
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Let us be a good husband

I always knew women were demons. What kind of human will think of putting a parfum shop next to a pokemon gym? Only the worst devil ever would have this idea. After arguing for my life, I succeeded to flee from that place and take refuge inside the gym. Little did I know that the worst devil having ever existed was the gym leader. If I had known sooner I would have crushed her without any remorse.

"So you are a challenger… what do you think about perfum?" a woman said while smiling.

"Why are you asking? Do you think I smell badly?" I asked back before smelling myself.

"Eh? Oh no that was not the idea I wanted to share"

"I hope so" I frowned.

"Let us forget about this matter. Should we begin our battle?"

"The sooner the better"

"It will be a 3 versus 3 battle" she explained.

"No problem" I replied.

"Well then I will begin with my first pokemon. Victreebel go !"

"Blastoise, go" I declared.

"Ohoh looks impressive" the gym leader, Erika, commented.

"Ice beam"

"Dodge" she ordered.

However the ice beam followed it until it reached its target.

"Oh no Victreebel" she sobbed as she watched her frozen pokemon.

"Should we start the second round?" I asked.

"Eh? Ah yes, yes"

"So send your second pokemon" I sighed.

"Tangela use Vine wipe!" she yelled before throwing her pokeball.

As if I would fall for this kind of trick.

"Blizzard" I told to Blastoise, who executed by wish.

Not only did it froze the incoming vine whip, it froze the tangela's body as well as the whole arena.

"S-such a strong attack" Erika said while chattering her teeths.

"Blastoise come back. Sorry he was one of my first pokemons, maybe he is too strong" I explained while calling him back.

"He is strong. You have taught him well" Erika nodded while calling back her frozen tangela.

"Thank you for the compliment"

"However this time I will get serious" she declared before releasing her vileplume.

"Seems like I will have too. Go for it, Aerodactyl"

"Sweet scent and poison powder" Erika ordered. Sweet Scent lowers the evasion of all adjacent opponents by one stage.

'I cannot use closed range attacks or flying attacks since the wind might disperse the powder in the whole arena'

"Use sandstorm" I declared. When this move is used, a sandstorm will brew. Since I could not think of a way to handle the powder, I thought that I should not be the only suffering. So let us share pain.

"Now ultra beam" I said as she did not know where the attack will come from.

"Use protect" Erika ordered. A transparent shield appeared around her pokemon. However once the hyper beam crashed against the shield, it cracked and only last for a second. The beam carried on with less energy towards vileplume which was send flying.

"Vile-vileplume" it struggled to stand up. The sandstorm once again put additional damaged to its wounded body, making it fainted before it could make a step.

"You won. I must say it was an incredible battle. I am not sure I succeeded to teach you something" Erika praised me while calling back her collapsed pokemon.

"I gained experience, so of course you taught me something" I replied.

"Please take this rainbow badge a symbol of your victory" she declared while giving me the badge.

"Thank you a lot" I replied. Damn she was the first one to praise me for my victory and not crying or insulting me. It makes me feel awkward.

"I will be waiting impatiently your battles at the league" she said before accompanying me towards the exit.

"Y-yes. Thank you again" I said embarrassed before leaving.

"So that was the destroyer? What a monster. Looks like I will have to cure my pokemons and close the gym for the rest of the day" Erika sighed after closing the gym's door.

"Looks like I will have to cure Aerodactyl from its poisonous state" I muttered before heading to the pokemon center.

I hurried up to the pokemon center. I did not want my pokemon to suffer for too long. I used this opportunity to ask the nurse to do a check up for blastoise since he fought too.

"It does not look like you lost" Mia said while joining me. I texted her where I was since she asked it.

"I won but it was different"

"Oh she praised you" she nodded while reading my mind.

"Yes… let us talk about something else! How was your shopping? I mean you insisted so much that I should have come with you…"

"It was nice. We found ourselves some nice perfum… oh by the way, did you know that the gym leader was the owner of the shop?"

"Oh that is nice! Wait! What did you just say?"

"The leader of the gym is also the shop owner…"

"No way" I gritted my teeth. To think that because of her the girls throw me tantrums!

"Fufufu you are so cute when you are mad"

"I am not mad" I grinned.

"Lying is useless since you are not concealing your thoughts"

"Yeah I guess you are right" I sighed.

"Of course I am. When did I ever been wrong?" she teased me.

"Oh the nurse finished with my pokemons" I declared before retrieving them. However Mia did not want to finish the conversation that way.

"We have been doing some thinking with the girls and we think that you need new clothes" she began.

"Are you going to pay for it?" I interrupted her.

"Eh? Why would I?"

"Then it is a no. I do not need more of them"

"Why? It is going to be fun" she tried to cheer me up.

"No means no. There is no way I would go buy clothes I do not need"

"You are so boring"

"I prefer to invest my money on my pokemons. Call it boring if you want. I hold responsibilities towards them. I have to assume my responsibilities. That is what it means to grow up" I explained.

"If you put it this way… wait! Are you saying that I am not a grow up?" she realized.

"Hum… I wonder" I said with a poker face while blocking my thoughts from her curious mind.

"You!" she yelled before punching my stomach.

"That is not really lady like"

"I will show you what a lady like thing is" she said before pulling my ear.

"Ouch" I could help saying. To think I was able to face the demon king but I am unable to resist my wife. What kind of trickery is this?

"You are such a meanie" she declared while forcing me to follow her outside of the pokemon center.

"I am sorry. I will buy you ice cream" I begged her to forgive me.

"Do you think that will be enough?"

"And cakes" I quickly added.

"For Anna and Laura too?"

"Yes" I quickly agreed.

"Alright" she said while letting go of my ear.

"Ah finally" I sighed while trying to ignore the pain.

"To think I bought you a present… with such behavior I do not know if I should give it to you"

"Did you buy me a perfume? Maybe I do smell badly"

"Fuahaha why would you say that?" she chuckled.

"Well the gym leader also did a comment about perfume. I asked back if I smelled bad since I did not know she was the perfume shop's owner.

"Oh that must have been awkward! To think I would miss that!"

"You always asked to come with me for my gym battles and when you have the opportunity you let it slip…"

"Anyway, we should go to the hotel room so that you can try your present" she tried to change the topic of the conversation. Does she think I will let her go easily? I am not that much of a pushover!

"I thought you did not know if you wanted to give it to me"

"I decided to give it. So you should thank me"

"Oh yes thank you…" I declared while having a bad feeling about it.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the hotel and I was able to try my present. It was a long black coat which can hide my five pokebelts. As Mia explained, it was too suspicious for someone to walk with so many pokemons. Since I do not understand why, I only nodded and say 'yes' while blocking my thoughts from being read. I got my ear pulled already for today, so let us be a good husband and not contradict my wife. For once, I was able to read the situation and react accordingly. I was on my way to become the very best. Would my mother be proud of me?