
Pokemon: Blood Bonds

Twenty-two years old, a young man named Alan dies but is born in a new world due to his good karma. What world, you may ask? Of course, it's the world of Pokemon. Will he keep his memories? Will he get a system or a cheat like other Mc's? Well, you will have to read to find out. Follow Alan on his journey in the world of pokemon. ***Disclaimer*** I am not knowledgeable about pokemon games and this is how I always imagine myself in the world of pokemon. The story will be slow as I don't want the mc to grow super op in just few chapters. I hope you give my book a chance. I do not own anything related to pokemon except my Oc characters.

Alan_demonic · Komik
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47 Chs

The Journey Begins.

Author's note: This chapter is no longer valid. The only reason I am not deleting it is so as to preserve the comments as I don't like the comments and my short conversations with the readers disappearing.

You can skip the chapter.


After Alan had walked a decent distance from the exit, he called Shin out to walk beside him.


Type: Fighting.

Level: 8

Potential: Deep Violet.

Stage: Beginner Stage (Low)

Blood Bond: None.

Ability: Inner Focus.

Innate Skill: Close Combat.

Moves: Leer, Rock Smash, Endure, Focus Energy, Bulk Up.

IM: None

TM: Protect, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Quick Attack, Agility.]

"We will start your training now," said Alan before handing some weights for Shin to wear, "you are not allowed to remove them till I tell you to."

Shin nodded his head and equipped the weights around his limbs.

Alan was not going to attempt the gym circuit for Kanto Region yet. He needed at least three pokemons since many gym leaders fought in three on three battles.

Now that he had decided what pokemon was going to his next and also knew the place for it, it was time to add the third pokemon to his party before anything else.

He was currently on route 1, right outside of Pallet Town. He needed to decide where to go first before reaching his final destination.

The closest city from here was Viridian City, and the Viridian Forest, for which the city was famous for had a lot of Bug-type pokemon. The only bug Alan liked in Kanto was a Scyther and its next evolution; the rest he did not like any of them, maybe except for Beedrill. But the Viridian Forest would be a good training ground for him and his pokemon.

As both Alan and Shin kept walking towards Viridian, they soon heard small movements in the bushes in front of them.

They paused, and not before long, a small pokemon appeared in front of them, followed by two others of its kind.


Type: Normal

Level: 8

Potential: Red

Stage: Beginner Stage (Low)]


Type: Normal

Level: 6

Potential: Red

Stage: Beginner Stage (Low)]


Type: Normal

Level: 6

Potential: Red

Stage: Beginner Stage (Low)]

Alan checked their potentials, but they were only red, hence of no value for him, but he could always use them as training for Shin.

"Shin, we are starting this fight," said Alan and Shin got ready to fight, "use Quick Attack to get close, then use Rock Smash."

Shin followed his lead and used Quick Attack to close the distance between him and his enemies.

The three wild pokemon were not expecting to fight, but when they saw Shin charge towards them, they got angry and attacked him as well.

The weaker ones charged at Shin with a Quick Attack while the strongest among the three used Focus Energy while his partners kept the opponent busy.

"Shin, take care of these two first."

Shin nodded his head and swung his fist at the first one who approached him. He sent it straight towards its face, sending it flying before he too slid back by the Quick Attack. Before Shin was even ready, the second Rattata was upon him already.

"Shin, dodge it with another Quick Attack and then use Leer at the strongest one," said Alan as he saw the leader of this group using Focus Energy once again.

Shin used a Quick Attack just in time to dodge the other Rattata's attack before using Leer on the group leader by giving it a stern look and dropping its defence.

"Finish this one with another Rock Smash."

Shin made his way to the Rattata. He just dodged and smashed his fist in its face as well, sending it flying towards the first Rattata and both laid down, unconscious.

The leader, by now, was prepared to fight and seeing his partners getting knocked out angered him as well. Without waiting any further, he ran towards Shin, who was slightly tired after fighting with the previous two.

The weights he was wearing were not helping at all.

"Use Agility," said Alan as he saw the leader making its way towards them, "dodge it and then follow it with another Rock Smash."

Shin finished using Agility just in time, but he was too late to dodge the Leader's Quick Attack. He took the blow head-on as he was dragged backwards by the Rattata. Shin, however, did not let it affect him too much.

He stood his ground, and as soon as he gained his balance, he ran towards his opponent before finishing it off with another Rock Smash. It was sent flying towards its partners, and now the trio lay unconscious on the ground.

Alan walked up to Shin and healed his injuries while giving him a pep talk.

