
Understand me

[P.O.V 3rd person]

"What are you doing here dad?" Bel asked confused.

"Didn't you hear me?, I've come to take you home" Bel's father said seriously.

"Your mother has told me everything you have experienced on your trip, don't you think that is enough?" Bel's father said in a concerned tone.

"B-but" Bel said hesitantly.

Bel looked around for help and found Touya giving a thumbs up with a comforting smile.

At that Bel was filled with courage and said.

"No, I want to continue my journey!" Bel said in an imposing tone.

"I don't care, also don't reply your father!" Bel's father said in a warning tone.

"Well, if you don't care about my opinion, I don't care about yours neither, I'm old enough to decide what I want!" Bel said angrily.

Touya wanted to say something about being an adult over 18, but he better kept quiet.

"Please, I know you care a lot about me dad, but I want you to trust me this time" Bel said with teary eyes but without backing down.

"You never support me, you always want to protect me and make me safe, but you don't even let me get stronger to do it myself" Bel said sadly.

At that, Bel's father was shocked for a few seconds and then thought carefully.

"I see... being so protective with you only caused the opposite of what I wanted" Bel's father said with understanding.

"I trust you daughter and I am very proud of you, you can continue with your journey, but call me also from time to time" said Bel's father with a bit of pity.

Bel hugged her father fondly for a while and then stopped hugging him after a few minutes.

"Touya I leave her in your care" Bel's father said calmly.

"No need, she can take care of herself" Touya said with a smile.

"Hehe, you're right" Bel's father said and then left.

Bel watched his father leave as she wiped away her tears and had a smile.

Touya for his part well...

"My girl is already growing up *Sniff**Sniff*" Touya said as he shed manly tears.

Bel just looked at him in shock and then laughed a little.

"Well, what will you do now Miss Bel?" Touya asked curiously.

"I have to think about what I want and besides" Bel said and then pointed to Touya.

"I have to beat you so I can be the best version of myself!" Bel said determinedly.

Touya was shocked at that for a few seconds and then smiled widely.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you, I won't give you any kind of advantage!" Touya said defiantly.

"Until then my eternal rival!" Bel said seriously and with a smile and then left.

Touya watched her go and then went back to his business.

"This day has been very hectic, and it's not over yet, I have to find the pokemon gym" Touya said to himself in a tired tone.

Touya searched various places, coming across various routes and interesting places, but without finding the gym.

"Where is the damn gym supposed to be?" Touya asked in annoyance.

After a few minutes, he looked in the only place he was missing, the park, where the gym was.

"And to think that I passed by here and didn't notice such a bright place, I think my eyes hurt" Touya said covering his eyes with his arm.

The gym was full of LED lights and it was too bright.

Touya entered the gym and found himself in an even brighter and more extravagant place than the lights outside.

"I think I need some sunglasses" Touya said covering his face.

At that moment the presenter with the usual appearance appeared.

"Welcome to the Nimbasa's city gym young challenger, pretty awesome huh?" Conse said proudly.

"Do you have another pair of sunglasses?" Touya asked expectantly.

"That's right" Conse said a little confused.

"Can I borrow them?, This is too bright for me" Touya said narrowing his eyes.

"Sure, here, you can stay with them" Conse said giving Touya the dark glasses.

Touya put on the glasses and looked much more comfortable.

"Thanks Conse, you saved me from this one" Touya said gratefully.

"Don't worry about that, by the way, in this gym the method of transport is roller coasters, which can be changed direction with a series of buttons" Conse said in an explanatory tone.

"Here, in case you need it" Conse said giving Touya a bottle of water.

"This can't mean anything good" Touya said remembering the last time they gave him a bottle.

"Good luck challenger, and be careful, don't get off the roller coaster while moving," Conse said seriously.

"Who would do something so stupid?" Touya said in shock.

"You'd be surprised if I tell you" Conse said wearily.

"By the way, you should buy antiparalizis, I'm sure at least once your pokemon will end up paralyzed" Conse said with a warning tone.

"Ahhhh, I guess I don't have a choice" Touya said and then went to look for the antiparalizis.

And after buying some, Touya's 4th gym starts.