
Herbs acquired….

So after father left and I had a little think about my whole situation, I came to realise..... this is bullshit…. I've been reincarnated so there is a 0% chance of me not getting dragged into every problem that looks in my general direction.

I sit down on the front step of my new mansion and sulk a little and take some time to breathe and come to terms with it… well definitely need more goons, I got the 3 grinding away at their skills, have to get them some mons, but 3 won't be enough, I'll ask them to round up some homeless people and I'll train em into my people...


Well that's that I suppose, but for now I need ingredients so I can actually make some food, I know they don't have cooking oil yet, so hopefully i can find something to make it out of, gotta have oil…

I suddenly hop up and start heading to the lake to find my big fish buddy and my new fairy rabbit mouse, so I can head into town, I'd rather run than use a carriage, no suspension I found out…..not that I have one yet anyways.

I make it to the edge of the lake with houndour struggling to keep up, he will be fine after about a week, they grow up fast, too fast if you ask me, I kinda prefer him like this, but that's life I suppose.


had to call out to the lake to get 'em to come, took em about 10 seconds to appear, I balled em and started making my way to town, my servant almost begged me to let them

Do it, something about a nobles honour can't be stained by these menial chores... nobles really have people wrapped around their little finger huh….

I start walking to town at a slow pace so houndour can keep up, and he tries for about 20 minutes before he's ready for a nap, so picked him and carried him, took another hour to reach town, got to the gates, got straight through being the lord son had its perks, and made my way straight to the herb shop.

I was half expecting a *tingaling* from a bell but nothing of the sort, just a door opening, but then I smelt it....it was subtle....but it was there....Weed... so I walked in with a fast pace and get to the counter, it has no one there but I notice a sunflora, chilling behind the counter.

Gideon " hey flower bro, can you get the owner, I need to speak with him"

He looks up and nods before he walks out back, then sudden crashing sounds into fast footsteps, and a young man no older then 21 pops out of the beads on strings that make up the "door" to the back rooms, brown hair, brown eyes, normal face, and an airy sorta vibe to him

Airy dude " hello hello welcome to Herman's herbs, what can I do for you?"

I eye the guy, doesn't give a stoner vibe and I can't smell it on him…..weird…..

Gideon " yeah, hey buddy, just came to pick up some herbs for some things I'm trying out, and wanted to look at your stock, but before that I noticed a familiar smell in here, do you by chance sell marijuana here?….."

Herman " I'm afraid I've never heard of such a herb, can you describe it to me?"

I describe the plant to him in detail, and effects,pain relief, hunger, and the giggles

Herman " you mean giggleglow? Yes I have that, I've not seen anyone else use it for anything, it's considered a weed, but I found it makes rather nice tea, so I grow it at home"

He walks out back and comes out with a big wooden box full of bud, and I run my hands through it, pick some up and take a big wiff, yeah this is what I'm after... can't use it for 10 years but now I have my hands on it I can grow it at home and all will be right with the world...

Gideon " well since you grow it at home, would you be willing to sell some seeds and the knowledge of how you grow it?"

I loved weed in my old life and I can't wait to smoke it up again when I get old enough….but I never grew it, so I would be flying blind on that part

Herman " that should be fine, not sure on a price though as people don't usually buy giggleglow"

Gideon "name your price and I'll pay it, I'd also like to look at your herb stock, so you can think about it while I do"

As he shows me around the shop I find a lot of stuff I didn't expect in shop like this, I found onions, chilli, peppers, garlic, rosemary, mint, even cinnamon sticks…

And as I'm asking what they are for the answers are just crazy to me, but at the same time kinda make sense due to the world I'm in.

For example, chilli and black peppers are mixed with combustible materials to make tear gas bombs…no glass but they have tear gas bombs…

Garlic is more of a superstition thing, like with vampires but with ghost types…..it doesn't actually work though….

But anyways I found some good stuff, and I asked him if he would sell some seeds

Herman " normally I wouldn't but I'm shutting shop soon, not really making enough to make it worth it, this was my grandfathers store and he left it to me but Times are tough"

Heh, maybe I can acquire my own weed goon, like a dealer, without all the awkward situation of them trying to be your friend, or vice versa, never try to be friends with your dealer, never works out.

Gideon " hey Herman, I might have a job for you if you're interested? My name is Gideon storm the 3rd son of viscount storm and I am in the market for someone to build and keep my new herb garden I'm planning to build out on my new estate, I will provide housing and wages, than you could rent out your shop, I get my garden keeper, win-win if you ask me"

I could almost see sparkles in his eyes and he instantly agreed, didn't ask about the wages or housing…..guys to trusting, nobles are not good people, if they offer something to good to be true, it normally is, I'm being generous due to needing a weed guy..... seems like my lucky day.

With all that organised, I told him to organise his stuff to move out to my place, gotta stop in to bobs and see about getting another small house built, I know it's costing pops a bit to do all this but the glass should more than make up for it.

I managed to get to the market place fairly

Quickly, and after a couple hours of searching it started getting late, and the only thing I found to make oil was peanuts, but you work with what you have so I ordered a shit tonne of them to be delivered to my place in the morning, with a new weed and herb guy, something to make some oil and spices to make some decent food, I head home to see what I can do with it all…..