
Face to face with the ideals

"Plasssssmaaaaa!!" the team plasma recruits yelled with determination as they sent their pokemon to attack.

"Go Samurott and use water sport" Touya said taking Samurott out and holding his pokeball in hand.

Samurott understood the orders and made all the recruits and their pokemon along with the sage get soaked and then walk away from them.

"Ha!, that won't stop us brat" said a female recruit arrogantly.

"Huhu, but the best part is still missing" Touya said with a mischievous smile.

The faces of the recruits and the sage were filled with confusion and later fear upon hearing Touya's next words.

"Tynamo use thunder wave" Touya said making Tynamo come out of his pocket and generate an electric wave that paralyzed everyone who was wet.

Touya ran between the recruits while they couldn't move to then return both pokemon to their pokeballs and say.

"See you old man" Touya said with a mocking smile and saying goodbye with his cap before entering the next room.

"You D-Damn brat" said the sage still paralyzed and furious with Touya.

Touya climbed a few more stairs and reached the highest floor of the tower, finding an impressive scene.

In front of him was N surrounded by rubble and fallen pillars, but the most shocking was a huge pokemon of almost 3 meters and with a threatening aura in front of him.

The atmosphere and the air trembled with the mere presence of that black pokemon with red eyes like blood while small blue discharges surrounded his body.

Touya had a cold sweat on his back and was holding one of his pokeball tightly trying to calm his nerves.

"Groarghhh" the pokemon growled as he stared at N with a calmer tone.

"N!!" Touya yelled approaching N with determination.

N looked away from Zekrom for a moment to turn to Touya.

Zekrom also noticed his arrival, shooting a penetrating glance and then a grunt of disgust.

"What do you think? In front of you is the hero who will guide the world and next to him the subsequent silhouette of a pokemon" said N seriously and very excited.

"Together with him I will defeat the champion and create a happy world for the pokemon and only for them" said N with great determination and hope.

Zekrom for his part took flight and flew right above N causing his own shadow to be projected on him.

"This is not the way N, you said it yourself in Mistralton city, you are only forcing them to do what you want because you are strong, a strength that is not even yours, that does not make you different from Ghechis" Touya said with a serious tone and a bit annoyed.

"If that is necessary to achieve my ideal, so be it" N said seriously and totally blinded by his ambition.

At that Touya clenched his teeth and his fists helplessly as he thought of some way to stop this.

"If you want to stop us you will have to prove that you are a hero too! Earn the respect of Reshiram Zekrom's antagonist, and face us!" N said pointing at Touya with seriousness and determination.

"You are the only unknown in my formula to change the world, if you want to protect what you believe finds Reshiram! I'm sure he is waiting for you in the form of the Light Stone" said N seriously and then move away a little and walk to the hole in the wall in front of them, being picked up by Zekrom and then disappearing into the clouds.

'What I believe' Touya thought with a bit of indecision about his beliefs.

Suddenly, Touya heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Touya! What was that than flew off?" Cheren said arriving suddenly being followed by Junco and Bel.

"It was Zekrom, the legendary pokemon" Touya said a little lost in his thoughts.

"What did you say?!" Junco said upset and surprised by the revelation just like the rest.

Before continuing with the answers there was another small tremor causing Junco to regain his calm.

"The best thing will be to get out of here now" Junco said seriously and then left being followed by the rest.

Before leaving Touya took a small glance towards the exit of the tower and then followed Junco.


"Incredible, simply incredible, to summon a legendary pokemon in these times" said Professor Carrasco in shock.

After leaving the Duodraco Tower, Touya recounted everything that had happened to everyone involved.

Among them were Junco, Bel, Cheren and Professor Carrasco all with a worried expression on their face.

"So N is the hero of the legend and you Touya..." Bel said looking at Touya quite surprised.

"He said that I was the other one, that I had to find Reshiram if I wanted to stop him" Touya said still a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"Indeed young Touya" said a familiar voice to Touya causing Junco to get a little upset.

"Champion Mirto?" Junco said very surprised by his arrival.

"C-Champion ?!" Bel said in shock as she looked at him.

"Ohh, nice to see you Mirto" said Professor Carrasco with a calm smile.

"Let's save the greetings for later" Mirto said with a small smile and then looked at Touya seriously.

"Young Touya, since you told me about your goal of finding the truth I had my doubts about you, but now I am sure that you are the other hero of the legend, the one who represents the truth" Mirto said pointing at Touya seriously.

"That blinding lightning that I saw is the work of a pokemon with enough power to destroy this region followed by a boy blinded by his ideals, a very bad combination" Mirto said with concern and serious tone while crossing his arms.

"So what are we supposed to do according to legend?" Professor Carrasco said seriously.

"That's why Touya is here, according to the legend, Zekrom unleashed the lightning bolts and his counterpart made the Unova region ashes, but if you represent the truth maybe you can ask Reshiram for help" Mirto said as he looked at Touya with seriousness.

"And where am I supposed to find the Light Stone, and how is it like?" Touya asked feeling a bit overwhelmed by the responsibility on his shoulders.

"I'm not sure of its shape, but I have traveled all of Unova and there is only one place as old as the Dragonspiral Tower, the Relic Castle near Route 4, so it must be there" said Mirto taking out a map and pointing to the outskirts of route 4.

"I'll go first, if the team plasma gets the light stone first we are finished" said Mirto taking out a giant pokemon with the shape of a red eagle and large wings (Braviary) and then flying away with him.

"I'll go check the tower in case I find something about the stone and the legend" said Professor Carrasco and then walk towards the Tower.

"I'm following you" Junco said as he followed the professor.

Touya still couldn't think clearly, but he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry friend, we will solve this together" Cheren said with a smile supporting Touya.

"Ohh, I want to help too, it's very rare that you need our help!" Bel said very excited to help Touya.

"*Puff* hahahaha, that was too cheesy" Touya said relaxing with a big smile.

"Thank you very much friends" Touya said smiling broadly full of gratitude.

"You always help us, it's the least we can do hehe" Bel said, smiling broadly as well.

"I finally know why I want to be strong, I want to protect and help whoever is needed, they are the pokemon that give us strength, it's time to go!" Cheren said walking with great determination and adjusting his glasses.

"It will be my pleasure" Touya said with a small smile and then followed Cheren.

"Yayyyy! Team union" Bel said following them as well.

'At least for now, I have to put that aside, I can't let them get the light stone as well' Touya thought for sure at least on that.

And so a new page begins in the legend of Unova's legendaries pokemon.