
Pokemon Master of Marvel (MCU)

A man's life is tragically cut short, but in death, he is given an incredible power. Reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he discovers that he has the ability to summon Pokemon. But this power is not without its consequences, and as he harnesses his newfound abilities, he must also grapple with the weight of his own mortality. With the added ability to use Aura and his emerging psychic prowess, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the perilous world of superheroes and villains, facing unimaginable challenges and making life-altering decisions along the way. Will he be able to navigate this new world and harness his powers for good, or will the darkness hiding beneath the surface consume him? Only time will tell. Join Sam in his Journey to become the Pokemon Master of Marvel.

GJCaesar · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Chapter 39

After getting a solid 7 hours of sleep, I woke up feeling incredible. It was as if all my worries had vanished overnight and I was ready to tackle the day with renewed energy and determination. However, my moment of peace and quiet was interrupted by a loud cry of "PICHU!" and being forcefully pushed back onto my bed by a small, fluffy ball of yellow fur. Pichu's exuberant welcome always brought a smile to my face, as I carefully disentangled myself from her enthusiastic hug.

The playful enthusiasm in her eyes was infectious, filling the room with a sense of joy and excitement. As I sat up on the bed, Pichu hopped around me, her tiny paws leaving sparks of electricity in the air. With a chuckle, I reached out to ruffle Pichu's soft fur, feeling the crackling energy beneath my fingers. She let out a delighted squeal, nuzzling against my hand in affection. It was clear that Pichu was eager to start the day and embark on new adventures with our team.

As I got up from the bed, Pichu followed closely at my heels, her bright eyes filled with curiosity about our surroundings. I could sense her eagerness to explore, a determination shining through despite her small size. With a newfound sense of purpose, I knew that today would be filled with opportunities for us all, taking our time and moving around my apartment making breakfast i thought about what was to come for today.

I knew we needed to get on top of taking down the various operations around the city but jut for the next short while i would take my time and get the team sorted before embarking on any too serious. I after all still had a bunch of draws ahead of me that i hadn't even touched, the excitement from getting Pichu last night took my attention away from that area. But now that i was fresh and eager for the day the excitement was palpable, quickly bringing up my status the numbers next to my draws jumped out.



AGE: 21

LEVEL: 9/??

EXP: 78/120

JOB: Novice Trainer


GASTLY (89%)

ABRA (84%)

DRAW CHANCES: 6 (B: 16| |I: 2| |A: 0| |L: 0)

POKEMON: 3 (4)/∞


ABILITIES/ PERKS: Mental Fortitude (MAX), Genetic Anomaly, Inventory, Inspect (MAX), Aura (Beginner+), Psychic (Intermediate)

With the sheer amount of basic draws i had, it made me curious, was there a way that i could trade in draws for another tier? if so then what would be the exch...





So, that's the reason. Now I have to decide whether to switch up my basic moves for a chance at an intermediate one, or stick with what I have for a guaranteed result. It's a tough decision. On one hand, having five chances for an intermediate draw increases my odds of getting a stronger Pokemon than the two I currently have. But on the other hand, my current team is already pretty well balanced and I may not even need another Pokemon starting at level 5 for now.

Fuck it, lets do it; selecting the exchange and surrendering 15 of my basic draws i watched the number reduce down to 1, but my grin grew as i watched the number of intermediate grow up to 5. With barely contained anticipation i selected the intermediate draw and watched as one dissapeared.


Received: 1x Super Potion

What the f$#%, like seriously WHAT THE F%$^!!! I gave up 5 draws for that piece of shit.

Frustration bubbled up inside me at the underwhelming reward I had received for my exchange of basic draws. It seemed like a wasted opportunity, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed at the outcome. Pichu scurried over, sensing my unease, and nudged my leg with a concerned expression on her face. Her presence was a comforting reminder that setbacks were just part of the journey, and that there would always be more chances.

Steeling myself I turned back to the draws and without seeing the results I ripped the metaphorical band-aid and powered through the remaining draws, just hoping and praying that I would get something good

*ding, ding, DING, ding*

My heart raced as I eagerly opened the list of items. My eyes widened with excitement when I saw what I had received. The shiny new Pokémon caught my attention immediately and I couldn't wait to save up for even better draws in the future. Let's go!

Received: 1x Revive

Received: 1x TM - Thunderbolt

Received: Pidgeotto (Lvl 18)

Received: 1x Rare Candy

My anticipation grew as I eagerly called out the name, bringing up its status to see what awaited me. My eyes widened with delight as I took in the impressive features and capabilities before me, feeling a surge of excitement at the possibilities


LVL 18 (0/130)



BOND: 50%

HEALTH: 100%


MOVES: Gust (Intermediate), Sand Attack (Intermediate), Quick Attack (Intermediate), Wing Attack (Intermediate)

NOTE: A bond of less than 40% will cause Pokémon to ignore some commands

Not only having a second stage evolution at my disposal but it also having all its moves at an intermediate level spoke volumes towards the value of the better draws. The presence of Pidgeotto added a new dimension to our team, its graceful appearance and formidable moveset giving me a surge of confidence in our abilities. Pichu seemed equally excited by our new companion, bouncing around in a playful display of joy.