
Pokemon Earth's Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

A young man suddenly found himself in a parallel world to Earth, and the most surprising aspect of it was the presence of Pokémon in this world. However, a significant issue existed: most people harbored strong hatred towards these creatures. Five years ago, when Pokémon first appeared in this world, it caused alarm and panic across the globe. Countless instances of destruction, loss of life, and chaos unfolded. The protagonist was bestowed with a system that transformed him into the World's Strongest Dragon Trainer. Author's Note: The world itself remained unchanged; I merely altered the names of countries. For instance, Japan became Nihon, China became Longdong, the Philippines became Maharlika, and so on. This change was necessary as I am not familiar with these places. Even the city names were modified, but I needed them to feature in my story. Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a non-commercial, unofficial work created solely for entertainment purposes. All characters, settings, and elements related to the Pokémon franchise are the intellectual property of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. I do not claim any ownership over Pokémon or any associated trademarks. Except for the Pokémon related to my story, I only own a few original characters and some ideas. That's it. This work is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holders. On Patreon, I've released advanced18 chapters ahead of the webnovel: https://www.patreon.com/iceclaw9113

iceclaw9113 · Komik
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231 Chs

Rampage: Extreme Fury!

"This meteor might be the reasons why my Pokémon are learning random skills," Floyd speculated, lightly touching the rock and contemplating its potential effects.


Suddenly, a thunderous noise erupted from the North. Floyd immediately deduced it could be a clash of beasts near the Safe Zone, yet still some distance away.

"That's probably the area where we had the encounter with the Mankeys and Primeapes," Floyd remarked, piecing together the clues.

"Regardless, our focus should be on this large rock. There's a possibility it contains a Mega Evolution Stone or Key Stone. It's crucial we investigate these rocks thoroughly," Floyd stated, then turned to address his Pokémon, "We need to break-"

Abruptly, Floyd paused, a sudden chilling premonition running through his body.

"What's this feeling…?" Floyd murmured, both surprised and confused. His instincts were warning him of imminent danger. Given how often these premonitions had saved him from peril, he didn't doubt their accuracy.

Cautiously scanning his immediate surroundings, Floyd detected a foul odor. He glanced around and spotted some feces, causing him to recoil in disgust and exclaim, "SHIT!"

(AN: Uhm, yes, literally a shit)

"We need to leave this place immediately!" Floyd realized the gravity of the situation and couldn't help but curse his oversight.


Then, a massive roar sounded from the East, about a kilometer away. Floyd's eyes widened, a surge of fear flooding his heart.

His Pokémon, sensing the ominous tone and the pressure emanating from the roar, became visibly anxious and alert.

"We need to head back, and quickly!" Floyd urged, his voice tinged with fear. He was unsure of the exact source of the roar, but his instinct was to avoid finding out. The priority was clear: escape.

His Pokémon, though not fully aware of the nature of the threat, recognized the urgency in Floyd's voice and the daunting roar. They nodded in agreement and prepared to flee.

"Ahh!" Floyd suddenly clutched his right shoulder, wincing in pain. The wound, treated with Healing Powder, was still fresh; such a deep bruise couldn't heal in mere minutes or hours.

His Pokémon looked at him, their eyes filled with concern. But Floyd offered them a reassuring smile, signaling that he was alright, and they resumed their escape.

As they retreated, Floyd recalled having noticed the pungent odor earlier. He had dismissed it, assuming it was typical of Mankey and Primeape territory. Now, he suspected his assumption might have been erroneous.

"No wonder… who would leave such powerful rocks unguarded, capable of enhancing skills? There must be a guardian. I've been so careless! Everyone, move quickly! We need to get back to safety!" Floyd urgently reminded his Pokémon, hastening their pace.

Deep within the forest, there's a male bear-like Pokémon, Ursaluna, known for its robust and bulky stature. It features a distinctive crescent moon mark on its forehead and is covered in deep brown fur with a lighter pattern across its face. Its back is adorned with rock-like formations resembling a shell, enhancing its formidable appearance.

The area is a haven for Beedrill, Kakuna, and Weedle. Ursaluna, with a plan in mind, aims to plunder their honey. As Ursaluna approaches, the Beedrill group, sensing the imminent threat, panics and scatters. The majority of the Beedrill are away gathering food, leaving only a few behind who stand little chance against the intimidating Ursaluna.

