
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

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36 Chs

Unpleasant Arrival

"That's Saffron City, Clefairy." I say stopping in my tracks. Clefairy and I looking at the huge buildings in the distance just takes in the sight.

We both looked in awe at the tall buildings which we never saw at Cerulean and for myself personally not at Pewter either.

'That's the most prosperous city in Kanto.'

Sabrina was a big part of the reason the city is so successful. I mean who knew a crazed psychic lady is a great deterrent to outsiders and danger, have you seen her feats in the anime?

She can turn humans into dolls and make personal dimensions with just her powers. So she could make a whole other pocket world for herself by pure strength.

It's like what do you do at that point? Beat her main team?

Good luck of that one chief I'll salute you. Even then her main team isn't the problem, it's Sabrina herself that could probably act as the trainer and Pokemon.

"Alright just a bit more." I encourage myself seeing that it wasn't much longer till we got there.

I peddled for about 15 minutes until I felt a little dizzy. My surroundings started to warp a little as everything around me had a hint of rainbow.

"Play with me…" A child like voice could be heard reaching out to me.

"Oh hell the fvck no." I murmur turning my body towards the voice. Over to my left there was a little kid who was holding a doll.

"Follow me! Let's play trainer!" It excitedly shouted as it ran off to the distance. Realising that following a creepy ass little girl that somehow has the speed of sonic isn't the brightest idea, I just sit on my bike with my heart beat increasing fast.

"Why wont yo-"

Hearing these word my patience hit a boiling point as I wasn't in the mood for this shit. I've got a tournament in the after-noon and the start of a horror movie is occurring right now.

"STOP!" I shout in anger. My eyes started to glow red as a small visible shockwave occurred. With this my surroundings came back to normal as I realised I was next to a cliff looking off to the distance.

Regaining my senses I realised that Clefairy was still in the basket lookin at me scared and confused.

"Clefairy?" She said trembling a little.

"I'm sorry, let's get back on track." I say a bit winded. Clefairy seeing that I regained my senses, calmed down a little bit.

'What was that..' I thought trailing off to which I instantly moved on.

In all honesty I knew that encounter was most likely Sabrina trying to kill another trainer (me). But I thought she stopped this shit after Ash gave her Haunter.

Seeing that I almost walked off an edge, it's safe to say she's on something.

After all of that hectic stuff, the ride to Saffron City was smooth sailing without any distractions this time. With the entrance to the City in front, I get off my bike and store it in my bag.

"I guess alls well ends wel-" Before I could finish my word though, I suddenly got engulfed in a pink energy.



My body started to distort in my view with Clefairy looking a bit stretched. This didn't stay for too long as I suddenly appeared in front on a huge building.

"Where am I?" I question looking around. Though it was dumb question anyone could figure out with my knowledge, I just wanted to double check.

In case I was trapped in a doll house for example.

"Hello young man, I see you got teleported here." A man wearing something a plumber would said out loud. Turning around I realised who this is.

"I apologise for my daughters actions, she usually teleports people with potential for being a psychic these days. She might be on her period…" The man that I identify as Sabrina's father says trailing off at the end.

But I didn't listen to most of it.

Seeing his eyes squinting I realise that her dad probably knew what happened to me.

He didn't apologise when Sabrina did it to Ash so I'm honestly confused.

Can we quote the "These days" of his sentence. Dear god she was on a massacre before Ash and you knew this?

'Well if you include almost killing me then fucking yeah you should be sorry.'

Which is what I wanted to say but because I don't want to die so I kept my mouth shut. In the end it was the smart decision though.

"I've gotta go prepare for the rookie tournament and get a move on my journey." I hurriedly say as I wanted to leave this place as soon as I could.

"Clefairy!" Clefairy says agreeing with my words. Not letting the man respond, I book it and ran the opposite direction.

Now that was a scary situation.

I don't care about horror dolls and little girls with world ending powers if it wont attack me. But to go into the lions den, now that's not productive.

"Fairy!" Clefairy shouted as it enjoyed the air grazing its face. Because of my training I'd say I was out of sight in just a few moments!

"Ah shit… Now I'm beat…" I say huffing and puffing due to practically sprinting away for my life. Clefairy not knowing the context of the situation just laughed enjoying itself.

With my mood starting to improve because of the pink fluff ball, I pull out my Pokedex.

'Let's find the location of the stadium then plan the day out from there.' I thought to myself.

"Ah it isn't too far."

The location of the stadium ended up being just a few streets away which is good. There were some public battle grounds near it which is where I would be staying for the time being.

"Okay Clefairy, I've found the place." I tell her while looking at the map on the Pokedex.

"So you're gonna join the Rookie tournament later on today? Good luck man."

"Thanks! Let's get this battle started. I really need the warm up for later." I say grabbing a Pokeball. Soon after this both myself and my opponent sent out our Pokemon.




Lairon looked on ahead with vigour as the Magmorter in front of it just kept a serious face. This battle will be a bit troublesome.

"Lairon use {Rock Tomb} and hold it."

I command Lairon to use his bread and butter move to start this battle off. My opponent not giving my Pokemon any breathing time goes next.

