
07: Yellow-Green.

So... He got the Bug Affinity. He doesn't really know what the affinities do other than make other Pokemon of that certain type like him a little hit more than normal. Maybe it also grants him skme sort of special ability? He doesn't know.

He held onto the silk backpack he had. The eggs inside were kept safe by him, and the small Caterpies he managed to save were sleeping as they held onto him. It's weird to have a Bug affinity when Bug is super effective against Dark Pokemon. It's like two conflicting forces shaked hands and agreed to be best friends. "C'mon, little ones, we need to find shelter for the day..." Darius pushed forward, the hole on his leg had been partially healed, all that because what he focused his energy on when using his [Basic Pokemon Healer] skill was to close the hole so the bleeding would stop, what he essentially did was force his skin to grow and close the hole, the blood stopped from going out but he still had internal bleeding which only stopped after a while. He seriously doesn't know how or why, but after eating a few Oran Berries, his body's natural healing properties were enchanted somewhat.

Maybe because his body was changed the moment he came to this world, but the anime has shown how people survived something that would've killed a normal human from his world. Like how Jessie and James could survive being electrocuted, exploded, and even worse things... "Oh, yeah?" He looked down when he felt a tug on his pants, pants where were ruined each and every passing day as he lived in the forest. He is going to end up naked at this point. He doesn't even have underwear change! He has been using no underwear for the past days, trying to keep himself clean, but his clothing options will need to be revised after this! "Oh, thank you." Taking the small rock the Phantum gave him, Darius smiled at the little ghost tree. The Sableye was a little tricky boy who would either hide beneath his shadow or go from shadow to shadow, searching around for any danger.

Darius didn't have much knowledge of the landscape around, seeing as he didn't even know where the closest human settlement is, but he knew he must survive. The wilderness is cruel, and he vows to keep his kids alive! "Let's go, I think we can find a source of water today." They walked further, the Caterpies he managed to save resting on his body while Cerberus walked alongside him. They passed through thick foliage, greenery, bushes, shrubs, trees, and trunks. He did have the small Phantum on his hands. She woke up and blinked up at him with innocent eyes: "Oh hello, good morning, little one." Darius smiled softly to the little stump ghost, who made this adorable sound that resembled a child's giggle. He remembered now about how Phantum were supposedly the spirits of lost children that died in forests.

As they walked forward, Darius felt a tingle on his body as a small snap echoed inside his mind, a notification popping before his eyes:

[Sableye wishes to join your team]

'Accept.' Immediately as he accepted the little shy pokemon, he felt a bond also be made with said Pokemon, making him know exactly where he was and what he was doing. At the same time, he also felt Cerberus' mood. He was nervous and attentive to his surroundings, but he was also a little more relaxed with him. The other Caterpies were not really responsive to him. Although they weren't fully Sapient, they had a small degree of Sapience, making them feel aware and sad for their family that was destroyed and killed by the many Spearows and Fearows.

Darius guided the little Pokemons through the vast forest, passing by bushes and various trees, following the sense of direction his skills from the [Basic Wilderness Survivor] class gave him, knowing that he'd eventually find a source of water he could gather, boil, and then drink - Because he is not fucking with germs where e can't get basic fucking medicine. 'Also, thank Arceus that Pokemon have a harder time getting diseases not specifically evolved to infect them. Also, thanks, Arceus, that not many of them exist.' His [Basic Pokemon Nurse] class gave him the knowledge that these illnesses only exist for a few pokemon lines - The Ratatta Line, the Sewaddle Line, and the Poocheyna line. They all were rather serious illnesses that only these lines could get (as far as he knew with the knowledge he had).

They were basically super viruses that could infect these species because they evolved to do so, which is really weird to Darius, but who is he to judge?

Regardless, it seems his energy has increased by another 50 thanks to Sableye joining his team.


| Name: Darius Markus

| Age: 20

| Gender: Male

| Energy User Rank: 1

| Energy: 200/200

| Nature: Gentle Giant - Grants you the unique skill [Friendly]

| Affinities:

Dark Types - Dark Types seem to like you more...

Bug Types - Bug Types seem to like you more...


With the Bug Affinity, he could feel the Bug energy from the Caterpies on his back and from the eggs as well. It was this weird energy that gave him the idea of spreading, of growing, of popping, and of oozing. It was weird! "Huh..." Now that he focused, Dark Energy felt slow, dragging a little but could also become very quick, like a deceiving energy that pretended to be weak while waiting for the time to strike. Huh.

All Bug types have one thing in common: Their ability to quickly spread and reproduce.

All Dark types have one thing in common: Their ability to deceive their opponent or their tricky personalities.

'Huh...' Darius softly smiled because he knew that although the present was bleak, the future was bright. He had hopes and ideas, but first, he needed a place to stay, a safe place for them all... There was this tingly sensation, like he was being watched, and when Darius looked to the eastern side, he saw a little green bug wearing a cloack made of leaves.

"Huh?" The little bug tilted its soft little head at him before smiling: "Sewaddle!"


| Name:

| Species: Sewaddle

| Type: Bug/Grass

| Held Item:

| Gender: Male

| Level: 5

| Rank: Novice (1)

| Potential: ★☆☆☆☆

| Nature: Gentle (+Energy Resistance/-Endurance)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Swarm (Increases Bug type damage)

Chlorophyll (Increases speed in harsh sunlight)

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 9 [F]

Speed: 12 [E]

Endurance: 8 [F]

Attack Potency: 11 [E]

Vitality: 10 [F]

Energy Control: 13 [E]

Energy Resistance: 21 [D]

Energy Capacity: 15 [E]

Energy Potency: 15 [E]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Silver Wind [T], Razor Wind [L], Baton Pass [T]

Moves: String Shot [T], Tackle [T]



"Huh, hi little guy." Because of his [Gentle Giant] nature, Darius' skill [Friendly] made so the little Sewaddle felt at ease with him, and because he had Bug Affinity, the little guy liked him even more! The Caterpies looked at the new friend that came over, and they began to talk to their fellow Bug Pokemon brethren, who also began to make little noises. "Are you alone here, little guy?" The little bug looked up at him and made a few noises that Darius couldn't really understand what they meant... He narrowed his eyes and focused. His mind started to overwork itself to make connections of the noises the Pokemon was doing and anything else.

Until he heard a branch break.

He turned around, holding the little Sewaddle on his hands as a large bug wearing leaf clothing walked forward, making these clicking noises for a moment before it said its own Pokemon name: "Leavanny."

"Oh, hi." Darius smiled to the Pokemon: "Is this your kid? I found him here, I thought he was alone for a moment -" His eyes widened when he saw the Pokemon's face as it wobbled towards him. It had not the familiar green coloration, but instead, this pale yellow-ish green color, the leaves on its body were in disarray and broken in some places which when taken in consideration this Pokemon's love for making clothing out of leaves for both humans and Pokemon alike...

This poor Leavanny had caught one of the few rare Poke-virus, the deadly Yellow-Green Virus.