The sheer presence of Ursaluna, exuding immense pressure, instills fear among the smaller Pokémon.

Moments later, Ursaluna is seen holding a giant beehive.

With a few Kakuna gathered beside him, he dips one into the honey and takes a bite. The Kakuna meets its end instantly, becoming a snack for the ravenous Ursaluna.

Other Kakuna remain still, their eyes shut tight, hoping to avoid becoming the next target of this daunting predator.

After consuming a few Kakuna, Ursaluna vacates their territory. On his way, he encounters two Ekans. Eyeing them greedily, Ursaluna licks his lips, contemplating how the Ekans might taste with a honey glaze.

The Ekans, petrified upon seeing Ursaluna, attempt a desperate escape. Ursaluna, abandoning his honey, begins a swift pursuit. The Ekans, frantic to save their lives, are no match for the speed and ferocity of Ursaluna.

In mere seconds, Ursaluna catches and swiftly dispatches them, already imagining the taste of his anticipated honey-coated Ekans meal.

However, upon returning for his honey, Ursaluna finds it gone. In its place is a Pidgeot, already in flight to the North, clutching the beehive. Pidgeot had been eyeing the honey from a distance, biding its time.

Seeing Ursaluna distracted by the chase, Pidgeot seized the opportunity to swoop in and claim the prize.

"ROAR!" Enraged by the theft, Ursaluna drops the lifeless Ekans and gives chase to Pidgeot. He unleashes the Headlong Rush move in an attempt to catch up, but Pidgeot soars too high out of reach.

 Ursaluna's hands morph into metal as he activates Metal Claw, but the effort is in vain – Pidgeot is already too far away.

Gazing at the rapidly disappearing Pidgeot, now just a speck in the distance, Ursaluna's frustration boils over.

"ROAR!" he bellows into the forest, his roar echoing through the trees, a mix of rage and disappointment at the loss of his prized honey.

Ursaluna, consumed by fury, activated Bulldoze, furiously pounding the ground beneath him. The force of his actions caused the earth to tremble, sending shockwaves through the forest floor.

Nearby Pokémon, alarmed by the intense vibrations, scattered in panic, desperate to escape the wrath of Ursaluna. His eyes burned a fierce red, fixating on the Beedrill territory with a vengeful glare.

Moments later, Ursaluna's roar echoed through the forest as he rampaged through the Beedrill territory, relentlessly attacking each Kakuna he encountered.

The absence of the honey he sought only fueled his rage further. He swore vengeance, mentally blacklisting Pidgeot and all bird Pokémon, his anger seething uncontrollably.

Returning to the spot where he had left the two dead Ekans, Ursaluna found, to his dismay, that his captured prey had vanished. This discovery unleashed a new wave of fury within him.


Enraged beyond measure, Ursaluna unleashed his frustration on the earth, using Bulldoze to wreak havoc. Trees around him were uprooted and shattered, casualties of his unrestrained anger.


Another loud noise from the north caught Ursaluna's attention. It was the direction in which the thieving Pidgeot had fled, and, crucially, where his territory lay.

A gnawing worry took hold of him – the possibility of an intruder in his domain.

"ROAR!" he bellowed, issuing a fearsome warning to any who dared trespass. His rage had reached a boiling point: first, the theft of his honey, then the disappearance of his Ekans prey, and now, a potential threat to his territory.

To Ursaluna, it felt like a direct challenge to his authority.

Determined to confront the provocateur, Ursaluna sprinted back to his territory. The sight that greeted him upon his return was shocking – his domain was littered with scattered meteorite rocks. The sight ignited another surge of fury, his eyes blazing red with unbridled anger.


This day had turned into the most harrowing ordeal of his life, a relentless cascade of challenges and insults. His territory had been violated, an unforgivable affront to his dominion.


In a frenzy, Ursaluna began to obliterate everything within his reach, his roar reverberating through the forest.


He sniffed the air, picking up the scent of the intruders. His gaze turned northward, filled with killing intent.


His mind was set – he would destroy the perpetrator. The overwhelming grievance demanded retribution. The north was also the direction in which the thieving Pidgeot had escaped.


With a singular focus, Ursaluna charged toward the north, intent on exacting his vengeance and restoring his tarnished pride.