
Pokemon Plus

Typical transfer to another world (pokemon world) with a system. Happens after Ash/Gary era, 30+ years after. Does not follow the original story. Has a different take in the pokemon metaverse. He doesn't have a goal in mind, just trying to enjoy the pokemon world. Maybe later in the series. This is my first time writing something so I apologize if it's a bit confusing, English isn't my first language so, I may have a lot of wrong spellings, grammar issues, and something wrong with my tenses or POV. Disclaimer I don't own Pokemon

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57 Chs

Chapter 49

A few months have passed and the end of the second school year is nearing. Leon, Mark, and Woody had completed the required missions. They have also done numerous C-rank missions that would probably place them at the top one position among all the second years. They were attempting to do a B-rank mission for their last one this school year. There are final preparations to be made before they set off to Cinnabar Island.

The Cinnabar Island Gym Leader Blaine requested support from the Pokemon Association. Their scouts detected a sizable Pokemon Horde that totaled over three thousand wild pokemon gathering south of the island. These Pokemon were comprised of the species Octillery, Tentacruel, Jellicent, Barbaracle, Carracosta, and Drednaw. They were being led by a powerful Drednaw.

Although Blaine could handle the leader alone, the Horde would eventually overwhelm them. His personnel only amounted to about fifty powerful pokemon trainers, hence the request for help. Many responded to the request and they were able to amass an army of 300+ pokemon trainers.

During these types of sieges, almost all the pokemon trainers would be stationed in a command center located at the heart of the fortress. This command center gave them an aerial view that towered over the battlefield. It was protected behind the fortress walls and also by a powerful barrier, so the enemy would not be able to destroy it from afar unless the shields fail and it gets hit by a very powerful attack. It functioned as a Soul Bound amplifier allowing weaker pokemon trainers to safely issue commands while their pokemon were on the chaotic battlefield.

Some powerful trainers would opt to join their beloved pokemon in battle. Leon favored this. He did not want to let his family risk their lives while he was safely inside the command center. Mark was a future heir to an influential family. Woody was also next in line to inherit the family business so their family pulled some strings and forbade them from entering the battlefield. They were left with no choice but to agree.

Approximately a week before leaving for the mission, somewhere deep within Mt. Moon, Leon was sitting cross-legged in a meditative state in an area rich with world energy. He was planning to increase his stage to B rank today to ensure his pokemon's safety and himself. It helped push Leon to the brink of a breakthrough when Fae and Iroh evolved into Togetic and Armarouge, respectively. Although he would not be able to fully master his increased strength in such a short time, his physical prowess would at least be equal to an Ultra Class Trainer thus increasing his chances of survival during the mission. As Mark and Woody were stationed at the command center, Leon would be assigned to a different three-man group. They were positioned closer to the front-line making this upcoming B-rank mission dangerous for him and his pokemon.

As Leon was concentrating, letting the world's energy flow into his mind, body, and soul he felt something rumbling deep inside him. He read in Mewpedia that as humans grew in strength their cells would be replaced with stronger ones. This process would occur because their entire genetic makeup would undergo an evolution. This process was described as something excruciatingly painful and different from what Pokemon felt.

He braced himself waiting for the pain to arrive. Moments later instead of pain, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort. It was like his body became lighter and invisible chains that were wrapped around him were being released one by one. It was as if his entire being was filled with immeasurable power.

I could probably defeat a low-grade B-rank pokemon by myself Leon thought. There was no way a B-stage human could fight a B-stage Pokémon without any assistance, let alone defeat it. Leon was stronger than most of the pokemon trainers at his level due to the abilities, skills, and blessings he was given. He also speculated that the reason his breakthrough was different was that his body was technically "customized" by Lady Mew hence the difference. Following the notification, he checked his status.

Congratulations on a successful breakthrough.

All Systems parameters have been greatly strengthened.

Mewpedia's knowledge bank has been updated.

Training Simulator remains unchanged.

Shadow Dimension; Item Box capacity increased to 10kmx10km; Pokemon Habitat's growth and healing have been increased to x2. All types of injury can now be healed.

All existing abilities, talents, and skills are strengthened.

Species: Human

Name: Leon Flyheight

Age: 14+ years

Sex: Male

Ability: System Host, Aura, Psychic

Talent: Pokemon Affinity, Shadow Affinity, Living Flame Affinity, I am the captain now, Mc's right-hand man

Potential: - level too low-

Level: 76 (B rank low), Aura Knight Commander rank (Tier 3), 3 Wave Psychic rank (Tier 3).

Skills: - Click to expand -

New* Active: Teleportation (F), Dowsing (F), Precognition (F), Remote Viewing (F), Aura Transference (F), Aura Communication (F)

When Fae evolved to Togetic, Leon gained the talent "Mc's right-hand man – as long as you stick with the Mc you have nothing to fear." Leon discovered that when he was together with Fae, lucky encounters would frequently happen. It would be like finding the missing Meowth from the mission the moment they accepted the quest. When Leon began hunting alone he would easily find two to three wild S-rank potential pokemon. From then on he would let Fae stick close to him. "Luckily" Fae learned the move Minimize and she shrank her size down so Leon could easily carry her around. A strange talent, but still useful nonetheless, Leon thought to himself.

Leon still had a few days to get used to his newly acquired powers so he had to work diligently.