
Pokemon: Jordinio Version

A Pokemon Self Insert story. So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to try my luck at picking up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
167 Chs

Chapter 160

There was two things to take care of before I made my way back to the Pokemon Centre to see about transferring al my pokemon into their new shiny, spiffy new Luxury Balls.

First was teaching my new Rotom Tera Blast. Honestly, I'll probably look into teaching Rotom a bunch of TM's going forward. I have big plans for this little guy.

Of course meeting him properly can wait until later.

The second, was teaching Togepi Tera Blast.

And the twenty other Tm's I'd bought for him while I was at it.

For a total of twenty one.

But actually twenty two when the Thunderbolt TM I got from Surge was included as well.

While I was in the process of that, the TM machine with Togepi's gleaming ebony black luxury ball embedded in it sitting on a bench I was hunched over inserting disc after disc and uploading them straight to Togepi, I had a question to pose to Surge.

"Do you think Rotom will get a type change when I put it in the gauntlet?" I asked.

"Probably a good chance," Surge shrugged, "The type tends ta' vary depending on the purpose of the machine ya' put one in. Like putting it in a freezer gives it da' ice type and lets it learn Ice Beam and stuff while it is, where as if ya' put em in a pokedex for instance they tend to get a psychic typing."

….Huh. I didn't know that.

Though it kind of made sense.

"Not sure what it's gonna be though for you," Surge scratched his chin, "If it was just a machine gauntlet, I'd say maybe a fighting type? But it has dat' storage technology in it and stuff so that could make it be a psychic type or somethin'."


Personally I'd prefer it getting a fighting type. I'd never seen an electric and fighting type before, unless there's ones native to that Paldea place. Becoming a fighting type with access to Power Up Punch, Brick Break or even Aura Sphere would be hella cool for my plans.

…Then again, psychic wouldn't be too bad either. Rotom is one of the few ghost types that doesn't get access to any psychic type attacks beyond the likes of reflect, light screen, trick and such.

I'd still prefer the fighting type though.

With how many TM's I had to teach Togepi, it took literally a good twenty five minutes before I was done.

Once I was, I stowed the TM machine back in my backpack and grabbed Togepi's pokeball, before standing up and stretching my back out. Squatting down in front of a bench for nearly a half an hour could make your muscles feel that burn.

"Ya' know kid, yer' a little bit crazy," Surge commented as I finished, shaking his head, "I don' think I've ever seen somebody drop such an absurd amount of TM's on a pokemon born on the same day, that's what, twenty one? And some of dem' were pretty damn powerful ones like Solabeam', flametrowa', Shadow Ball, Moon Blast even dat Tundabolt one I just gave ya. Ya probably boosted that little ting up to tha' level needed ta fight in gym battles already and the little type was just born."

He wasn't wrong. After all, that was roughly around the same amount of TM's Gary had taught his Nidoking, if not a little more and from what I'd gleamed from talking to him, he hadn't used as many high powered Tm's as I had with Togepi.

Granted Nidoking had evolved twice as well, but still. When we battled, my Shiftry might have won quite cleanly, but his Nidoking was easily on the level needed to take on and even defeat some of Lily from the Cerulean Gym's pokemon.

Pay to win was extremely overpowered in the early growth of a pokemon. It was just few people could actually afford to do such a thing. I mean I just literally hundreds of thousands on Togepi.

"Ability wise maybe, but he still wouldn't do well, he has no idea how to use that power properly in a fight right now." I shrugged.

I'll remedy that quickly though.

"Well should just be glad Togepi don't evolve the normal way I s'pose, that influx ah' power it got would be enough to trigger a lot of first stages into evolvin'," Surge shrugged, "Granted won' be long either way with you spoilin' the little thing like that before it evolves either way."

Hmm, he had a point.

"You think I should go buy a shiny stone?" I mused, cupping my chin. It would be a good idea to have one in advance really. Honestly I should stock up on a bunch of different evolution items now that I think about it and-

A massive fist grasped me by the back of my jacket and casually lifted me into the air, "Kid, I tink' ya'v spent enough for one day, cool it a lil' bit." Surge snorted, rolling his eyes, before moving on, carrying me all the while.

Well, I suppose he wasn't wrong.

"Fair enough, I can't be bothered walking back to the store anyway." I shrugged.


When I arrived back at the Pokemon Centre, or well, Surge finished carrying me back, I headed off to see Nurse Joy.

The look she gave me when I told her I needed to transfer all of my pokemon to new pokeballs, all luxury balls, could have curdled milk.

She didn't approve of me spending so much, but there wasn't much she could do when I already had done so.

As it was, she didn't bother showing me the way to the pokeball storage room herself and just had my Blissey do it, seeing as she used to work here, and walked away after returning my party I'd left with her to get healed.

A whole lot of trust to be honest, because it wasn't exactly just my own pokeballs stored in here.

Heh, despite the trouble I cause her she is totally fond of me and trusts me. I should do something nice for her later.

