
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

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36 Chs

Saffron Tournament Mid Stages

"Taillow is unable to battle, making Scyther the winner. The victor goes to Forrest Harrison." The referee announces after Scyther finished off his opponent.

"Nice Forrest!"

"How is his Scyther already so strong?"

"This is so unfair for his opponents haha!"

Multiple cheers from the crowd could be heard as I walked off the stage. After that win, I'm now sent straight into the top 32 of the tournament.

I would still have five matches ahead of me before the finals. Which won't be too difficult as I've got Lairon in the back ready to crush his opponents.

I'm aiming to get in the top 16 right now.


Because that's when we get to have a break and Nurse Joy can check up on my Pokemon.

I'm confident enough for Scyther to crush anyone in his path. His momentum is being increased every match.

Taking my second to last free potion, I heal up Scyther which might seem like a bad idea but it isn't.

Lairon will carry the rest so I may as well use all my resources.

"You've done so well Scyther, just keep this up. I guarantee you will become one of the strongest Pokemon this region will ever see." I say with a warm smile as I rubbed its head. Scyther leaning into my touch just basks in the praise.

"Sai sai…" Scyther growls in satisfaction.

"Clefairy!" The tiny fairy Pokemon shouted excitedly as Scyther gave it a piggyback ride. Seeing this I got an idea I should have implemented sooner.

Reaching for my pockets, I take out Squirtle Pokeball and sent him out.


"Squirtle!" The tiny turtle growled out. But seeing that there wasn't anyone to battle it got a lazy look. Chuckling at the sight I pick up Squirtle and rub its shell.

"Clefairy and you will be watching your older brothers battle okay?" I say which made the both of them nod frantically.

"Squirtle squirt!" Squirtle started to converse with the other two which made me smile. I sadly couldn't send Lairon out because of my wanting to keep him a secret.

It might have already been public, but no one would expect me to switch up my battler mid-tournament who was already destroying the competition. I mean that would ruin Scyther's already growing momentum.

But I don't care, a win is a win.

Thankfully I "disguised" myself early on as because of the decreased opponents, no one is crowding me early on which is a lifesaver for my anti-social self.

"Alright guys, let's head out for Scyther's next battle.

"Scyther finish this off with {Night slash}." I calmly say. Scyther who was hidden between his {Double Team} which circled the poor Gollet, readies itself.

"Gollet {Defence Curl}!" My opponent shouts trying to play off my attack.

Smirking at this I already had the win secured. While Scyther went hitless the whole fight, Golett was slowly whittled down due to not being able to counter {Double Team}.

My opponent could only helplessly use single attacking moves on a clone as my Scyther was taking advantage of the situation. Sadly for it, Scyther doesn't play with his food.

With a dash forward, Scyther was up to the automation Pokemon and gave the curled-up Pokemon a hit.


This hit containing too much force sent Golett back to its trainer.


The referee seeing that Golett was out for the count announced the results. As Scyther was battling, his little siblings cheered him the whole way.

A good form of encouragement I'd say.

"Squirtle squirtle!

"Fairy cle cle!"

Both of my new members were cheering on while doing alternate hopping.

'Surely this will be posted on Pokebook or something.' I chuckled to myself as I returned Scyther to his Pokeball.

"Let's go get you're brother healed up and ready for his match." I happily say while pulling out some Pokemon food for Scyther when he recovers. Seeing the food, the two squirts started to give me a cute look trying to get some more.

"No this is for Scyther." I shortly said which they didn't complain about. They knew how much their older brother deserved the Pokemon food and didn't complain anymore.

"Squirtle squirt!" Squirtle said reaching out his hand. Knowing that he couldn't open up the container I handed it to him.

It seems like he wanted to give it to Scyther when he's fully healed up.

That's actually pretty adorable.

Clefairy who was in my grasp though got jealous and jumped down to take the container.

"Fairy fairy!"

'Bruh.' I sigh to myself as I slowly made my way to Nurse Joy located near the exit of the stadium. On the way there though I looked around to see if there were any interesting battles.

And to my interest, Alain was currently battling. But my interest didn't stay for much longer as I wanted to heal up my Pokemon.

He will be battling later on anyways, I could watch then.

I don't want to wait in a long ass line now, do I?

After getting Scyther healed up it was finally time for the last sixteen of the tournament. It wouldn't take much longer for the battle to commence.

The pre-quarterfinal matchups were decided from the get-go and were announced soon after a 30-minute break was told.

Looking at my Pokedex I look at the matchups.

[Saffron Tournament Brackets]


Hugo vs Jonathan

Alain vs Cora

Carmen vs Forrest

Marek vs Brent


Bea vs Phillip

Touya vs Nancy

Janine vs Leon

Mateo vs Olivia



I only glanced over my bracket and saw that Alain would be my semi-final opponent if we both won. Getting a feral grin at the thought of battling a strong trainer, I suddenly realised how different it is to battle outside the gym.

