
27: Rank 3

Another week had gone by quicker than one expected. Wally was getting used to his new routine, now that he had been accepted as part of the herd. He and Cotton have been getting adjusted to the training regime - Wally still wanted to be a strong Pokemon trainer, and Darius was helping him with that. First thing first: Wally found out he had an affinity to Fairy type Pokemon thanks to Darius, and with his assistance, Wally also managed to unlock his Psychic type affinity as well! The now small male Ralts was part of his team! Wally knew that people who unlock their affinities can help Pokemon of that type to grow stronger quicker! Masters of Normal Type affinity like Gym Leader Norman was one of the examples Wally could think of.

The more affinities you have, the greater the power you can gather! 

That was why Wally was very surprised that Darius had 7 affinities. Wally only had two that he knew of, but these two could become really powerful too! Darius had him training with his Psychic affinity every single day, he was being pushed and trained to become an Energy User, which made him feel a little bit excited seeing as becoming an Energy User - or Aura User, depending on the region you're from - is a great honor. Darius himself was an Energy User and he could use all 7 of his affinities with great precision, while Wally struggled a little. 

"Focus." Darius' voice said, making Wally compy and try to focus hard - he was using his newfound psychic powers to float and control eight stones at the same time, making them rotate his body in a clockwise direction, almost imitating an asteroid belt. "Good." Wally opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief as he let all the stones fall. He made a lot of progress, seeing as he could barely move a stone a week prior. On top of his head, sat a small cloud-like Pokemon Wally knew to be a Swablu. This was Swy, and her brother Swu was sitting on Darius' head like a fluffy hat. "She seems to really like you." He said while patting his own cloud hat, making Wally smile: "Yeah, and she's really adorable too!" 

Swu has started to really like Wally, much to Darius' surprise. Swy, her brother, seemed to like Darius more so he stayed on top of Darius' head like a hat most of the time. It was of no surprise when they finally bonded, he unlocked yet another affinity. 

[You've unlocked your Flying Type Affinity]

Now, like a Flying type Pokemon, he could feel the air around him! Darius now had a constant awareness of the world around him, being able to feel the air vibrate and with it, he could now sense danger from afar. 'Well, now...'

[Rank Up Requirements: 

Have 2500 Energy

Have 3 or more Energy Techniques

Have 1 Energy Core equivalent to one of more of your Affinities

Have a strong affinity 

Have a strong body]

And he has met every single requirement! His body has been put through things that would've killed normal humans, but as he is in an different world, he knows his body has adapted to this world. Right now he can bench press about 400 pounds or so, he doesn't really know exactly how many pounds he can lift, but he has lifted one of the Grotles above his head, which was awesome and the big guy was so confused that it was a little funny too. He has now 8 affinities, meaning he'd need to use 8 charges of the [Energy Core] item he had, thankfully it now has 20 charges, so he can use it without fearing it would break. He found out that, like Pokemon, his energy grows with him.

He has been training a lot, channeling his energy into effective ways in his every day life. He used Water Energy to bathe and clean himself, he used Grass Energy to help him collect berries and to also practice something almost all Grass type Pokemon can do: Photosynthesis. It feels really warm, like you're just drinking a hot drink and it flows through your veins... It didn't really do much besides help him relax, he thought it would increase his energy like a cultivation thing, but nothing happened. He used his Dark affinity to see in the dark at night, he used his Fairy affinity to help him on his healing project where he wanted to find a way to regrow lost limbs and other organs, he used his Bug affinity when he was weaving and making clothes, he used his Poison affinity to play around with medicines and poisons to find out a way to detoxify even the worst of toxins, and he used his Electric affinity to feel the magnetic field. 

Now he knows where north is. 

He looked over at Wally, the kid was panting from having used his energy to train his Psychic affinity. "Go take a bath, Wally." The boy stopped poking Swy and got up, going to the bathroom. It was a little awkward at first, seeing as the kid had just (possibly) lost his parents just to be teleported away. He had nightmares now, Darius could hear it as he slept where now would be considered his living room. More than once he has gone to his room and woke him up, only to hug him as he cried his eyes out. 

It was only natural for him to comfort the crying kid- Wally, he's not a kid, technically, but he just looks like one. 

"Now..." Looking at his hand, where the white sphere of energy glowed a soft white coloration, he softly sighed: "Here we go..." He cocentrated on ranking up and soon his whole body felt warm like he was doing Photosynthesis. 

Then came the pain.

He felt his body cracking and breaking as it was being reformed from inside out- it all ended relatively quickly, but his body was now a little bit different. He breathed, and together came the energy of the world around him, he felt his connection to the energies around him increase greatly! "Wow." He could now easily feel the all the energy around, which just made way easier to feel danger around him seeing as he could even feel Wally inside the house! 'This is really interesting...' 

[Congratulations, you're now Rank 3]

[You've unlocked 2 Unique Skills]

[You've unlocked 1 Passive Energy Technique]

[You've unlocked your Avatar Skill: Omnibody]


[Unique Skills:

[1] Gentle Giant - Size Matters: Your body undergoes an evolution, making you stronger. At the same time, your size is also increased. Whenever encountering an enemy bigger than you, all your abilities will be increased by 100%, doubling your strength. 

