
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Heated dispute

"Son… we should begin preparing for you marriage" my mother dropped the bomb while I was having dinner. That damn woman saying this out of no where! I chocked myself and dropped the glass of water that I was holding. It fell on the ground and shattered.

"At least he did not pass out like his brother. Why are my sons so weak?" my father sighed.

"I did not expect it" I managed to say once I could finally breath normally. Of course I knew I was getting married in a year… In a year! In 120 months! We have a lot of time!

"Boys… do you think it is prepared in two days?" my mother said desperately.

"Yeah! I just called Mia, signed a paper, give her a ring and done. Well maybe at night I will…" then I remembered that it was not a topic to talk with one's parents.

"Well son it is not that simple. We still have to buy you nice clothes, buy Mia's a present and make sure that you choose the decoration for the wedding. You need to help Mia with that" my mother explained.

"What decoration? We can just use the usual one" I sighed.

"Mia is going to be mad" my mother sighed.

"Why would she? I do not think she is like that"

This time it was my father who chocked himself. Was what I said surprising? Why was he looking at me with such pity?

"I assure you son… you should put some efforts… do not come crying later" my mother warned me.

"I really do not get why we should worry about it… as for the clothes, a suit will be enough, right? And for Mia's present I will offer her something I made, so do not worry about it" I declared before leaving.

I rushed to the warehouse and began drawing some plans while supervising my pokemon training. I am going to show them that I am a great husband even if I do not care about superficial things. I have always been like that. Back on earth, I had only the necessary furniture and nothing else. I mean what is the point of buying things that you barely use? It is better to not buy them and use your money to upgrade things that you actually often use. Yes, I was not a great victim of the consumption society. This habit did not change, no matter which world I was in. Even now, being a son of rich parents, I still have not that much stuff. Only my pokemons, some clothes, a bed, some weapons and weights. Oh my bad, I forget that I have a desk and a toothbrush. Yes, that is all I have. I am pretty simple, am I not?

I heard someone coughing behind me while I was hammering.

"I told you to not disturb…" I yelled as I turn around, only to discover Mia waiting for me.

"I am also glad to see you" she said while smiling coldly. Believe it or not, but I shivered while looking at her.

"S-s-sorry I thought it was someone else" I pleaded while trying to hide what I was working on.

"So you were making our marriage present… I understand your reaction then" she said but still smiled coldly.

"T-then why are you mad at me?" I began panicking while seeing her approaching me.

"It just happen that while you were concentrating, I read your memories. I already told you to not relax your mental defenses, no matter what you are doing" she explained.

'Oh shit' I thought.

"Yes, you are in deep shit. It appears that you do not care about the decoration for our marriage" she said before pinching my cheeks.

"I-it is just that I will love marrying you, no matter the rest" I explained.

"You are making your situation worst" she said while pinching stronger.

"I-I love you for who you are" I tried to defend myself.

"What is the link with having a lovely decoration?" she relaxed a little.

"W-well I did not want to bother you with that. In the end we will choose the one you want, right?"

"Hmpf" she said while still pinching.

"S-stop it begins to hurt" I pleaded.

"And not caring much about our marriage does not hurt perhaps?" she said while pinching even more.

"Being with you is the most important before gripping her hands and forcelly put them away from my cheeks"

"You dare" she said angrily.

"That is only the beginning" I said before kissing her. Do not make war, make love.

"Do not think I forgave you she muttered before kissing back"

In my hurry, I did not noticed Anna and Laura looking at us near the entry. As for what we did after, well I will let you imagine it.

"I am still mad at you" Mia said as she was dressing up.

Anna and Laura coughed, surprising me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked while dressing up, unashamedly.

"Did you listen to me? I am telling you that I am mad!" Mia began yelling.

"I know you are mad and I do not get why… seriously I will just choose some nice decorations and then you will find defaults about it. You will choose another and I will have no choice but to agree. That is the plan you wanted?"

"I-it is not sure that I will find defaults!" she protested.

"Convince yourself first about that and then we will talk again on that matter" I sighed.

"You know what! Just choose that damn decoration and I will accept it! Girls we are leaving" she yelled before leaving.

Why was she mad? I do not get it. She is mad if I do not choose it. She is mad if I choose it. Just what I am supposed to do?

"You know what. I will just keep hammering since it is frustrating me" I concluded before resuming my work. I ignored the pitiful glares that I was receiving from my pokemons. I guess they heard her yelling. Wait… which part did they heard? I realized that they perhaps heard everything…

"Why is everything going to bad?" I yelled as I just broke the piece I was working on! I put the hammer on the anvil and left the warehouse angrily.

"Fuck! I am going on holidays" I decided before leaving for the closest forest. A few minutes after I entered inside, some savage pokemons began attacking me. I was not in the mood so I used my magic to trick them.

"At least here no one is mad at me because I am uninterested in decoration… Since she will agree about it, I will choose the forest as theme. Look around me. Is not it beautiful? It is! Of course it is! So I will choose stuff around that theme and she will have to accept it! No let us wait for her face when I tell her this" I complained.

That night I did not sleep and wandered around the forest to clear my mind. Damn I missed the nature so much. Why was I locking myself into that warehouse? I should come training here from now on and fight real pokemons. But would they be too weak compare to my illusions? Well they probably will but perhaps they will think of possibilities that I did not consider.

"Where the hell were you?" my mother yelled as soon as I came back.

"I was out for a stroll" I replied just before she slapped me. I could have dodged many times but I preferred receiving it.

"You idiot son! Do you know how much we were worried! You did not even take any of your pokemons" she yelled again.

As if I needed my pokemons to feel safe here… Well since she does not know my past, I guess that I should play the kid who did a bad thing.

"You are right" I sighed as I touched my swollen cheek.

"Is it because you argue with Mia?" she asked.

"How do you know?"

"It was easy to predict you would"

"Do not worry, I found the decoration we will need" I replied.


"Oh yes already. Mia said that she will accept my choice"

"You better not fuck that test" my father said. I was surprised hearing him saying the f-word.

"No matter what I choose, she will not be happy" I sighed.

"Well she can be more or less unhappy. Think about it seriously" he replied.

"First hear me out. I got an interesting idea! What if we do the wedding outside? That is cool, no?"

"Well it will depend of the weather"

"I will think of a backup plan. Mia likes our garden so she should be happy if we use it as decoration" I replied.

"Well for once my boy has a great idea that does not concern pokemons" my mother nodded.

"What? Do you mean I always have bad ideas?" I yelled.

"Fufufu he is so cute when he is pouting"

"I am not pouting!"

I trained harder that evening to relieve myself from my frustration. Really they like driving me mad it seems.