
Pokemon: Journey to The Top

MC gets reincarnated as per his wishes into the Pokémon world with a system and an... intriguing starter choice follow him on his journey through the Kanto region to the top of the world the champion!! (Power system idea taken from Pokemon Master of Tactics by alex02373 anything else is what I've added myself).[I don't own Pokémon nor the Cover Art all rights go to the original creators.]

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29 Chs

Chapter 22: (Can't think of a title)

[General POV]




A cacophony of noises resonated from one of the many training rooms in the Megalo Tower. In the room, two Pokémon—a bear and a humanoid—fought against hordes of Pokémon. An avian navigated through an obstacle course with numerous twists and turns, and a crocodilian hurled massive fireballs shaped like the kanji for fire at moving targets. In the corner of the room, two people stood—one with a streak of white hair down the middle, looking on with anticipation, and a girl beside him who appeared like a ghost with her blank expression and deathly pale skin.

Gallade and Kubfu fought as if their lives depended on it. Gallade faced off against a Marshadow, while Kubfu took on a Virizion and Cobalion. While these opponents weren't the real thing, they still packed a punch. It didn't help that they were only allowed to use their techniques and not moves, especially since they had a limited move pool programmed into the simulated Pokémon. Kubfu engaged Cobalion head-on, parrying a Sacred Sword with a kick, which did hurt him but was better than taking a Sacred Sword to the face. He dodged Virizion's Leaf Blade soon after. Gallade didn't fare as well against Marshadow, as the Shadow Sneaks were too fast for him to react. Despite being backed into a corner, their fighting prowess was evident in the destroyed holograms of fully evolved fighting types, ultra beasts, and even two of the Four Swords of Justice. Kubfu ducked under a double Sacred Sword from the remaining Swords of Justice, sweeping Virizion off the ground. With all his strength, he threw an accurate jab straight at its throat, eliminating her. Gallade also had a breakthrough, sensing Marshadow's next Shadow Sneak, countering it with one of his blades before decapitating it.

Eli realized that Kubfu and Gallade had the most lethal fighting styles among his four Pokémon. Considering their experiences, Eli didn't blame them. 'Kubfu has pretty much developed his own style, and he seems to have a knack for lethal hits.' Lost in thought, Eli observed as Gallade and Kubfu double-teamed Cobalion. Shifting his focus to the other part of the field, Eli saw Skeledirge move on from Linoone and Fearow to the incredibly fast Ninjask and even Deoxys Speed Forme. Eli didn't expect Skeledirge to hit them, as those two were in a league of their own in terms of speed. Finally, Eli checked Corviknight's progress. Despite a few dents and bruises on its armor from the obstacle course, Corviknight's flying maneuvers had improved.

Debating whether to give his team their items, Eli decided to do it now. 'Sure, why not? They've earned it,' he thought. Gathering his Pokémon, Eli distributed the items: steel of the half-blood Solgaleo for Corviknight, wings of a half-blood Lunala for Skeledirge, and the condensed psychic energy of an attack forme half-blood Deoxys for Gallade. Turning to Kubfu, Eli explained the item—a Buzzwole's blood sacs that, if absorbed during evolution, would yield amazing results. Kubfu nodded, having experienced not receiving an item since hitting Deep Gold Potential.

Eli assessed his Pokémon's potential, finding only Kubfu and Gallade to be in the Deep Diamond range. The rest had a fair shot, but luck played a significant role as the effects of the items would diminish with each use. 'Might have to hunt for full-blooded legendaries' body parts if that is the case,' Eli thought grimly. He shook his head, hiding any disappointment on his face.

Pokémon: Corviknight

Lvl: 46

Type: Steel Flying

Ability: Pressure

Gender: Male

Potential: Diamond

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Taunt [E], Fury Attack,Drill Peck [E], Swagger

(Perfect Talent) Iron Defense [E] (Perfect Talent) Tailwind [E]

(TM) Roost [E], (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Fly, (TM) Protect [E] , (TM) Air Slash [E], (TM) Body Press [E], (TM) Iron Head [E]

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 45

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy, Aerial Ace, Reversal [E], Iron Head, Dynamic Punch, Counter

(Innate Talent) Brick Break [E] (Innate Talent) Bulk Up [E]

(TM) Protect [E], (TM) U-Turn, (TM) Ice Punch [E], (TM) Fire Punch [E] , (TM) Thunder Punch [E], (TM) Mega Kick [E], (TM) Mega Punch, (TM) Substitute [E], (TM) Low Sweep

Pokémon: Gallade [Shiny]

Lvl: 48

Type: Psychic Fighting

Ability: Sharpness

Gender: Male

Potential: Diamond

Moves: Growl, Double Team, Disarming Voice, Confusion, Hypnosis, Teleport [E], Heal Pulse [E], Drain Kiss, Dazzling Gleam [E], Magical Leaf [E], Aqua Cutter, Leaf Blade, Dream Eater, Life Dew, Night Slash, Fury Cutter, Air Slash, False Swipe, Swords Dance [E]

(Perfect Talent) Sacred Sword [E] (Perfect Talent) Psycho Cut [E]

(TM) Protect, (TM) Light Screen [E] , (TM) Reflect [E], (TM) Confuse Ray, (TM) Psychic [E], (TM) Shadow Ball [E]

Pokémon: Skeledirge {Held Item: Leftovers}

Lvl: 45

Type: Fire Ghost

Ability: Unaware (Hidden Ability)