[2] Big Man - Awesome: You're incredibly awesome. So awesome, in fact, that even if things go against your awesomeness, they'll work out to make you seem even more awesome.]

[Passive Energy Technique - Awareness Lvl 1: 

Due to your rigorous training, your subconscious mind has tapped into your own energy, enchanting your perception. You can now feel your surroundings by reading the energy around you at all times.]

[Avatar Skill - Omnibody:

Passive: By the blessing of Arceus, your body is beyond human limitations. Your body can endure and nourish every single affinity type.]

"Damn..." So many things... He slowly and carefully read all that. He soon reached the [Avatar Skill] and froze. The only Pokemon that came to his mind was the one and only fucking God of all Pokemon - Arceus. 

Darius had a minor panic attack.

-Scene Cut- 

Darius: Spice up your panic attack with a harmonica while you hyperventilate!

*harmonica noises*

-Scene Cut-

Wally held the little bud-like Pokemon with both his hands. He looked into her beady eyes as she looked into his own green eyes, a staring match. "Budew!" She broke first, letting out a cry of defeat. 

What was he doing? Well, according to Darius, he could try to make a bond with the little Budew because she knew [Life Dew], a move that, according to him, was amazing. Wally didn't know a Budew could learn that move, the few things he knew about that move was that it could only be learned by a few species of Pokemon, mainly the Ralts, the Clefairy, and the Chansey line. He didn't know that a pokemon small like this little girl could learn it. 

When he confessed so, Darius just asked him if no one had ever taught him about Egg Moves. So, Wally just asked - what are Egg Moves? He had no recollection of ever learning what Egg Moves are. Which had Darius asking him what he knew about the Pokeworld. So Wally started stating the basics! There are 18 types a Pokemon can have, some get the unusual regional variant, but these types were not easily changed! They were: Fire, Water, Grass, Rock, Ground, Electric, Steel, Bug, Flying, Psychic, Dark, Ice, Fighting, Normal, Ghost, Fairy, Poison, and Dragon. Next he stated things about the general information he had about many things, but then when he began describing knowledge about the wild and the Pokemon itself, Darius began to correct him.

What do you mean there is more than one Legendary Pokemon of the same species!? 

What do you mean Legendary Pokemon choose Avatars!? 

What do you mean you can use moves like a Pokemon, but weakly!?

What the fuck! Why wasn't he taught this in school? 

Darius' answer? "Well, you see kid- sorry, Wally, I'm used to saying kid... Anyway, the thing is that governments are a conglomerate of power hungry assholes that gather together and discuss how to earn more power for themselves in any way, shape, or form. Sacrificing anyone and anything that they need to, because in their minds, it's not that bad..." Wally, a firm believer in justice, of course did not believe Darius' words. But the more Darius explained it to him, the clearer it became clear: The government isn't always good. 

"Remember this, boy, All Cops Are Bad. ACAB. Never trust a police officer or anyone with any form of authority that you don't know." Darius said: "I have gotten in trouble for doing absolutely nothing various times, just because I look like, as many people love to say, a criminal." Wally did look Darius up and down... The piercings, the tattoos, and the scars did make him look kind intimidating. "Also, never trust a fart. You don't know if you'll end up shitting yourself." 

Wally does not know why he said that last part, but it was still wisdom to share, and it made sense so... Meh.

"Also, the thing about of the things that are hidden from you by your government - like how Egg Moves work, which most likely is hidden because of them greedy Pokemon Breeders, Pokemon Healing too! Like, who the fuck doesn't even know how to do simple first aids on a Pokemon? How the fuck are you going to keep them stable? That's bullshit... Anyway, the things that are hidden in this world are either secrets to money, power, or fame. Why you never knew that there are more than just 2 or 3 Legendaries of the same species? Because then you'd think of catching one yourself, which would be too much power in one person's hand." Darius flicked his cigarette, making the ashes fall in the wooden disk he had before him. He inhaled once again before letting out smoke from his mouth, using some of his energy to make sure the smoke would blow away from Wally's face, which he appreciated: "You don't know about Legendary Avatars because then you'd want to become one. You aren't taught how to unlock your Affinity's power because then the government would need to deal with a bunch of people who not only have Pokemon but can also assist them in battle... Imagine the chaos." 

Wally only thought back. His mother, his family and the town they lived in... Maybe- 

"Ah, I see you're thinking about your tragic backstory right now?" Darius rudely interrupted his thoughts, saying something so surprising that Wally stopped: "Hey k- Wally... You're a good kid." A hand softly touched his hair, and as Wally looked up, an arm pulled him into a hug- Only for Wally's face to be pressed against two large pecks, all oxygen was cut, and he couldn't breathe.


-Scene End-

Author's Note: If it isn't clear, have this.

Below Average Potential Pokemon (★)

Average Potential (★★)

Above Average Potential (★★★)

Good Potential (★★★★)

High Potential (★★★★★)