
Greetings, New People, A Plan Come To Fruition? Oh My!

{Three Months Later…}

I spent the next three months going back and forth from the orphanage to Oak's Lab.

After my first 'scientific observation' -He won't call it anything else- He went to make a call. And two days later, a Van with a strange logo detailed with an abbreviation.


I asked him about it later that day, and he told me it was the League Containment Foundation, something for anomalous items that appear more strange than most pokemon…

…That's just a discount SCP Foundation, isn't it?

"-y!" A distant voice called.

"Huh?" I muttered, the shaking of my shoulders interrupting my sleep. I cracked an eye open, spotting a grinning Aunt Anne and a blushing Hex.

"Hey Kiddo!" Aunt Anne looked down at me, Dark Lavender peering into Ocean-Green eyes. "Are you ready for the Pokemon Camp today?" She asked, the smile never leaving her face.

My eyes widened in realization, kicking tiredness to the curb. "That's today!?" I yelled in both excitement and concern, as I haven't packed my bags for anything really… I thought it was next year!

A pillow was sent flying into my face.

"...ralts." Rem muttered tiredly, wiping her eyes. "Get up Alex!" shouted a red-faced Hex, before she yanked the blanket, and subsequently me and Rem onto the cold floor.

"Gah!" "Ralts!" We both shouted when we plopped onto the cold hardwood floor. "What was that for?!" I yelled irritatedly. Hex giggled, "Well, Momma said If I didn't do that, you wouldn't get up in time!" She grinned.

…I never thought a seven-year-olds smile could be so intimidating…

I shivered unconsciously, as Anne let out an "Ara Ara~, It seems my precious daughter has found someone special, fufufu~" Hex started to stutter, trying to convince her otherwise, while I was over here on the floor feeling rather… shocked.

What the hell!? Who're you and what did you do to my Tomboy Aunt?! I didn't even know she could 'Ara Ara'!

[Ara Ara?] Miia parroted back confused. I sighed mentally, 'It's nothing Miia, I was just caught off-guard.'

[Ah… Well, Paul sent me a message, do you want to hear it Darling?] She queried. 'Oh, what the heck, play it.' I said nonchalantly. I never thought Paul would talk to me again after everything was said and done, but here I was, proven wrong once again.

["Is this thing on?...Oh it is?! *Ahem!* Hello Alex, It's me, Paul. I've come to tell you about some changes I made to your rewards from the Gacha System, specifically SCP-5708.

Before I changed it, It would've made you a prime target for any wandering Abominations in the Blinds, so no need to thank me!

Just remember, do not, and I mean do not accept any deals from CTHTHRIS okay? Bye!"] Paul's voice faded as the recording slowed to a stop.

'Huh. Cool.' I thought to myself, too dumbfounded from the fact that if I used it before then, I probably would've become Eldritch Bait!

"Soooo?" Anne asked, stretching the word.

I waved her off, "Alright! I'll be down in a bit, I just have to pack. See you guys in a bit!" I bid them goodbye as they walked out of my room. I could spot the bus from the window near my bed.

"C'mon Rem, we got some packing to do!"

"Raaaaaaalts…" She lazily complained.

I'm so excited!





The bus's brakes hissed to a stop as it pulled into the lot.

"Alright kids!" Anne shouted from the driver's seat, "We've arrived, so up and at 'em!" She funneled the children through the open doors. As the bus finally started to empty, she spotted Me, Hex, and Rem chilling in the very back.

She sighed, walking up to us and shaking us awake. "*Sno-* Wha-... Oh, we're here already?" I questioned, rubbing my tired eyes. She nodded.

I sat up from my seat, or at least tried to, as Hex and Rem were glued to both of my arms. I groaned, as I shook them awake as well. "Girls… Girls! We're here, wake up!" They moaned tiredly, before their eyes snapped open, staring at me, as the blush came in full force.

Both of them jumped off of my arms. I just shrugged, "C'mon Rem, Hex, we're at the camp." I stated blandly, as I hooked Rem into my arms, placing her on my head. "Ah-... Wait for me!" Hex shouted at my retreating form that was already out of the bus.

Some minutes of walking later, we finally merged into the gaggle of kids who were waiting for the counselor. Oh, speak of the devil and he may arrive, "Hey Kiddos! I'm Danny, and I'm the Camp Counselor for this wonderful camp! And I'm going to give you a tour of where you'll stay for the summer! Aren't you all excited?"

A chorus of 'Yeah!' and 'Yes!' had him smile ear to ear. "Alright then, come along!"

This is going to be a long summer, isn't it?


Week 1:

I decided to start a journal for this, because it'll be a cold day in hell if I don't get bored here. Sure, the Pokemon Summer Camp is a pretty good idea on paper, but now…

It's actually kind of boring once the novelty of new things wears off.

Aunt Anne's said this'll be a four-week thing, but honestly? I just want to get back to fiddling with my New Pen.

Ah, I met some new people this week as well. What confused me was that several girls that I've met, were supposed to be in their 20's at this time, but I'm going to chalk that up as space-time shenanigans.

That, or my R.O.B. is an unrepentant pervert

I've met four girls from the games, and one from the old show. They were:

Misty- A fiery Redhead that would always be in the room with me somehow.

Sabrina- The second I stepped into the room, I could feel her passive Psychic field was over me, and when it did, she blushed up a storm.

