Ash was.

"Sup, I'm just hanging out here. You mind helping me out." Ash said as Fearow looked at him before sighing and grabbing Ash by his Jacket Pulling him up, and Carrying him across the bridge quite easily.

As soon as he landed on the other side he was greeted by a hug from his friends as Brock and Misty started scolding him.

"What were you thinking, why would you do that?" Misty said, slightly shaking him.

"I wasn't thinking, that's why I did it" Ash lied.

"Why didn't you let us find a way to help, you could have fallen," Brock said.

"Well I was thinking about you guys, I would rather fall than you guys, so I prioritized your safety," Ash said.

After a bit Brock and Misty let go but Yellow held on for a few more seconds so Ash tried to liven the tense mood, "Hey look on the bright side at least it wasn't metal wiring." that didn't seem to cheer Yellow up as she just hugged Ash tighter.

He was not good in these kinds of situations so he tried again, "Hey cheer up everyone is fine and that's what's important,"

That seemed to make Yellow cheer up a bit and finally let go of Ash. Although Ash was fine his gloves were ripped and parts of his Jacket also tore.

Brock saw this and came up to Ash, "Hey do you want me to stitch your Jacket and gloves back together?"

"Sure but not now. We still need to find a place before it gets too dark." Ash explained and so they all decided to continue walking.

After a bit of walking Misty was in front of Ash and he grabbed her shoulder stopping her before she walked into a trap.

"What is it?" Misty asked, still a bit concerned.

Ash picked up a stone from the ground, "You almost fell into a trap," he said before flicking the stone making the sinkhole fall.

Everyone was shocked, especially seeing how Ash saw it. It seems like they were going to ask about it before Ash answered, "The dirt was moved, whoever made these doesn't know what they are doing."

"Then there are probably more," Brock concluded, "We should be more careful."

Everyone nodded as they started walking looking for more of the traps, Ash was mainly looking for what path would lead them to the village, mainly by looking for a clump of Aura.

He didn't notice a crack from a tree root causing a trap to be sprung, he was far enough away not to get caught but Misty, Brock, and Yellow got caught in the net trap.

(In case anyone was wondering I rolled a dice to see if they fell in either of these traps, a 12 for the hole which was good enough, but the net was a 5.)

"Wha- how did we get in the tree?!" Yellow asked due to the speed at which the trap sprung.

"Another trap, hey Ash do something," Misty said as she started squirming kicking Brock in the chest.

"Alright but you're not going to like what I do," Ash said with a teasing grin, he could have used a knife but instead, he released Scyther and told him to get ready.

He then moved under the net to catch them, "Scyther, Slash" he called out, and as Scyther cut the rope they started falling, Ash was prepared to catch them though Brock did get the short end of the stick and got Misty and Yellow falling on top of him.

"Thanks, Ash," Brock said, slightly muffled because MIsty's bag fell on top of his face.

"No problem guys."

"Can you put us down now," Misty asked as she grabbed her bag.

Ash smiled, "I don't know you are the one who triggered the trap and almost fell in the hole, I think I should just carry all of you the whole way."

Eventually, he let them all down, not after more teasing but they eventually continued walking and got to a river where they saw a blue-haired young woman wearing a pink shirt and red overalls.

Brock's Eyes widened, (Scary I know) and slid to her, "Hello Beautiful-" She didn't seem to notice the compliment as she got up and seemingly tried to hide something and looked defective.

"What is your business here?" the girl said.

"We were just Passing through, then the bridge we were walking on broke so we were looking for a way back," Ash said saying things in a way specifically so they wouldn't find out that this was the wrong path.

Melanie realized they weren't here for the village and calmed down before starting to apologize, "I am sorry I set those traps up to keep out Pokemon trainers who would try and catch the Pokemon living here."

"You see this forest is a sanctuary for sick and injured Pokemon who have been abandoned by their trainers," Melanie said, causing Brock to blank back into reality and get serious again, "I ask that none of you try and catch any of the Pokemon here."

"Does that mean that Bulbasaur from before was yours?"

"No, I found Bulbasaur one day after he was abandoned by his trainer he was left heavily injured. I nursed him back to health but ever since he has taken it upon himself to become the defender of this place." Melanie said, looking a little sad.

"So this is a Pokémon center and you are a Pokémon doctor?" Yellow asked, causing Melanie to shake her head.

"Oh, no. I'm not qualified to be a Pokémon doctor. This is more like a Pokémon health spa. I just try my best to take care of injured Pokemon."

Brock was impressed by what he heard, "That is impressive, I myself am trying to become a Pokemon Breeder and I don't think I could have done what you're doing."

Melanie was surprised to hear that, "Really, how much have you learned while traveling?"

"Yes, I have learned a lot more about taking care of Pokemon since I left with Ash here, most of which he taught me himself."

Melanie looked surprised and looked at Ash, "Really how much do you know about taking care of Pokemon?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just took some classes once," Ash said, 'I also spent 8 years studying medicine but no one needs to know that.'

Melanie thought he was just being modest and questioned them about it.

After a while they noticed the sun was going down, "Would you guys like to stay by my cabin for the night?" Melanie offered since it was nice having people over and she didn't believe they were lying."

Misty was the one that accepted not wanting to potentially find some bugs, "Ok just promise that none of you will try to battle or catch any Pokemon."

"We promise," Brock said as everyone nodded.