Inside the gym, it's meant to be a learning experience for both the gym challenger and gym trainer. But with all my stacked-up knowledge battling all the basic Pokemon of the region, I can take advantage of knowing most of a Pokemon's moves and weak spots.

I'm not trying to evaluate someone to move on in a gauntlet anymore, I'm trying to destroy them their team with mine.

Sometimes I even had to throw a few matches as the challenger was worthy of getting a gym badge for their level which irked me a bit.

"Squirtle squirt!

"Cle clefairy!"

Both Pokemon growled out while they each had a hand on the food. Scyther who saw them trying to hand him the container, pats each of them on the head before using ample force to open the container.

"Scyther sai…" Scyther taking some food, shared a little with Clefairy and Squirtle which they immediately nibbled on.

In all the situation was quite harmonious right now with the stress not getting to us.

'Thankfully I got rid of all the freezing and stage freight at the gym.'

I solved my most of my obvious issues as a newbie trainer which is good. This saved me the problem of needing to solve it on my journey.

For the next 30 minutes, I mostly spent my time either watching my Pokemon chat or go on my Pokedex.

My first match of the top sixteen was against a kid called Carmen. He had a Bulbasaur which had a decent showing against Scyther as it landed a few hits.

Seeing that the trainer hailed from Celadon though I could see why his Bulbasaur was so strong. It probably had more experience than my Squirtle but less training.

For my second match which was now the quarter-finals, my opponent had Cyndaquil. Fortunately for me though the little fireball got severely out sped and couldn't land a hit.

"Let's go scout our next opponent Clefairy," I murmur seeing that I've done this a few times this tournament.

You can never be too sure in a battle, so knowing my opponent's general skill level isn't too bad. But this time instead of it being anyone, it was Alain.

"Fairy!" The little fairy squealed happily wanting to go watch some other battles occur.

Walking next to one of the many battlefields, I see that Alain was battling a kid called Jonathan. Alain had his Pawniard while his opponent had a Cubone.

"Cubone use {Mud-Slap}!"

"Get in close for a {Slash} then {Metal Claw}."

Cubone hearing its trainer started to spit out tens of mud blobs towards Pawniard in quick succession. The trainer looking at this thought that the amount would overpower his opponent but to his displeasure, Pawniard dodged and weaved.

"Yard yard." The sharp blade Pokemon huffed out as it perfectly weaved past multiple mud sludges.

But one got too close forcing it to hit the attack with {Slash}. Not backing down though, Pawniard enhances its blades with metal energy and rushed towards Cubone getting a free hit.


"Cubone!" Jonathan shouted seeing the direct hit. Alain seeing that Cubone's trainer wasn't paying too much attention to him, attacks again.

"Pawniard rush the dust and find Cubone, {Slash} it!" Alain shouts making it obvious he likes a more upfront battle.

"{Headbutt} Cubone!" Jonathan shouts with a sly grin. Alain realising that he walked right into that one he clicks his tongue.

Pawniard who walked into a dust cloud with a ground type, was located first and was hit with {Headbutt}.


Alain watching his Pokemon get sent a few steps back suddenly widens his eyes.

"Cubone one more {Headbutt}!"

"Quickly, {Sucker Punch} now!"

As Cubone was about to charge up another attack, Pawniard was already in front of it and smacked it with dark energy.

The lonely Pokemon already on its last few legs from way before this, it couldn't hold on and fainted right there and then.


"Cubone is unable to battle making Pawniard the winner. The victor goes to Alain!" The referee announces which got a whole heap of claps.

Seeing that Alain won his match I proceeded to leave. With this, I made my way to the next battlefield to where I'd fight that exact trainer.

Shortly after, I registered myself to future the trouble while sending out Squirtle to watch this battle.

"Squirt!" It shouts excitedly recognising it would watch another battle. Dropping Clefairy gently to the ground, I pick up Lairon's Pokeball and proceed to wait for Alain.

This didn't take too thankfully and I soon had the man himself in front of me with a determined look.

"Good luck man, let's have a great battle," I comment seeing his serious face. Alain getting a smile on his face just nods at my words as he waited for the signal to start.

"This battle is between Alain and Forrest. You're only allowed one Pokemon and the winner is decided when the opponent's Pokemon is unable to battle. If a draw occurs, both trainers get eliminated." The referee says for the 8th time I've heard this tournament.

Gripping my Pokeball, I start to tense up knowing it's the finals after this.

'Focus on the present idiot.'

"Let the semi-finals of this tournament, BEGIN!"




Both Pokemon locking eyes, drowned out the noise of the extremely loud crowd as they focused on each other's movements.

"Use {Rock Tomb} and hold it," I command not wanting to take any risks. I'll just play it out how I normally do against any other Charmeleon.

No need to overcomplicate it.