Clair- The Dragon-Type Trainer (Still in training), who was from another region. Hex may have spilled my vast knowledge on different types of pokemon, and she forced me to stay in a conversation about the 'wonders of Dragon-Types'

Flannery- She was a volunteer at the camp, apparently at the recommendation of Professor Birch.

And finally, Serena. I met her at the camp introduction, where everyone had to meet each other for 'Making Friends'... I haven't spotted Ash yet, but I've been told that he's running late, courtesy of Pidgey Flocks…

Either way, I'm not complaining.


Week 2:

I hung out with some of the kids that are at least tolerant of me. It's not that hard to gain the trust of other kids, you just have to be 'Fun' or 'Cool' in their eyes. They were pretty excited to learn about me after Oak started to brag about his 'Amazing little assistant'

…I poured laxatives into his coffee that day.

Onto other news, Hex.

She found me fiddling with the Pen yesterday, and I had to bribe her with a copious amount of hugs to get her to keep her mouth shut on this.

I know she values our friendship to a… concerningly large degree, so it wasn't all that hard to convince her in the first place.

I had to spill what the Pen was, because while she won't tell anyone, she is very good at pestering people. Do you want to know what the first thing she asked me to make for her was?

A Camera.

A camera that can see through walls.

…I'm starting to regret it already.


Week 3:

Ash finally arrived, if only late by two weeks.

He was surprisingly mature for a seven-year-old. He kept going on about 'Becoming A Pokemon Master!' so I gave him some tips about typing and what-not.

I mean, it grants me some small amount of plot armor by being the kid's mentor on a technicality. Oh, Earlier this week I finally got around to testing what I could do with Psyra.

So, like the incredibly intelligent Scientist I am, I channeled them through my eyes.

It was probably (Read: Definitely) a bad idea to test it in a large group of people, because I nearly blinded myself with the amount of Aura in the vicinity.

Miia set aside an hour just to lecture me about giving her a heads up before I attempt things like this again, but she did walk me through a few things.

Everyone has a metaphysical 'string' that is attached to a small wispy ball of light, something I'm assuming is their soul.

Miia asked if I had any strings that latched onto me, and in fact, I did…

…Seven of them.

…Ah crap.




Summer camp was almost over, as the final week was coming to a close. Danny announced a special event for today, a tour around the forest. He said something about them being wonderful this time of year, but I wasn't exactly paying attention.

"Let's go!" He shouted, marching into the forest with Flannery not very far behind. She spotted me out of the corner of her eye and waved, so I waved back.

We followed a trail that seemed to be used quite often, with the occasional low-level pokemon wandering nearby.

Danny kept the group enthralled with topics about pokemon, their habitats, and more specifically Magikarp Migration. I wasn't paying attention to this, as I opted to observe the few pokemon that I could spot, and scanned them using Psyra.

Miia had informed me about their potential scale, which went from Red to Aurora (Which was reserved only for legends)

I spotted a few Red-Potentials, one Deep Red potential, and three Light Green-Potentials. It's rather odd… It seems that a flock of pidgeys has taken nests nearby with the amount of them I've seen so far.

As I was Poke-Watching, I spotted Sabrina wandering through the undergrowth of the forest with the corner of my eye. I turned to see Ash enthralled with Danny's tall tales, so I made up my mind to go after her.

A few days after I met her, I developed two things, one of which was easier. The first was a small tracking device that I managed to sneak under the ribbon of her hat, and the second was a Kimoyo Bead Bracelet, courtesy of the MCU.

I had a field day trying to draw them with the small amount of paper I had on hand. Complete with Hard Light projections, GPS (Which I know shouldn't work currently, but CYOA magic I guess), and both connection to the internet and the functionality of Pokedex in one.

'Thank you Miia.'

[You're welcome~] She purred cheekily, [But I'm sure you should be focusing on the matter at hand, right?] She advised, trying to hinder a snigger from escaping her lips.

I nodded, ducking under low-reaching branches, and avoiding any small animals, as Rem was still fast asleep with Rem.

The tracker was pinging 23.77 meters away from me, the length of a tennis court. I sneaked closer to the dot projected via hardlight, and as I stepped out of a bush, I spotted Serena being chased by a Nidoran!

Yeaaaah, no.

I reached into my pocket, grabbing something I've been preparing for the last two days. I held three matte-black beads in the palm of my hands, I refer to them as [Entrapment Beads], which were based on some old Pokeball Blueprints I found in the wiki.

They work as a Three-Dimensional Net, as the barrier rapidly expands when it hits or lands on a solid object, with the Nidoran being the object in this example. I'd rather use these for capturing goons and the like, so It's set to a non-lethal sleeping gas, but it can be switched just as easily.

As I monologued, Serena spotted me between the bush, soon after I was waving her to me. "Duck!" I yelled. She obliged, and I threw the [Entrapment Beads], nailing the Nidoran head-on.

'NIDO!" It screamed as it slammed headfirst onto an invisible barrier, dazing the small pokemon. It staggered for a moment, before finally succumbing to the sleeping gas. I turned to Serena, "Are you alright?" As I held her in a princess carry.

The blush gracing her face was atomic!


…I think I broke her.



Hey guys, Dumby here.

If you've read both this and my other book "Gears N' Grinding", you could probably see the difference in word count and descriptions.

The difference is because of their character. One is a normal civilian in a strange situation. The other is a government scientist that had his questions answered.

Its all about their point of view.

(A/N Note: All of the photos of the girls are tastes of the future. The time skip hasn't happened yet so keep it in your pants! - Dumby)

Dumby, Out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dumby_3054creators' thoughts