
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

It appears that I make one with the sword

It was the night following my victory. My family did not bother coming since they did not expect me to won it. They bitterly regretted it. They could only believe what the maids were reporting.

"Is everything true?" my mother asked seriously to the head maid.

"Yes that is what I saw. He did not just defeated them, he destroyed them. The difference was so big… even veterans were muttering between themselves, saying that he would humiliated them in battles in a few years" she reported.

My father was keeping silent while his face was buried in his hands.

"I told you we should have come and see him" my mother yelled at him.

"I know! But we have another son too! We needed to be there for him while looking for his future wife!" he yelled back. Of course he was mad at himself. However they needed to find a wife for my big brother. Arranged marriages are current between rich families.

"I know that too… it is just what are going to do about his request? We were not expecting him to win at his first try… if he grows up too quickly it might hurt him later" my mother complained while worrying about me.

The head maid, feeling that she was going to hear something she should not, discreetly flee from the room.

"What do you mean it will hurt him? What kind of boy read all the book we have before he is one year old? He even dare to pretend that he is only looking at the pictures. He has always been too matured for his age"

"I guess you are right" my mother sighed while looking at the window.

"The least we could do is to accept his request. I mean we were not here to support him so that the best we can do at the moment"

"That is true. I want to keep seeing him smiling"

"Alright, then I will manage this. Now is time to talk about the other matter. What did you think of the girls our eldest son met?"

The next day, I learned that they accepted that I left the water battle club to the fire one. Of course, they will have to give me more pokemons. I could not help but smiling. That life was a lot better than fighting demons.

This time I got 9 pokemons since I noticed that 10 were too much. I got a scorbunny, a litten, a fennekin, a larvesta, a tepig, a chimchar, a torchic, a cyndaquil and a charmander. Even thought I got them, I still carried on training my water team. The 20 of us fought together against armies of raticates and fearows. My parents were still thinking that I was playing around while I was happily fighting everyday.

However I noticed that my brother was behaving strangely every time they came back from their "meeting with friends". I was surprised I was not invited but well… it was for the best. How was I suppose to appreciate loosing my time with kids? Yes, I sometimes forget that I am not even 4 years old.

At my fourth anniversary, my father bought me a wooden shield.

"Since you play a lot with that wooden sword, I thought that you would need a shield" he said before winking at me. It is true that I was also using a shield in the past. I was not sure how I could explain the fact that I made a wooden shield all by myself so I did not do one. As for my sword, I pretended that I found a branch that had already that form and I just altered it a little. Of course no branches had a shield form, so it would have been hard to lie about it.

"Thank you father. My enemies will have a taste of it. No! I mean, I will play with it a lot!" I declared. I nearly made a mistake. Hopefully they did not notice it.

"Do not use it on people. Else, we will take it back" my mother scolded me.

That damn woman! She heard it all! And now she is misunderstanding it!

"Yes mom. I only use it for playing" I lied. I am not playing around like any other kids!

They could not help but chuckled. Even my big brother was making fun of me! That traitor!

"Look at him pouting! He is so cute" my mother declared as she saw my reaction. I was not pouting! I was just sighing! That is different! Totally different!

"I am going to train" I said before exiting the room. I am not cute! I am a warrior! That afternoon, the raticates learned the fear of the wooden shield!

One day, my parents received "friends" this time. Of course I did not care since I was "playing" around with my pokemons on a special room. Last time we destroyed the garden I got scolded by the gardeners. That can be very scary, believe me. We had no choice but to run away. They did not accept the fact that we were fighting for our life against gengars! Since that day, I had to train only on that room. Well rather than a room, I should rather describe it as a warehouse. It in fact became my private room since I spend most of time there.

Mother began asking for me to follow some classes but after showing my knowledge off, she let me in peace. Why did you think I read all the books of the mansion? I was preparing for that day.

Anyway, my "parents friends" were accompanied by a butler. I can tell you that this butler was not an ordinary one. I could feel it by the short eye contact we made.

Since he did not have bad motives, I did not kick his ass and resumed my training. However I was unaware that he spied me on me for a short time since I put myself into an illusion.

"Madame, did your son receive training for the sword?" the butler to my mother.

"No, I did not" my big brother replied.

"I think he is talking about your brother" my mother told him.

My big brother feeling like an idiot shut his mouth and let the adults talk.

"No, he did not. Why?" she asked the butler.

"It was simple curiosity. He seemed to be one with it which his surprising for his age" the butler explained.

"Please excuse the behavior of my butler. Athos you should not bother them" my parents' friend declared.

"Please accept my excuses Madame, I overstepped" the butler excused himself.

Since that day, my mother was spying on me even more. She was afraid intruder was befriending me by teaching me how to use a sword. She was bound to be disappointed since it was not the case. After a few weeks, her behavior went back to normal. I guess watching me playing was too boring for her.

One day my brother came to see me while I was training. He never did that before so I was worried something bad happened.

"What are you doing here?" I asked anxiously.

"Cannot I come and see my little brother?" he said before pinching my cheeks. That brat, who does he think he is? I could have defend myself but I let him do it. I saw sadness in his eyes.

"Enjoy the freedom I am offering you" he said before leaving. What the hell was he talking about? Does he regret inheriting our parents company? Well you should have been born after me in that case.

"At least your future is secured" I muttered as I watched him leaving. To think he would come disturb my training only for that short discussion! What a cheeky brat! However in my heart that day, I felt uneasiness. Was it fair for me to enjoy that much while he bears the responsibilities? Well he rejected my help every single time until now. Perhaps I will have to insist more in the future.

I discovered the reason of his sadness a few weeks later. It was because he was forced to marry a girl in a few years that he barely knows. This is when I understand his words. Does it mean that I will be able to choose my wife by myself? I must admit that began to make me anxious.

I used that anxiety into training. Yes, focusing on training forced me to not overthink. My pokemons grew stronger and stronger to the point that the maids began avoiding my fire pokemons too. I still do not understand why! They look cute to me!

This year, the fire club underwent my wrath. Of course I won without a single defeat. My parents, who doubted the words of the head maid last year, had no choice but to admit that she was right. My pokemons and I were scary to watch once the battles began.