With Blissey's help, it didn't take long before I reached my destination. It was a very specific room deep within the Pokemon Centre itself, a place where typical guests usually couldn't reach.

It was a single door…if it could be called a door.

It was more like a massive gate with massive locks formed from what looked like hydraulic presses bolted into the wall itself. They obviously weren't actual hydraulic presses, but that was the best I could liken them to in design.

Honestly, it was an impressive looking door. it looked like a bomb could be detonated on it without a single dent to show for it.

"Bliss bliss." Blissey waddled over to a small panel at the side of the door, before tapping a button on it with one of her cute stubby pink arms. As she did, a hole in the wall opened above it showing off a blue orb, before a light flickered out of it and enveloped Blissey.

And a second later-

"Access granted." a mechanical voice echoed from the small orb. And the heavy hydraulic press like bolts bolted into the wall and keeping the door, rotated before sliding away and the massive gate like door slid into the ground out of sight and left the entryway wide open.

Damn…that was so cool.

It reminded me of those doors at Realgem Tower in the Pokemon Colosseum games.

'…Oh right I almost forgot about that.' I blinked in remembrance as I stepped through the entryway. Orre is in fact a thing and Surge even brought it up not long ago.

I should probably look into that just in case.

If that Snag Machine is a real thing, I want it to no longer be a thing. Then again, it wasn't the only threat in that regard…

'The Iron Masked Marauder has those dark balls as well.' I hummed in thought I looked over the room I entered. It was a dull silver in colour and massive in size, easily a hundred feet by a hundred feet if not more and filled to the brim with massive shelf like structures lining not only the walls, but spread throughout the entirety of the room.

There had to be thousands of pokeballs lining the shelves.

'Plus those freaky eye ball pokeball things Mewtwo somehow made as well, considering all that tech came from Team Rocket to begin with…' my thoughts trailed off and I sighed.

What the hell was with all the variations of pokeball tech that could just outright steal pokemon in this world?

Granted maybe I shouldn't be surprised considering one of the facets of pokemon technology I was about to make use of myself.

See when transferring pokemon to different pokeballs, as long as they were registered to the same trainer, a new pokeball could integrate the old one. Somewhat similar to the way those pokeballs Mewtwo made could outright capture pokemon that were literally inside their pokeballs.

It really didn't do much though even if they were 'integrated'. It just transferred the ownership and pokemon data to the new pokeball, and through integrated the physical shell of the old pokeball, the new one became a little more sturdy.

I kept my eyes peeled as I wandered through the room, taking note of labels of trainers names on certain shelves. Most only had one shelf to themselves, filled with two or three pokeballs, the one ones had six or a bit more.

It wasn't long before I found my own shelf.

Or rather, shelves plural.

Actually, I had three of the massive bookshelf like structures that held the shelves dedicated to me and all my pokemon. Each singular pokeball had not only a tag of my name, but a tag indicating which pokemon was inside.

And at the very end of the third shelf was a very new pokeball that was just added to my collection earlier.

Jord Odhar/Altaria

Hmm, her pokeball was actually full at the moment. She hadn't been let out with the others yet. She must have been transferred right here after being transferred to my ownership by Lance.

That will save me some time actually.

For now though-

I reached up and slipped my backpack off of my shoulders and lowered it to the ground, before crouching down and reaching inside it to lift out the a mass amount of the luxury balls I'd purchased by the handful.

"Blissey?" Blissey waddled over a moment later and gave me a curious look, eyeing the shiny gleaming and shrunken luxury balls.

"Don't worry, you're getting one too," I flashed her a thumbs up, "You probably deserve one the most really, being the MVP of the team and all."

"Blissey bliss." she shrugged her little stubby pink arms as if she didn't mind either way and smiled gently as she reached down to grab one of the luxury balls with one of her little arms and enlarged it, before lowering it down and repeating it with another, then another.

While I took them out and put them in a pile of shrunken ebony balls, she grabbed them one by one, enlarged them and put them in a new pile.

Blissey was as ever, so helpful.

It only took a few minutes before we were done and there was a pile of over a hundred gleaming black expensive luxury balls sitting in a pile on the floor before us.

Unfortunately, I'd have to do the transfer or integration or whatever myself, so Blissey couldn't help me speed it up.

That said-

I didn't waste any time and got right down to it. It was gonna take a while after all. I just had that many pokemon to be honest that even a simple quick task, would be prolonged into something that took quite an annoying while to get done.

Thankfully I knocked a little time off by catching Togepi originally in a luxury ball and transferring Rotom into one while Surge was carrying me like by the collar of my jacket back here to the pokemon centre.

It wasn't much, merely saved me a minute or so, but it was a minute or so quicker I'd be done!

…Of course later I'm going to need to go through another similar mind numbing process when I teach all my main battlers Tera Blast.

Such is the life of a Jord though.


Huh, didn't realise cuz I wasn't paying attention but with this we've pretty much caught up to where I am currently with this story on other places.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts