
Pokemon: Martial Masters

Ken, a martial artist on earth died because of an accident. He was reincarnated in the world of Pokémon with the goal to be the strongest trainer and martial artist but was his reincarnation really as simple as it seems. Join Ken in his adventure to learn more about the world and himself. Explore the vast world of Pokémon and its inhabitants. This is my first time writing. This is a story I started as a new hobby. This story is a mix of the game, anime, and manga. This has a huge AU element in the story since it just doesn't make sense if all the Pokémon series happen in the same years. This story was inspired by Pokémon: Aura of Darkness by Immortle_diablo123

JhakqueZyx6 · Komik
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After the End is a New Beginning

While Ryu was busy on the phone, Ryu and I were resting on a bench when I noticed from the corner of my vision a truck that was rapidly approaching us.

Using all of my remaining strength, I manage to push Ryu as far away from myself as possible.

Although I wasn't really sure of the result since before I could see if he was out of its path. I was suddenly hit by the truck and started blacking out.


When I woke up in an unfamiliar room feeling drowsy. While I was in a daze, I remembered what I last saw. I immediately wanted to leave the room and look for people to ask what happened and where I was. I also wanted to look for Ryu since I was worried about him.

I wanted to stand up but it was at that moment I realized that I can't move my body properly and I wasn't able to stand up.

I was scared and thought that I might have been crippled by the truck. I tried to call out for help but instead of screaming, I started sobbing.

Before I could calm down and analyze my situation, the door to the room suddenly opened revealing a beautiful and elegant woman with long royal blue hair and dark green eyes wearing a green kimono and besides her is a tall and intimidating man.

The man was a head taller than her and he is wearing a white gi with very defined muscles. He looks really menacing. he looks scarier than my dojo instructors. He has sharp yellow eyes and short black hair.

While I was staring at the man. the woman suddenly approached me and carried me up. she started looking over me with a worried look then asked me in a childish tone.

ken are you alright? Are you hungry, do you want to drink milk? Did you have a nightmare or did you soil your diaper?

... Wait what on earth is happening? I am very lost and confused about my current situation.

While looking around in a daze, I started seeing signs and clues. Just like how the room is full of toys for babies or like how I was actually sleeping in a crib. Another clue was how small I was compared to them. I am slowly connecting the dots and that was when I finally grasp my situation. I am actually a baby.



I slowly learned about my current situation. I was reincarnated and those two were my parents. I learned that my name is still Ken but I have a new surname. My full name is now Ken Adler. My father is John and my Mother is Hannah.

During my first birthday, I received a lot of Pokémon dolls. I thought I was still on earth but after my second birthday, my parents showed me their garden and it was full of real Pokémons.

That was when I realized that I got reincarnated into the world of Pokémon

I mostly spotted grass type Pokémons but they were still real Pokémon. I saw a lot of Bellsprouts, Oddish, Sunflora, and I even saw some Tangela, Shroomish, Hoppip and Budew.

As we walked deeper into the garden I started seeing less pokemons but as we approached the center I saw a huge Venusuar, Gogoat, Breloom, Roserade, Leafeon, Ludicolo, Jumpluff, Exeggutor and a Chesnaught.

These were my mother's main Pokémons and the Chesnaught was my father's starter. My father also has other pokemons but he keeps them in his dojo. his team consist of Chesnaught, Hawlucha, Pangoro, Conkeldurr, Toxicroak, Machamp, Heracross and his ace Pokemon single strike Urshifu. He also has a Braviary as his mount.

I learned that we were in the forest near Celadon city. It turns out that my mom used to be the gym leader in Celadon city but after marrying my father, she decided to hand it over to her elder sister, Mary. Mary currently has a daughter six years older than me and her name is Erika.

My father on the other hand is a champion in martial arts and was offered to be part of the elite four in Kalos but refused. He wanted to travel the world and fight the strongest fighters around the world. He was in Kanto to challenge Bruno to a Pokémon battle and a martial arts duel of their own. At that time Bruno was still not part of the elite four and flint was still not the gym leader.

On the way to Pewter city, he met my mom and they fell in love. After he defeated Bruno, he returned to Celadon city. They later married and I was born shortly after.

Unlike in the anime , you can only start your journey after reaching the age of fourteen years old. In this world because of the energy in the environment people grow faster and by thirteen years old, they can already be considered as adults.

I am currently 4 years old and my father is already starting my training. It was only basic exercises and some proper breathing exercises. Every time I train my mother will watch me with worried eyes . I can even sometimes hear her complain to dad that my training was too excessive for my age.

I wasn't complaining about the training since I also want to be one of the greatest fighters and I was already used to this type of training from my time on earth.

I only need to wait for ten more years before I can start my own adventure and create my own team that would also be the greatest together with me.

I am just writing for fun so these chapters about his past are finally complete and I can start his adventure and get his pokemons. although I would skip most of his childhood, I would still reveal bits and pieces of it on a short flashback or just in their conversation.

JhakqueZyx6creators' thoughts