
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews conplaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Komik
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777 Chs

CH46 (107), Exploring the Beach (3)

The next day I returned to the beach and the first thing I did was to call out everyone. I made sure they all wanted to follow the same arrangement from yesterday. After I did that, I sent them off once they were ready and knew what they had to do.

Once my Pokemon were off doing their thing I started with mine. Since I finished the survey of the first third of the beach yesterday, I was going to complete the second third today. This was the transition area where the beach went from bountiful vegetation to mostly sand.

I was currently debating how to go about my survey. I could walk from this end to the eastern one; from there a bit forward and then back towards this end. After that, I would repeat the process until I had covered the whole transition area.

Another option was to just walk forward to the end of the transition area; from there I would walk a bit to the east and return to the other end of the transition area. This would then be repeated until I had covered the whole area.

The options were practically me doing either horizontal or vertical S's until I was done. I heard there used to be an old mobile game called Snake that one could play on humanity's mightiest shield, the indestructible Nokia, where one had to do that S-motion after the snake got too big.

Anyway, after thinking it through I decided to go with the second/vertical option. Decision made, I walked a bit to the east, about 30 meters, to get away from the cliff and started walking forward. This way I could check 30 meters to my left and right while walking.

Any more than that and I was more likely to miss stuff. This was the most cost-effective method, where I noticed most things. Obviously I still missed some, but to get everything I would need to comb through the beach meter for meter and that would take a long, long time.

I knew what I was talking about since that was what I did to the area around our property, but I did not plan to do that yet since it took too much time and there was no guarantee that I would find something more that way.

Maybe I would do that sometime in the future when I had nothing better to do, but it was unlikely. It was more probable that I would simply move on to the next beach once I thought I was done with this one. Still, who knew what would happen, I was leaving that decision to the future me.

Anyway, I started walking forward while looking left and right to see if anything stood out. If I thought something or an area was suspicious I used my abilities, psychic/aura/observe, to check the area more closely.

My first round, which translated to walking from one end of the area to the other end after which I walked 60 meters to the east and turned back to the other end, took about 15 minutes.

As I had expected I did not see anything out of the usual. Only some Wingull as well as Spearow flying above my head and a Rattata, Sentret, as well as a Zigzagoon or two scurrying around.

The next two rounds were much the same just with an additional Ekans I saw during the second round and a Diglett that suddenly popped up in front of me during the third round. I nearly stumbled over it, but I did manage to stop myself just in time.

The Diglett gave me an apologetic look and I waved it off. Seeing my reaction the Diglett gave a bow and left. It was actually one of the stronger Pokemon I had seen on the beach until now. Most of those I managed to observe were at the iron stage, while this guy was at the (low) bronze stage.

The strongest one so far had actually been the big Marill that I saw yesterday, the one that had apologized for the behavior of the small one. It, or rather she, had been at the (mid) bronze stage. Now that I thought about it, I was starting to wonder why she had chosen not to evolve yet.

Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, I had just finished my third round and now I was about to begin the next one. While I was walking 60 meters to the east I came across a Krabby. I involuntarily started laughing because for some reason I remembered a certain greedy crab.

Well, the Krabby seemed to take offense at my laughter and waved its pincers at me while sending a Bubble my way. I just used my telekinesis to lift some sand that I used to block the Bubble, after which I took control of the sand it was standing on.

I caused Krabby to sink a bit and used the sand to immobilize it. Once it was unable to move its feet I addressed it.

"Sorry Krabby I was not laughing at you, I just remembered something funny," I told him and he did not seem to really believe me.

"I'm serious. Still, how about I give you a berry as an apology and we forget the whole thing" I had no interest in catching him since he only had deep red potential and I certainly had no plans to kill him for something so minor.

I was no psychotic young master after all, which was why I chose to solve the problem the easy way through a bribe. Not really having a choice Krabby could only agree. I gave it an oran berry and it went away but not before gurgling in a slightly pissed tone.

Chuckling to myself I continued on my way. By the time I was done with my sixth round Pidgey flew over to get rid of the training harness. Once I took it off she left back the way she came from. I did not see any Pokemon that I had not already seen today during the last two rounds, but I was hoping something interesting would come up soon.

Well, by the time lunch arrived I had managed to complete my 20th round and I did see some interesting things during those 14 more rounds I completed. During the 8th round I came across a Shuckle, but this time around I noticed it beforehand, so no stumbling or anything like that happened.

I knew that Shuckle was known for making some great juice so I tried to see if it was willing to trade some juice for a few berries. It agreed and I gave it a few oran berries in exchange for it filling half of a 0.5 l bottle with juice. Now that I had the juice I was actually unwilling to drink it

'Name: Shuckle Berry Juice

Type: None

Class: F

Uses: It's a drink produced by a Shuckle inside its shell using berries. Its taste changes depending on the berries used for its production, but they all taste good. Once consumed, it helps restore the consumer's vitality slightly.'

I decided to ask my mother if she wanted to drink it and put it away. During round 11 I actually saw a Nincada, which I absolutely did not expect to see here, or more specifically in Kanto.