"You did great, but we still have a lot to improve," said Alan before he listed the things they had to work on, "you are fast, but we need you to be faster since speed is going to play a vital role with your fighting style. Next is your physical strength followed by your Aura training which you will do with me every morning and at night."

Shin nodded his head in understanding and pumped his fists to show his spirit. Alan gave him a soft smile while petting his head.

"Now rest and recover for this battle so we can find more opponents as we make our way to Viridian City," he said before walking towards the Rattatas and placing a few berries before them as compensation.

After Shin was done resting, they started walking towards Viridian City and fought every Rattata or Pidgey they encountered on the way. It served as training and fighting experience for Shin, and his level rose quickly since he was still at a low level.

'If only we could go in the wild when Eve was on his level,' he thought as he remembered the days when he and Eve only practised in the training room since there was no other opponent for them to fight.

'Where are the Spearows?' wondered Alan since he had not encountered any of them yet. Not that he wanted to mess with those nasty bunch of birds who would attack anyone for just looking at them.

It was a little late in the afternoon before they crossed a river that marked the beginning of the territory under Viridian City, but then they heard a scream. For some reason, Alan found it very familiar.


Alan quickly ran towards the scream, followed by Shin, running right behind his trainer.

"Gyara, take care of them."

He heard sounds of fighting as he got closer, and soon a battle appeared in front of his eyes.

He saw a girl fighting against a horde of at least forty Spearows, led by four Fearows.

'Is this why there were no Spearows on the route?' he thought before looking towards the girl.

He quickly recognized the girl, and it was none other than Misty Williams. She had the same orange hair while her skin was tanner than before. She wore a yellow t-shirt that showed her tanned belly with blue shorts and white shoes.

Her Gyarados and Staryu faced off against the opponents with everything they had.

Alan took that chance to quickly scan the strongest ones in the group, along with the ones useful to him.


Type: Water/Flying

Level: 26

Potential: Light Violet

Stage: Intermediate Stage (Peak)]



Type: Water

Level: 24

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Intermediate Stage (Mid)]



Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 26

Potential: Deep Orange

Stage: Intermediate Stage (Peak)]



Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 28

Potential: Light Yellow

Stage: Intermediate Stage (Peak)]



Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 28

Potential: Light Yellow

Stage: Intermediate Stage (Peak)]



Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 33

Potential: Deep Yellow

Stage: Advanced Stage (Low)]

Alan looked at the four Fearow's as if they were pieces of juicy meats.

Along with the Pidgey line, these pokemon were great for travel and used by many to transport things within Kanto Region by air. The ones with good potential quickly sold for good money.

He also spotted a few Spearows with great potential, and since he had a lot of spare Pokeballs, he was going to catch as many as he could.

"What kind of an idiot would decide to provoke a Fearow nest and four at that?" asked the girl with orange hair as she fiercely swung her sword trying to help her Pokemons in taking out the weaker Spearows, "and his audacity to leave me here like this, I kill him and his Pikachu if I see them next time."

As they fought for their lives, the leader Fearow gave a loud screech before a large group among the Spearows used the same move together at the two pokemon in front of them.

"Watch out, its Aerial Ace," said Misty before she gave a command to her Staryu, "use Thunderbolt."

"Gyara, use Ice Beam," said Misty to the Gyarados, and pokemons fired of the respective attacks.

Spearows attempting to use Aerial Ace were stopped midway and left with dozens of injuries. This, however, left a small gap in their defence, and the Fearows used it as a chance to attack them.

The weakest Fearow used Drill Run on the Staryu, while the other three used Aerial Ace at Misty's Gyarados.

The intimidating sea serpent was a threat even the pack leader could not ignore and hence decided to take it out at first.

"Gyara, use Ice Fang and bite them down."

Just as told by her trainer, the sea serpent used Ice Fang and bit down on the weaker Fearows, but it was not enough to stop the leader as it was hit by a strong Aerial Ace and was injured in the chest.

On the other hand, the Staryu was seriously hurt by Drill Run used by the weakest Fearow.

The whole horde once again gathered and attacked everyone. When all doors closed on them, and their struggle against the Spearows and Fearows increased, leaving an injury after injury on the pokemon, the trio heard a voice from their right.

"Eve, use Hyper Beam."

Misty and all the pokemon present looked towards the origin of voice but what came in their view were not the people but an orange beam of light which came towards them at a breakneck speed, destroying everything in its way.


It created a loud explosion as it swept away all the Spearows and Fearows, creating a massive dust cloud.