"Magmorter use S1." I hear him calmly say with a smile. Getting an eerie feeling, I watch as Magmortar uses {Brick Break} on the floor of the battle field making a huge dust cloud.

"Lairon {Metal Sound} now."

Soon after these commands before Lairon could use a move, Magmortar jumps out the dust to the left of Lairon.


Adjusting his trajectory, Lairon looks at Magmortar just to feel a great deal of heat behind it.

"Behind you Lairon, defend yourself with {Protect}" I shout realising that the Magmortar who jumped out of the dust was a {Double Team} duplicate.


Lairon surrounding itself with a sphere barrier, gets hit by the {Fire Blast}. Unfortunately for it though, the shield was instantly cracked due to the strong force and impacted the iron armour Pokemon.


"Shit." I murmur seeing the damage Lairon took from the single hit.

"Return the hits with full powered {Rock Tomb}!"

Without letting Magmortar recover from its high damaging move, 20 boulders were instantly hurled at the Pokemon.

Magmortar seeing this, got into a combat stance and enhanced its arms and hands with a saturated brown colour of {Brick Break}.

"TERR!" The Blast Pokemon roars out as it deflected all of the incoming boulders with ease.

*Crack* *Crash*

'What the fvck, I can't use any physical moves as Magmortar could just blast Lairon with an attack. And if I keep a distance I'm finished.' I observed looking at the horrible situation. This battle was a losing one as soon as Magmortar hit {Fire Blast}.

With the match not going in my favour at all, it was soon won by the guy named Cole using {Brick Break}.

The match wasn't close at all and his Magmortar was a total monster compared to Lairon.

'This was Lairon's first major loss outside of the gym.' I thought to myself returning Lairon to its Pokeball.

You cant win them all I guess…

Soon after this I made my way to Cole who was feeding his Pokemon some pokeblocks.

"That was quite the massacre." I awkwardly say shaking his hand. Cole laughing at my words starts to console me.

"Don't think about the loss too much, Magmortar is too strong for a rookie Pokemon. You see I finished my journey a few years ago." Cole explains which made me nod.

This opened up my view a little bit more. Any random guy on the streets could potentially have Pokemon as strong as this guy and I wouldn't know.

"You're Lairon is pretty good, better than what ever my Pokemon were when I first started. Just keep it on as you're doing something right. I'll be cheering you on at the event" Cole says which made me eye roll in my mind.

Some tip from a supposed veteran trainer. Well It's not like I asked for any anyways. Submitting the money through my Pokedex, I head towards the Pokecentre to heal up Lairon before the tournament.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! You guys know what time is with this months Rookie tournament happening at Saffron City. Shout out to the other major cities as the next one will be held at Pewter City!" The announcer shouts doing his part.

Currently in the middle of the stadium was me holding Clefairy, standing with a whole bunch of other trainers participating in the tournament.

There were over 500+ trainers participating this tournament which meant at the minimum 9+ battles if I got all the way to the finals.

Looking around I actually happen to recognise someone. Janine who was the daughter of Koga (Fuchsia City Gym Leader) is currently the buzz of the Kanto.

She was already in possession of one official gym badge and three allied badges. Which created a whole stir of her becoming the next gym leader of her City.

Of course I'm the same but because of my "slow" progress, I haven't been as prominent in talks online which is a plus to me.

"I'm a big fan Janine!"

"Please sign my shirt."

"She doesn't seem that tough."

Multiple challengers in the stadium started to converse and comment as the start of the tournament was about to begin.

There were over 20 small battle ground on each side of the stadium while in the middle of the place, was one huge grassy field.

This was so multiple battles could happen as there were loads of participant hoping to win this tournament.

'Thankfully I got a mask and cap. It always works' I thought to myself as I pulled out my Pokedex.

"You guys think that's Forrest?"

"I mean who else carries a Clefairy."

Ignoring the words of people around me. I check to see where my first battle would happen and at what time.

"The battles will be starting in a few minutes ladies and gentlemen, just sit back and pick a battlefield to watch!"

With these words being said the audience started to cheer wanting to watch some amazing battles. The trainers started to split up to different places, to either go to their next battle or wait for their turn.


[Forrest Harrison]

Trainer Class: Rookie Class

Placement: Set 1, Battlefield 16


Seeing that I was in set one, I realised that I'm gonna have my battle immediately in battlefield 16. Shortly making my way to the area with Clefairy in my grasp, I got in place.

"Are you trainer Forrest?" A man with glasses and a red cap asks. Nodding at his words I show him my Pokedex to confirm. "Alright you're set to start the battle."

Hearing this I grab a Pokeball from my pocket which I separated from the rest of my Pokeballs. Looking in front I spot my first opponent.

"Let's have a great battle dude!" I hear him shout.

"You too!" I say back. With these words said the referee quickly announce the start of the battle to which both my opponent and I sent out our Pokemon.

The tournament is an exclusive one-on-one battle style for every battle. So you technically couldn't heal at the Pokemon centre, but every trainer is given three potions and optimal rest time between battles.

