
Pokemon: Pallet Town's Genius

A 17 year old guy called Colson from Earth gets a second chance at life, but in a completely different world with different customs and new creatures. Lets see what his journey will bring us and what he will achieve as the twin of Green in Pallet Town ______________________________ This fanfic is made by me on this account. If seen anywhere else, it's a copy and paste. Colson will not limit himself to the gyms in Kanto and will join another league! But you will have to find out your self :) Pokemon is owned by Pokemon co, and the only thing I own are the MC and my OCs. Im a busy boy so don't expect a stable upload schedule but I will try my best to upload a few chapters a week. Also no colour or talent system. This story will be based on the anime with a sprinkle of the games and a pinch of au. Things like ways of evolving, the age of some characters, move mechanics, and what Pokemon can mega will be different. Comment if I made a grammar mistake as it's my first time writing any stories outside of the quick narratives I wrote at school.

Cabrera4 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

First Capture [22]


I'm currently re watching the Pokemon anime! I'm currently on episode five as I type this. This is to help me with writing and because I genuinely love the anime.

Brock is actually waifu material, bro no cap. The man knows how to cook and can take care of nine of his siblings by himself. If that isn't waifu material idk what is. *Cough cough Cynthia*

Everyone reading I have a power stone goal for a bonus chapter!

200 Stones = 1 chapter

Also leave a review please and don't forget to add this story to your library!


My Gabite is an extremely great Pokemon. His stats are at times better than Monferno's but his other stats like Coordination and core are a little lacking. I still need to balance out Monferno and Gabites stats but for now it is an extremely good start for my Galar team.


After letting my Pokemon introduce themselves I retreive Monferno and Gabite, while keeping my Bulbasaur outside his Pokeball with me.

I'm gonna be keeping Bulbasaur outside his Pokeball for several reasons. Two of these reasons are for training and because my Bulbasaur has been in stasis mode for who knows how many years now.

I'm not cruel enough to keep this little guy in his Pokeball after finally tasting freedom outside his Pokeball. Granted, his last memory of being outside his Pokeball was when he was being put in it, so I'm gonna let him enjoy the outside and start befriending the little guy.

Taking out some E grade Pokeblocks I proceed to start spoiling the little guy. I mean, who wouldn't spoil a cute and docile Pokemon.

"Bulbasaur!" he growls satisfied lifting his chin up.

Seeing this I start to laugh at his proud attitude, we might have a narcissist over here.

Oh well I mean he is an amazing Pokemon.

Before Bulbasaur can stroke his own ego even more I start heading my way to Viridian wtih the on way path near the Professor's Lab with Bulbasaur quickly following from behind, making his way to my side.

On my way to Viridian City I'm going to be training my Bulbasaur with multiple different methods I've made up on the go.

For the first training method I'm going to use, is to have two Pokeballs in my hand. I will be at random times either throwing or dropping them and Bulbasaur has to react and catch them in time.

This method will train his reaction time that will help him with dodging and will improve his coordination when trying to use his moves like Vine whip in the future. My Bulbasaur can control four Vine whips at the same time so this will also help him multi task.

It won't be easy for Bulbasaur but hopefully this helps him as I made this training only using theory. For the next 20 minutes of walking is me using this training method to help Bulbasaur.

Even though he failed at catching the Pokeball the first few times because of his reaction time, he was able to get the hang of it 15 minutes into the walk. Catching Pokeball at least half of the time now, I can see the improvement slowly but surely.

Now half way to Viridian City I spot a few Pokemon like Pidgey, Spearow and Rattatas. But interestingly enough soon after a few encounters with a few Pokemon we finally found an interesting Pokemon.

[Species: Growlithe ♂ (The puppy Pokemon)

Junior Tier (lvl 6)

Wild Pokemon

Type: Fire

Ability: Intimidate (When sent out it lowers the opposing Pokemons will/physical attack without the opposing Pokemon knowing.)

Basic Information: This Growlith is close to the average level a Growlith can be at this stage as its barely trained as it has barely battled. It's 1.1 times bigger than the average Growlith and is pretty lax due to its lazy nature living in a forest with minimal predators that can rival it.]

Coordination: F-

Strength: F

Endurance: F-

Agility: F+

Core Capacity: F-

Core Potency: F


Making up my mind, I've decided to catch this Growlithe and make this Bulbasaur's first battle with me.

"Bulbasaur, on guard!" Bulbasaur hearing this starts to run from my side, going in front of me prepared for battle.

The Growlithe seeing my Bulbasaur's aggression starts to get into a fighting position. Not wanting to wait any longer, I started to order my Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, use Sunny Day and Growth to start us off." I said, the reason for Sunny Day was because Bulbasaur was already outside his Pokeball so Sunny Day wasn't already set up.

Bulbasaur hearing my commands starts to glow brightly, making the surroundings heat up.

The Growlith, not one to sit around uses an Ember attack. Bulbasaur seeing this easily dodges with his speed now doubled by his ability, now open to use a move Bulbasaur uses Growth to boost itself.

But in turn because of Growth Growlithe gets a free tackle in, hitting Bulbasaur.

'Bulbasaur should be fine now.'

"Use Vine whip to knock it back, then use toxic!" I say

The Growlithe, even having decent speed couldn't dodge the Vine whip heading for him sending him a few steps back. Soon after the attack, Bulbasaur immediately uses toxic in a wide spread making it not dodge able.

Growlithe not wanting to prolong this battle, uses an Ember trying to catch Bulbasaur off guard. Seeing this is a shout.

"Bulbasaur, protect!"

Bulbasaur quickly protecting itself, counter attacks with a tackle making the already exhausted Growlith go on its knees.

Now with an opportunity I throw an Ultra ball at Growlith making a red beam cover the puppy Pokemon.





Bulbasaur seeing that it has won the battle starts to lift up its chin with a smug look. Looking at my Bulbasaur I start to laugh.

Picking up the Ultra Ball I proceed to release the Growlith from the Pokeball and start healing it with a full restore, helping get back into tip top shape.

"Growlith~" Growlith says with a lazy yawn.

'He seems to be the lazy type.' I groan inwardly. 'I guess being a fire type in a forest removes most of the Pokemon that can threaten you making this guy lazy.'

Now with my Bulbasaur and my new team member Growlithe we proceed to start making our way to Viridian City as it's still a few hours away.

[Species: Growlith ♂ (The puppy Pokemon)

Junior Tier (lvl 6)

Wild Pokemon

Type: Fire

Ability: Intimidate (When sent out it lowers the opposing Pokemons will/physical attack without the opposing Pokemon knowing.)

Basic Information: This Growlithe is close to the average level a Growlithe can be at this stage as its barely trained as it has barely battled. It's 1.1 times bigger than the average Growlithe and is pretty lax due to its lazy nature living in a forest with minimal predators that can rival it.]



Beginner: Leer, Howl, Bite

Intermediate: Ember

Mastered: None

Enhanced: None

Signature Move: None


Coordination: F-

Strength: F

Endurance: F-

Agility: F+

Core Capacity: F-

Core Potency: F


Thanks for reading! (^///^)

Hopefully you had a good view! ( ̄▽ ̄)

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Cabrera4creators' thoughts