
Pokemon: Jordinio Version

A Pokemon Self Insert story. So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to try my luck at picking up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.

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167 Chs

Chapter 148

"I dunno," I shrugged, "Unlike Aerodactyl, the others are quite shy, in fact, they don't do well with others because of Aerodactyl bullying them for years by my estimate. I've only managed to earn some trust because I beat down Aerodactyl and protected them from him."

"Hmm, that's quite unfortunate but does make sense," Professor Cerise mused, tapping his chin, "While this is the first Aerodactyl we've ever seen alive, we have managed to study them a little bit and what we've inferred is they were a rather solitary species of pokemon and rather brutal, one of the top predators during the time period they were alive, it makes sense one in an enclosed space would be quite violent with ones below it on the food chain."

Heh. That sounds about right. And like all big bullies at the top, they were quickly cowed when a bigger bully swaggered in.

I am the bigger bully.

"That sounds about right," I nodded, "Aerodactyl is quite temperamental and only listens to me because I cemented myself as above him on the food chain."

"Fascinating," Oak's eyes sparkled, "Just how did you do that? With another of your pokemon, Pidgeot perhaps?"

"Nah, I just beat him up myself," I shrugged, "He quickly learned his place after I grabbed him by the tail and swung him around like a yoyo and smashed him into the ground face first a bunch of times."

Admittedly, I didn't actually hurt him at all doing that and it was just a show of dominance, and in a real fight Aerodactyl would merk me and tear me to shreds. But he didn't know that.

I was met with absolute silence as all gathered in font of me, from Nurse Joy to Cerise, his daughter, Oak, Delia and even Surge just stared at me, mouths agape.

"…Kid you're a damn freak of nature, ya' know that?" Surge was the first to recover and shook his head.

I'm more weirded out by the fact you were talking to me so pleasantly after our last encounter. The hell was up with him?

"How are you even that strong?" Chloe spoke up for the first time, giving me a weirded out look, "That's not human at all, right?"

Spoken like a true member of the Goh time of Pokemon. Otherwise known as the beta virgin soy boy time of pokemon. Not the time of giga chad genwunners like myself.

But, this was time for the ultimate response!

"Push ups, sit ups and plenty of egg." I merely grinned. And by egg, I mean Blissey.

Eat your heart out Vegeta.

"That….doesn't make sense at all." Chloe replied drily.

In response, I lifted my arms up, one clenching into a fist and curling behind my head, while the other rose up fully extended, two fingers pointing out in the form of the ultimate aesthetic pose, "Say that to these muscles cute stuff." I replied as I Zyzzed her.

"….Those don't make sense either." she pointed out, even as her cheeks flushed red and she stared at my bulging Blissey biceps.

"Feel free to give them a feel," I smirked at her, "You can decide for yourself how much sense they make."

"E-eh!?" Chloe sputtered, eyes widening.

And did not accept my generous offer.

"Oh my, how firm!" Delia tittered herself as she reached out and placed her hand on my bicep and squeezed, "You must really work hard dear." she patted my bicep and let go.

And almost instinctually I slumped out of the one true aesthetic pose and just stared, kind of confused.

She stole the wind from my sails.

Delia giggled at me when she saw my look and gave me a cheeky little wink. She totally knew what she did. I'm not sure how she did it, but she totally did.

…Whatever that was!

Oak snorted, "Yes very impressive Jord, now about your pokemon," he quickly changed the subject once more back to the original topic, "Admittedly their timidity with strangers could be a problem in the beginning, but there are many pokemon like that and even many revived fossil pokemon tend to be like that as well, I'm sure if you allowed us, we could work around it."

"Possibly," I agreed with a nod, even as my limit break far finished charging and I unleashed my ultimate finisher, "Thing is, I've kind of got plans going forward right now that involves all of my pokemon."

You know a funny thing about this world? Construction of buildings and such was a lot quicker. When you had the likes of Machoke and Machamp to carry things around, pokemon with dig to make holes in the ground for building foundation and pipes, and even flat out psychic pokemon to levitate and hold things in place…

Well, to sum it up, I've found that a large mansion can be built in this world, within a few days.

"Oh?" Oak raised an eyebrow, "What kind of plans?"




You have fallen for my trap card old man. Among other things, it allows me to play Pot of Greed straight from wherever the hell I want.

"I'm planning on building my own place," I revealed, "I'm already set to buy a bunch of land over to Hollywood, and now with this windfall I just got I can begin right away. I want to build a big place kind of like yours for my pokemon since I have so many of them and I can't just expect Nurse Joy to keep looking after them for me."

Then I shrugged, "Plus I'll need to look into staff and such to watch over the place for me when I go back out on my journey and the like," I pointed out, "I don't really want my pokemon to be with anyone else during the process. It'll be a good time for me to bond with them all more. Once I'm done though, we can talk about it again."

Now usually, this would be the end of negotiations beyond a few bribes. But the thing is, this isn't a normal situation.

This would be like if I randomly popped up with a bunch of living dinosaurs under my ownership and full control back home and told the government and shit that I had no interest in dealing with them right now because I was busy building a facility for them and they'd just need to wait.

Of course people around the world, those in power and the scientists salivating over them would never let it go with just that. And they threw a ton of money at stupider shit.

That was why-

"I see," Oak nodded, "That's understandable Jord and very mature and well thought out of you. Still, it's quite the work load, especially for one so young who has never done something like this before…"

He trailed off musingly before giving me a big, warm smile, "Why don't you let me handle it?" he beamed at me, "Consider it a gift for allowing us to study your pokemon. I will personality purchase the land and with my contacts have a place to your specifics all built nice and quickly."

The foremost expert on Pokemon, the creator of the pokedex, a former champion, and the one more curious about the mysteries of pokemon than anyone else. The one who had even paid for Professor Cerise's and a bunch of other peoples labs around the world to be built so they could research all different manners of pokemon phenomena.

In other words, Oak was absolutely loaded and well willing to throw a bunch of cash around himself if it allowed him to pursue such a thing as this.




I should call Gary later. 

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts