
Chapter 414 Meet Drew Again! Arcanine Mom

After crossing the rock mountain, Xiao Zhi and his party plunged into the forest again, but under the leadership of May, they came to a cake shop open in the forest and lined up.

On the way to the forest, they also helped a father tame a Jigglypuff as a birthday present for his five-year-old daughter. In order to tame the Jigglypuff, the uncle really took great pains.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to conquer a Pokémon.

"There is such a long queue to eat a cake!" Xiao Zhi only had a not-so-good experience!

But May comforted her and said, "Xiao Zhi, don't worry, according to the report from No Matter Map, the cake here is...

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a burst of barking. When she looked up, she saw a divine Arcanine running towards her.

The appearance of this Arcanine also surprised Xiao Zhi, because he could clearly see that this Arcanine was a wild Pokémon. It was really incredible that a wild Arcanine would appear in front of people like this!

"That's the evolved form of Xiao Zhi's Growlithe, Arcanine!" May murmured, and the moment Arcanine ran past her, she was attracted by its charming posture!

"I want to get it!" May immediately clarified her goal, "Xiao Zhi already has Growlithe, leave this one to me~ to conquer it!"

Xiao Zhi shrugged, "Of course I have no objection, provided that you need to find a way to conquer it yourself, and I'm quite concerned about Arcanine appearing here!"

"Then let's investigate!" Xiaogang said with a smile.

"Arcanine, wait!"

As soon as the group determined their target, they heard a familiar voice, which seemed to be chasing Arcanine!

Turning around, he saw it was Drew, with his Flygon following behind him.

"Flygon, use Flamethrower!" Drew's command made Xiao Zhi shake his head repeatedly. This linear attack can be easily avoided with Arcanine's skills. For Flygon, using Sandstorm will be more effective!

Sure enough, Arcanine easily avoided the Flamethrower, turned his head and sent Flygon out with a Heat Wave!

This Arcanine has a very high level and a very good fighting will!

Not only that, after it defeated Flygon, it actually used the Extrreme Speed ​​skill and disappeared in an instant!

"Oops!" Drew gritted his teeth and finally found the opportunity to conquer, but he had no choice but to miss it!

May walked up and said, "Drew, why are you here in Kanto?"

"Yeah, what a surprise. I didn't expect to meet you here!" Drew still didn't pay much attention to May. Instead, he looked at Xiao Zhi and asked, "Xiao Zhi, long time no see. Will you participate in the Kanto Region Contest?"

In the last Grand Festival, Xiao Zhi won the championship and became Top Coordinator.

This time, Drew must defeat Xiao Zhi!

But Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "I'm still thinking about it, let's see when the time comes!"

There is really a shortage of redemption points now. The redemption points that I managed to save before have bottomed out again after redeeming them for Thunder Stone and Water Stone.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi still needs more battles to earn redemption points.

"Drew, so you are also aiming for the large-scale celebration in Kanto?" Xiaogang looked at Drew and asked.

"My goal is only to win!" Drew was still as arrogant as before. As he spoke, he also opened the Ribbon Medal collection box, where there was already lying quietly a Ribbon Medal, which was slightly different from the Hoenn Region in style. different!

It turns out that he is one step ahead of May again!

"Is that the Kanto Region Contest Ribbon Medal?" May became envious, "It's annoying, I don't even have one yet!"

"I have guessed this a long time ago. In order to win in Kanto, I must conquer the beautiful Arcanine!" It seems that Xiaoya is determined to win the Arcanine.

May is not willing to admit defeat. Drew has always been the only one she can never lose. "You have a good idea, this Arcanine is the one I want to conquer!"

"Whatever you want!" Drew didn't care about May's competition at all, "Let's go, Flygon, let's go after Arcanine!"

As he said that, he took Flygon and ran in the direction Arcanine left.

Xiao Zhi and his party also hurriedly followed. Xiao Zhi sent Growlithe to help track him. I believe he will be able to find it.

"Speaking of which, that Arcanine is really powerful!" After Xiao Sheng finished speaking, Growlithe turned around, so scared that he quickly changed his words, "But the elder brother's Growlithe is the most powerful one!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi smiled, "My Growlithe is an elite police dog from the Jenny family who has experienced several generations of Breeders. He has excellent abilities in all aspects! He is not comparable to a wild performance!"

"Although I say that, I don't think that Arcanine can be conquered so easily!" Xiaogang was doing some mental building for May. This time, Xiao Zhi asked her to rely entirely on her own strength for this conquering battle!



Growlithe suddenly called out, attracting the attention of ten people.

"Did you find it?" May followed the direction of Growlithe's gaze and forgot about it. Sure enough, she saw Arcanine, which was putting sweet peaches into its fur. It looked like it was ready to be packed and taken back to eat!

"Good opportunity, it should be more neglectful now!" May's eyes lit up, this was indeed an opportunity for her to take advantage of, "Combusken, arrest Arcanine!"

She threw Combusken's Poké Ball, but it alerted the enemy!

Arcanine ran away again, and Combusken jumped on his chicken legs and chased after him. However, Arcanine didn't pay attention to it at all. He used Extrreme Speed ​​to throw Combusken away and disappeared in a glance!

"What a cheating Extrreme Speed ​​skill!" May was a little annoyed.


Xiao Zhi did frown, "Xiao Gang, that Arcanine just took the sweet peach away, right? Why do you think it did that?"

Hearing this, Xiaogang's eyes also lit up, and he immediately thought, "Then it must be bringing food to other Pokémon, and it is very likely that it will be its child!"

"Child?" May was obviously taken aback when she heard Xiao Zhi and Xiaogang's reasoning.

"Growlithe, just go and take a look and you will know!" Xiao Zhi knew in his heart that if it was a Pokémon that was taking care of its cubs, it would never be allowed to be tamed.

Under the leadership of Growlithe, Xiao Zhi and his group came to a cliff and found several newly born Growlithe!

Xiao Zhi's Growlithe walked over and played with these brothers and sisters.


Not long after, Arcanine came back with sweet peaches and a lot of food, and found that Xiao Zhi appeared near its lair, roaring a warning!

"Arcanine, you can't run away!" Drew also chased after him with Flygon!

May stood aside and said, "Drew, forget it, look!"

Xiao Zhi's Growlithe returned to him and followed him to Arcanine, "Take good care of your children! This is the Fire Type energy cube, I leave it to you!"

Arcanine glanced at Xiao Zhi, gently licked the Growlithe's fur, took the energy cube, and distributed it to the little Growlithe along with sweet peaches and other food.

Drew looked at Xiao Zhi's approach and admired him, "This person is still so awesome!"