
Moy, the Solosis

Raising a pokemon was hard. At the stage of a newborn, pokemon in general acted like little kids. Normaly this wouldn't be a problem as most pokemon leave the newborn state in about a week and more talented pokemon could even leave it in a couple of days. Thing was every increase in the rank of a pokemon was the sublimation of its life. And the better a pokemon was before this, the more benefits it would get after. A pokemon couldn't actually make its energy any more pure by itself. What it could do though was gain more energy before breaking through, which would allow for the energy to become more pure after the breakthrough.

Have you ever tried to get an excitable 5 year old to listen to you? It was practically impossible. She would fly all around his head asking what is what and how things work. Its not that he didn't tell her, but that stuff could be learned in the future. After a couple of days of her getting used to the house and adjusting to her own body he had finally managed to sit her down long enough to talk with her.

"Hey solosis, would you like a name?"

"Whats a name? Can you eat it?"

Daniel devolped a tic mark on his forehead. Sabrina had given him a recipe for treats solosis would like and solosis had been obssesed with them since.

"No solosis, but it is very important."

"Oh well, sure then! Whatever you want daddy!"

"Very well, your name shall be Moy, after a super ultra stong beast." That wasn't true, he named Moy that because he knew it had something to do with muscle cells and thought it would be suitable for a punch happy reuniclus. He was hoping it would give her some motivation in training though. Luckily enough it seemed his bet paid off.

"Really, Really! I'll be even stronger than Moy, for I am Moy! Rawr! Pew! Pew! Pew!"

As Moy flew around his head he couldn't help but smile. Even if she was an excitable little kid it made him happy to see her so happy. Still, if she was truly to become the strongest she couldn't just play all day.

"That's great and all Moy but if you want to become the very best that has to start with training! I want you to releas about 90% of the energy you use to hold yourself up at once please."

"Ok! Ok!"

And with that a flash of purple came out of Moy's body and nothing happened. He didn't actually expect anything to considering how small the energy in her body was at this time.

"Daaaddyy. Im tired now. And I can barely even float. This is no fun at all."

"I know Moy, I know. But its reuired to be as strong as the mythical beast Moy. Why don't you cuddle up with daddy and take a nap."

And with a great metaphorical yawn, Moy snuggles into his lap as he settles in at his computer. The next couple of days sees Moy training every once in a while but he can tell shes not putting her everything into it. Which is understandable considering she was still a child. In fact she could have already ranked up be now but he had put an everstone on her to prevent that.

It was five days after she was born that Moy started to really put her back into training. That was because he had started his training sessions with scyther back up and she had come to watch. He thinks that, as Moy saw scyther and his strength, she realized that she would truly have to train as hard as she could to defeat the legendary Moy.

Of course even if she was serious in her training that didn't mean she didn't get plenty of time to play and cuddle. And so, two weeks later Moy was finaly ready to break through to novice rank. Or she would be, if he hadn't figured out another neat trick for training solosis. One way to increase the total amount of energy a pokemon could hold was by having a stronger body. This is due to the fact pokemon don't have cores but their energy is stored throughout their bodys. This is also how type effectivness came into play.

Thing is, the solosis line couldn't train their bodys. But when Moy had trained her energy to the limit he had come up with an idea. Her whole body was basically gel held together by psychic type energy. He had asked Moy to try and suck the gel as close as she could to her nucleus, using her control of the energy which held her body together, and suprisingly it worked! It had taken about a week but it had not only increased the total amount of energy she could hold, but it also increased her already high healing factor, and it slightly increased the weak base strength and defense of her body. Sadly it seemed this might be a one time thing for each rank.

The increase in her base body was certainly a good thing. After all in future, even if she could enhance her body with psychic energy, the base strength behind it should pack an extra punch. Also it seemed that Moy was going to turn into a self healing machiene. You see his dad and him had checked what abilitys Moy had and they were suprised to find out she had three. This was most likely due to her violet talent, as more talented pokemon have been recorded to have multiple abilites.

Her three abilities were overcoat, which protected from weather and powder effects, magic gaurd, meaning she could only take damage from direct attacks, and regenerator, which increased her already fast healing speed by another 33 percent.

When she was first born Moy was probaly slightly smaller than a golf ball. After all of her training she had grown to a little smaller than a baseball, but after the condensing of her body she was about in the mid point between the two. After all of this training she was finally ready to rank up to the novice rank. The novice rank wasn't actually all that different from the newborn rank but it meant that pokemon could manipulate their energy outside of their bodys.

This didn't really do much though because, for example, the most a novice psychic can do is lift some dust. Pokemon didn't usually fight by just using their energy. It was very inefficent compared to moves, and freely controled elements could barely hurt pokemon of a similair rank. Sadly Moy, like all pokemon, wouldn't be able to start learning moves untill the ordinary rank.

As he took off Moy's everstone she almost immedietly burst into a white light. When he could finally see her again she had grown from about half as small as a baseball to about half as big. Not only that but he could clearly see that the luster of her body had increased.

"Daddy, daddy. Look at me! Im so much stronger now I'll surely be able to beat that dasterdly Moy. Watch what I can do."

As Moy said that she used her psychic energy to lift up a sheet of papwr off his desk. Certainly impressive considering nornal psychics can only lift dust at this stage, although he could see her visibly struggle.

"Now, now Moy I don't think that piece of paper could even defeat scyther, let alone the great and dasterdly Moy. Although if you keep training I'm sure you will be able to defeat Moy even with that piece of paper. For now why don't you train by carrying that piece of paper around for now, make sure to move it around as much as possible while your at it too. I'm sure it will be less tiring than before."

Although carrying the piece of paper might seem less energy consuming than just dumping all her energy at once, it would actually allow her to train for more time everyday, considering how much dumping all her energy tired her out. Plus by controlling the paper she would hopefully be increasing the control of her energy, making it easier to learn moves into the future. Also he was sure Moy would enjoy it more.

The next day whe he was out traing with scyther and Moy was watching in the background, playing with her paper, she made a suprise attack.

"Mr.Paper go! Defeat the evil scyther and save daddy!"

He wasn't actually sure what she was saving him from, considering they hadn't ever even done a mock fight, and he was just following the motions of scyther, with his weapons in hand.

As the paper aproached Scyther he quickly cut it in two. In the background he heard a faint "No! Mr.Paper, I shall avenge you!" Scyther and him both ignored it.

And so the next few months passed by quick. Moy would train often and so would he. Though Moy had gone through a few more Mr.Papers trying to attack scyther. He was lucky scyther seemed so tolerant of her behavior. Moy may be strong for her level, but she was clearly no match for scyther. Moy had been making good progress slowly increasing the amount of paper she could control and being able to lift slightly heavier things. It seemed currently that she was not able to control multiple things at once though.

Before he knew it had been about four months since Moy was born, and she was ready to break through to the ordinary level. And in doing so help him break through to the second cycle. As he looked at her and felt her smile in his mind, he couldn't help but smile back, and be proud of how far she had come in such a short ammount of time.