I mean, this actually was the perfect environment for it since there was a lot of sand, an area with berries and other edible vegetation, as well as a cave not too far from here. Nonetheless, I did not think that I would get to see any Nincada outside of Hoenn or maybe the Viridian Forest.

It was kinda cool for me every time I saw a Pokemon in a place I did not expect it to turn up. Anyway, when it saw me it quickly burrowed back into the sand, but I had enough time to check it out and it only had orange potential, so I let it go.

I actually came across a gang fight during my 14th round. 4 Wooper were standing opposite of 3 Krabby. Not too far from one of the Krabby was the reason for their little standoff a Pearl. I naturally chose to check it to see why they were making such a commotion because of a simple Pearl.

'Name: Shellder's Pearl

Type: Water, Ground

Class: F

Uses: A pearl made from accumulated sand by a Shellder, though it discarded it since it got in its way. Contains water and ground energy.

Can be used as a supplement to help water- and ground-type Pokemon.'

Well, that explained why this was happening and I had to admit the Pearl looked useful. Both groups had been keeping an eye on me as soon as I turned up near them. I obviously checked them out as well and all of them were only at the iron stage, so nothing I couldn't defend myself against.

Since that was the case I approached them and offered them a deal. I would take the Pearl and in exchange, I would give each group an Aquamarine of the same class. They stared at each other for a bit, looked at one another, and finally agreed.

I took the pearl, pulled out two F-class Aquamarines from my space, and handed one to each group. After that, I ignored the groups and resumed my walk.

During round 18 I came across a Ground Chip.

'Name: Ground Chip

Type: Ground

Class: F

Uses: It's a fragment of a Ground Gem, that has retained the ability to absorb and store small amounts of ground energy from the environment.

Contains ground-type energy and can be used as a supplement to help ground-type Pokemon.'

I was hopeful that I would find a Ground Gem somewhere on the beach since I found a chip of it in here. So, I was quite enthusiastic when I called the others over after finishing my 20th round. I asked them how they're doing and if they were having fun.

We ate and talked for about 30 minutes before we were done. I allowed everyone to go back to do their thing after reminding them about their second session. I secured the harness on Pidgey once more and watched them all go.

During round 22 I found another Ground Chip and I encountered a pair of Marill during my 23rd round. I, unfortunately, witnessed a group of 3 Sentret eating a Wooper during round 25, but besides pity for the Wooper, I did not feel disgusted, because everyone gotta eat you know.

Anyway, Pidgey came back during my 26th round for me to take off her harness, which I did. I also luckily managed to find the gem I had been thinking about.

'Name: Raw Ground Gem

Type: Ground

Class: E

Uses: It's a piece of raw gemstone that can absorb and store ground energy. Contains some compressed ground-type energy, increasing its purity. Can be used as a supplement to help ground-type Pokemon.'

It looked like a palm-sized light brown crystalline block and it was useful too. I was starting to think that I was being really lucky, and just 3 rounds later during my 29th round, one of the Spearow that I checked actually turned out to have pretty good potential.

'Species: Spearow

Gender: Male

Type: Normal, Flying

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Bronze-stage (low)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Keen Eye, Sniper

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal, Flying'

Now, no matter if I was going to keep him for myself or give him to my mother, I was definitely going to catch him, so I decide to use the direct approach. I for the first time used the full power of my telekinesis to clasp the Spearow and levitated him in front of me.

Spearow struggled to get out of my telekinetic grip, which strained my control tiring me a bit in the process, but I held strong. I stared him in the eye and boldly told him what was going to happen.

"I'm going to catch you. I am stronger than you so you can't win against me and I still have some Pokemon that are also stronger than you, so just give up." I felt its unwillingness but also its resignation, its struggle was diminishing by the second.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee you that after this you will always have enough to eat and you will also get much stronger than you would have gotten on your own." I was using all my abilities to emphasize my truthfulness.

Spearow's struggle had greatly reduced at the food part and completely stopped after I mentioned his future strength. Seeing his reaction, I asked if he wanted a battle or if we could directly skip to the part where I caught him. He looked thoughtful for a moment and conveyed that there was no need for a battle.

"Do you want to say goodbye to someone, or do you want to stop somewhere before I catch you or we leave for the day?" I asked him and he shook his head in denial.

"Good," I said and took out an AirBall that I then used to catch him. The ball only shook twice before the capture was complete.

I put him inside my space and let him out inside the house. I did not want him to see my space yet, since I was not sure if I was going to keep him or give him to my mother, so letting him out inside the house was the easiest solution.

After the whole analysis process, it turned out he was assigned to Pidgey's habitat which just got increased a bit in size. At least his potential was increased to light blue so that was great. Once the process was over I recalled him again and left his ball there while I resumed my inspection.

That capture seemed to have used up my luck because I did not find anything new by my 38th round. It was time for me to return home as well but there were still about 3.5 rounds left for me to finish checking the whole transition area.

I could literally see the end but finishing the thing would cause me to be late, so I had to postpone it until tomorrow. I called everyone out and the others over and we talked about their progress and what they had done today. Afterward, I recalled them all except for Xatu and had him bring me home.


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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 5/5 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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