As the dust cloud settled, Misty and her pokemon looked at the Spearows and Fearows lying on the ground, filled with injuries.

Only a handful of Spearows were not caught up in the Hyper Beam, while all the Fearows took a direct hit from it. All except one.

"Don't drop your guard yet," they heard the voice again and looked at the young man who was walking towards them, followed by two pokemon, "he is still up and kicking."

Alan pointed into the sky, and everyone looked at the Fearow, the leader flying in the air unscathed.

"A level 33 pokemon sure is strong," said Eve before she walked forward, orange energy still lingering around her mouth. This would be her first fight after the evolution, and they both wanted to test some new moves and a few other things.

"Your Espeon can speak?" asked Misty with a surprise as he looked at Eve.

Even for a psychic pokemon, it was not easy to learn human language and the Espeon before her learning it only meant that her talent in Psychic powers was stronger than many others.

"Let's talk later, there are still few more Spearows left, you should take care of them, I will fight the leader. Shin you should team up with her and help her clear out rest of the Spearows," he said before walking away.

'Who is he?' thought Misty as she looked at Alan, 'I think I have seen him before...'

Misty looked at Alan, trying to remember where she had seen him but she could not remember anyone with such a handsome face.

'What am I even thinking?' she shook her head before she ordered her Gyarados and Staryu to take care of the remaining Spearows.

"Do you think he can beat that Fearow?" she asked Shin with a bit of worry. She felt bad for not being any help after they were rescued by him, "maybe we could help him defeat it?"

Shin looked at misty as if she was an idiot before he shook his head. He raised his hand and pointed at all the Spearows and Fearows sprawled on the ground, bleeding from injuries left by the Hyper Beam while many of the Spearows were already dead.


Misty asked her pokemon to translate what he said to her and her lips twitched after hearing Shin's words.

'If they can do this, which you couldn't, do you really think they can't beat that big bird?'

Misty who had some doubts, checked Eve's status with her Pokedex and what came in her view left her speechless.

Alan and Eve stood below the Fearow who was looking at them with hateful eyes. It was angry that someone had come and injured the pack it was leading.

"We need to test some of our new moves on this one," said Alan.

After her evolution, Eve had learnt new moves which she was not yet proficient in using. The purpose of this journey was to fight strong people and pokemon to learn and train. And the Fearow in front of them was the perfect training partner for their new moves, at least it could help Eve get used to them, setting a base for her training.

"For the safe side, use Agility," he said, making sure Eve was ready to dodge in case something unexpected happens.

While Eve used Agility to boost her speed, the Fearow too used Focus Energy to raise its attack stat before it gave a loud screech and dived down towards Eve with a Quick Attack

"Dodge it and use Confusion."

The first new move learnt by Eve was Confusion. Though it was not strong individually, it had a great secondary effect, and that was to leave its opponent in a confused state. Even if the secondary effect had a 10% chance to take effect, this would raise by 10% every time they mastery of the move increased.

Eve dodged the Quick Attack easily with her speed and then gathered the Psychic energy for her next move.

Her eyes shone in purple light before she released a telekinetic wave towards the Fearow. It did some damage but it was not enough to leave it in a confused state.

"Use Confusion again."

Eve kept dodging Fearow's Quick Attacks and responded with Confusion each time and on the fifth, it finally started to show it's effects.

Alan nodded and then followed it with another new move which Eve had learnt. It was similar to Confusion in a way but also had higher offensive power than it.

"Use Psybeam."

Eve looked at Fearow who was once again using a Quick Attack and opened her mouth as Psychic energy started gathering before it was released straight towards Fearow.

Fearow took the beam head on and this time, the Psybeam left him confused. Alan knew this was the best opening and decided to try the next move.

"Follow this with a Dazzling Gleam."

Eve shone with bright light as it swept across the whole area before it reached Fearow who was flying around, confused about what to do.

He took a direct hit from the Dazzling Gleam which left it injured on the ground. Alan took this chance and threw a pokeball at it, and after three shakes, it gave a small 'ding' sound.

"We did it," he said walking towards Eve who stood there proudly.

"Too easy," she said before she her body lighten up a little, "I think I level up."


Alan hurriedly used his pokedex and indeed, Eve had gained a level.

Is the new Evolution of Scyther Canon (Having a hard time decide between onix and Scyther) and also the Crystal Onix? I heard Crystal Onix has Ice typing. Would you guys like it in case I choose Onix and make it crystal from Steel/Ice type or no?

Let me know your thoughts since I want to discuss this with you guys.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Alan_demoniccreators' thoughts