Gender: Male

Potential: Diamond

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Ember, Round, Bite, Yawn,Snarl, Roar,Flamethrower [E], Shadow Ball [E], Hyper Voice

(Perfect Talent) Torch Song [E] (Perfect Talent) Slack Off [E]

(TM) Protect [E] , (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Fire Blast

The potential of his Pokémon except Corviknight stayed the same which he couldn't help but be disappointed but he supposed the gap between Diamond and Deep Diamond truly was too big. Eli made sure to not let anything show on his face as he did not want anyone finding out about his little power. "Alright get back to training, Kubfu I feel like you have laid a great foundation for your style, alls that's left is to sharpen it before we move onto the final step and move onto your over due evolution." His team nodded as they got back to training, as they started training Eli decided that it was time his Pokémon, namely Skeledirge get new TMs. "Do you know where we could get TMs?" He asked Marina who had been watching on with her usual blank face. She nodded as she stood up asking Eli to follow her as she lead them to another section of the training area with a whole section for TMs. "These are free?" Eli asked as he looked surprised to which Marina shook her head, "They aren't, they require mission points from completing missions as a part of the Ultra Recon Squad but since you have a deal with father he has allowed you to get any TMs you want." Marina explained as she stared off listlessly into the wall. 'That would have been good to know before.' Eli grumbled in his mind as he started picking out what he wanted for his team. He was mostly miffed on what to get for Kubfu as his move pool was abysmal at best, after a lot of thought he finally got him Acrobatics and Low Kick, Low Kick for heavier opponents and Acrobatics which aided him in his quick and lethal fighting style. He had half a mind to get him Close Combat too but why do that when he was bound to learn it soon anyways as he neared the level which he learnt Close Combat. For Corviknight he got Light Screen and Reflect incase Gallade was not able to put up the screens, Sunny Day and Rain Dance for ultimate weather control, Metal Sound to cripple opposing Pokémon's defenses and finally Substitute and Brave Bird, he debated not getting Brave Bird as Corviknight did learn it via level up but he was already behind in badges in comparison to other people and he was delayed another 2 weeks, at this pace he didn't think it might be possible to collect all the badges, Kubfu could get a few levels here and there while fighting trainers before learning Close Combat but to get Corviknight to level 50 was quite a tall order so he just got him the TM.

Moving on to Gallade for the same reason he bought him Close Combat as he wasn't waiting till his Gallade reached champion rank just to get Close Combat although sharpness boosted Sacred Sword was leagues better he wanted to have it just incase, he also got him Poison Jab and finally Triple Axel and Low Kick for more coverage and fighting behemoths like Ursaluna Blood Moon. And last but no the least for his final Pokémon, Skeledirge with the least TMs he went all out, Blast Burn, Solar Beam, Earth Power, Hex, Alluring Voice, Heat Wave, Over Heat all the fire power he would ever need as well as Curse to abuse the effect it had when used by ghost types to cripple the burnt enemies even further. It was quite a lot of moves Eli thought but buying in bulk was better than waiting for his Pokémon to master one move before moving onto the next. As he took all the TMs Marina looked at him with slight intrigue seeing how many TMs he had bought but didn't question it.

As they returned back to the training area Eli saw his Pokémon back at it, Gallade against Cobalion and Marshadow and Kubfu against the remaining swords of justice. Skeledirge was still missing his attacks against Deoxys speed forme and Ninjasks and Corviknight was still getting hit in the obstacle course here and there. "Alright come back here for a second I got you all some TMs." Eli called them back for a second time as he taught them all the TMs he got for them after he was done he let them continue on training as he started scribbling some plans for the future on his notebook as Marina remained still as a statue blankly looking on towards Eli's Pokémon training as Eli ignored the standoffish girl as he did not know what was up with her as be began planning for the future.

{Few hours later}

Inside a training room of the Megalo Tower an unexpected sight was taking place a small ursine was completely dominating a four armed Pokémon multiple times its side, as it readied a punch the small ursine jumped on its arm before giving it a hard kick to the head sending it flying, a feat that shouldn't have been possible of such a small Pokémon as he began taking on another Pokémon, a Medicham as he went toe to toe with it parrying hit after hit, punch met kick, jab met block as finally with a minuscule opening he broke the Medicham's guard before launching a vicious jab at it throat, ending the fight as the Medicham was destroyed into particles. This was Kubfu, the Kubfu who had single handedly won the free for all alone as Eli had ordered Gallade to start focusing on Move Mastery hours ago. "Good job Kubfu, you're gonna impress Andre the next time you meet him." Eli praised Kubfu as he gave a content nod. All of Eli's team had started working on move mastery except Kubfu as he had the least TMs and was nearing evolution so he focused more on his martial arts. "Its time we leave, mother has called me asking me to bring you as well." He heard a soft voice which almost sounded like a ghostly whisper from Marina, whom Eli had almost forgot was still in the room with them. "Alright let me return my Pokémon." Eli said as he explained what was happening to his team before he returned them. As they left the Megalo tower Marina lead them to a building quite the same like the other ones with the massive size and magenta lights.

As they neared a building Eli noticed that this one had quite a big lawn, a severe contrast to the other building that lacked any compound at all, there were artificial trees and grass as Eli was sure nothing organic would survive in this dark void of a megalopolis. As Marina rung the bell Eli realised what an awkward dinner this would be and started cursing Daan for inviting him.

And done can't wait for the travesty that will be dinner at Daan's place as always if you liked vote it and review this is me logging off.

The_Great_BoredOnecreators' thoughts