
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Writing is not easy

"Last night the three of them drained me" I complained while training to get up from the bed. My body was aching everywhere.

"Oh my legs" I muttered as I was difficulties walking. That nightly workout was far too intense. It seems that I will need to work more on my body if I do not want to have that much aches next time.

"I hope it will be calmer tonight" I sighed before exiting the bedroom. I did my best to walk towards the pokemon gym. It was really hard and I had to make some breaks before arriving at my destination.

"Are you alright?" one of the girls inside the pokemon gym asked after noticing that I was still limping.

"Yeah nothing much. I just forced too much on my legs yesterday"

"Oh you did too much squats" she nodded.

'Well you could say that…' I thought.

"Did you came here to challenge the gym leader?" she asked.

"Yes that is my goal"

"That is good. It happens that I have some time right now. Let us do it"

I did not noticed that she was Daisy, one of Misty's sisters. Pain can blind people and I was in pain right now.

"Oh fine"

She led me to the water pool where the show took place yesterday. I thought it would be a different place for our pokemon fight but apparently no. It must be hard to keep clean this place when they both fight and perform there. I pity the cleaning employees. I will do my best to not add too much work for them. How generous I am!

"That battle will be one versus one battle. Are you ready?" she asked.

"Ready I am"

"Go Goldeen" she said happily while releasing her pokemon.

"A fish?" I frowned.

"What? Do you got a problem with that?" Daisy said angrily.

"No no it is nothing. Go my friend" I said before my Gyarodos fall into the pool of water.

"A Gy-gyarados?" she panicked. Why was she panicking? Gyarados are beautiful pokemons and mine is very friendly. Well... at least with me.

"Dragon breath" I ordered.


Gyarados unleashed is dragon breath on the poor Goldeen which was waiting for Daisy orders. It went crashing against the border of the pool, knocking it out.

'I am relieved it did not break' I thought. I did not want to destroy the pool and prevent the sisters to perform their show for a while. It might seems presumptuous, but Gyarados could really have destroyed it if he used his full power.

Daisy put back Goldeen into its pokeball and then looked at Gyarados.

"That was cheating but I will still give you the badge" she snorted.

I called back Gyarados and took the badge without replying. When did I cheat exactly? She is not a kid anymore, just face reality already. It is just a loss. Is not it part of their job to loose? I exited the gym without looking back.

"So you went without me once again" Mia pouted as she was waiting for me in middle of the street. She looked cute with her arms crossed.

"I did not want to wake you up, so yes" I replied before taking her in my arms.

"I told you to wake me up! Did not you listen?"

"I listened. You were so cute with your sleepy that I could not do it" I admitted my sin. Yes, I am guilty. Cuteness won over me.

"You even find me cute when I am sulking. Just when am I not cute?" she asked, desperate.

"Maybe when you are on the toilets?" I chuckled.

"You idiot!" she punched my stomach.

I could not help laughing louder after seeing her reaction. I could not think of any other situation.

"Can we stay one more night here?" she asked suddenly.

"Why? Do you want sightseeing?"

"Not only that. There should be a thunderstorm in the evening so it is not prudent to go flying today" she explained.

"Ah! Yes, indeed" I nodded.

"So where should we go?" she asked.

"To the hotel to pick up Anna and Laura, no?" I frowned.

"Ah… they are... busy" she grinned.

"Busy? Why? Will they join us later?"

"Maybe at night yes… actually I will have to work too tonight but it should not be long"

I sighed heavily. I knew this was going to happen one day but I did not think it will be that soon.

"You better be careful then…"

"Do not think of following me" she replied while looking straight in my eyes.

"A-as if I would do that" I denied. Why can she read in my mind? I cannot even think of following and rescue her just in case without being discovered!

"I am serious. We might be spotted because of you"

"Alright I will not. But send me a message if needed. I will wait in the hotel room" I said.

'I will be too anxious to sleep anyway…'

"Yes, you better"

We then went around the city and did some shopping too. Well, in fact it was just me retrieving food and water from one of my parents' shops. My food reserve is depleting quickly because of my numerous pokemons. That is when I realized that I would not be able to do long trips in the nature because of the lack of food. I could take the risk to look for food in the forest but nothing guarantee that I will find enough to feed everyone.

"Do you know if the team rocket exists?" I asked while we were eating ice cream on a bench.

"Team rocket? Yes, it exists. I thought you knew about it"

"Still being led by a man named Giovanni?"

"Yes but not many people know about it. So, talk in a low voice" she muttered while looking around.

"I did not think about this. Indeed, it would be suspicious that we know too much" I replied while lowering my voice.

"So most of the information from the anime is true?" I continued.

"I guess so. I did not check for the other regions than for Kanto but I could ask around"

"Let us wait a little before looking for confirmation. We do not need it right now anyway"

"Well that is true. However to not rely too much on what was shown in the so call anime. Reality is different" she warned me.

"Yes I am already aware of this fact"

"Good. Now should we get more ice cream?" she asked as she just finished the one she was holding.

"You already finished it!" I said surprised. I have not eat half of mine.

"You talk too much. Hurry up! I want another one!" she hurried me.

"The ice-cream salesman is not going to disappear, so chill, woman!"

"When I am hungry, I am quite sensitive. Do you wish to face my wrath?"

"No madame" I replied before finishing quickly my ice-cream.

"Good boy" she patted my head. That damn woman!

"Finished" I said proudly.

"Quick we should get another one before too many people lined up" she said before taking my hand, forcing me to run with her. It is just ice-cream, for Arceus sake!

"Stop exaggerating" I sighed.

"You do not get how important ice-cream"

"Seeing how much you love it, perhaps I should learn how do some" I declared.

"Oh really? That is such a great idea!" she clapped happily.

We arrived at the ice-cream stand and of course we ordered some once again. Then we went back to the hotel and I had to wait anxiously once they left me. In order to pass time, I began working on the story I wanted to publish. It was kind of my autobiography. Since Mia knows the truth, I will ask her to check it as a beta reader.

I did not know when to start, so I began to start just before I appeared in the world of Erasi.

"Before writing I should organize my thoughts, else it will be too chaotic. How should I dump the information? How was I supposed to introduce the demons when they do not exist at all in the pokemon world?"

I got so many questions and so few answers. I guess I will have to ask the girls if they understand the description I will write. I never thought writing was so hard. No it is not writing that is no problem, it is writing well that is. Time passed and the girls were still not coming back. I got no text on my smartphone so I should act rashly. I did not where they went so I could only stay here.

"I am going to have a heart attack if this continue. Let us write a little more"

I did not notice that my eyes were closing and I felt asleep on the notebook I was using.