
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

8 pokemons for 4 persons

"Should we make some preparations?" I asked Mia while we were having breakfast.

"I will need some time, yes. Are you in a hurry?" she frowned.

"No I am not… there is still 4 months" I replied before eating my pancake.

"Then we can leave in a week. Is it fine?" Mia asked before taking an apple from the fruit basket that was on the table.

"Yes that is fine" I nodded.

"Then we should enjoy today, should not we? The weather seems to be great, what if we do a picnic?" she asked.

"That would be nice. I will ask the maids if they can cook us a snack"

"Ask them for a dessert too" she begged me.

"Too much sweet is not good for your health" I sighed.

"Hmpf! Do you mean that I am fat?"

"N-no of course no! The proof is your slim waist!" I quickly defended myself. It was a life or death situation.

"The, why do you say such thing?"

"I just do not want you to get sick"

"As if I could be sick because I ate a dessert"

"Do you know what a cavity is?"

"Do not compare my body to people from your past life" she replied before eating a part of cake.

"Alright, I give up" I said before standing up and leaving to the kitchen. I had to ask someone to make some snack and a dessert especially for Madame.

"Anna" Mia ordered.

"Yes mistress?" she replied.

"Make sure that they do not prepare a dessert for him. I would not want him to get a cavity! hahaha"

"Very well" she said before leaving silently.

"Laura" she called her.

"Yes mistress?" she said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Go find a nice a place for having a picnic" Mia ordered.

"I will" she replied before disappearing.

"I wonder what face you will have when I will be the only enjoying a nice dessert… hahaha" she laughed while imagining the face I would have.

That is when she realized that perhaps she will be his dessert. That is exactly what happen a few hours later, on the shores of a lake.

The week quickly passed. I used those days to enjoy my life as a husband as well as preparing for our journey. It was finally time to explore that world!

"Do you leave today?" my father asked while sitting on a couch.

"I do. We will go after lunch"

"Alright. I prepared a list of the different hotels we own. You should go sleeping there, it will be safer than in the nature. Also be aware of the thief who will harass you. Do not let yourself being bullied. Finally, took some weapons but it keep it a secret from everyone. Only use them in last resort"

"I-Is that alright?"

"It is. Some pokemons eat corpses for your information"

"I guess so" I nodded as I got what he meant.

"You have to call us if you need a lawyer" he warned me.

"I should not need it"

Before we could carry on with our conversation, my mother entered the room. We both preferred to not talk about that kind of matter when she was with us.

"What were you talking about? Telling bad things about me?" my mother asked since we became silent after she entered.

"We just had a boys talk, that is all" my father replied.

"A boys talk, huh? Something you cannot share with me?" she frowned.

"Well there is things that you cannot talk with your mother. Am I right son?" he asked while looking at me.

"Y-yes that is too embarrassing mom" I played along.

"Oh come on! You talk to me about anything? Is it about what you did yesterday night? I am sure Mia is not disappointed" she began.

"S-stop! Do not think about such things! She was satisfied!" I yelled before running away.

"What is wrong?" my mother asked while looking at my father.

"He is just shy… and also I would not like talking about this with my own mother" my father replied.

"Why? I am not like your mother! I am more opened to those things and I will listen to him! I thought my son could talk with me about anything. Does not he like me?" she pouted.

"Of course he love you. It is just that he prefer his father"

"As if"

"You are just jealous"

"Oh yeah? I will show you that he can talk about this with me too. HENRY? Come right here!" she yelled before pursuing me.

After hearing her, I ran for my life and went hiding in my bedroom. Since Mia was still sleeping, she would not dare come here at the risk of waking her up.

However, I did not expect her to bring the topic while we were eating lunch. It was embarrassing but Mia being an excellent wife defended my honor. I just hoped that she was really thinking what she was saying. Else, my pride would be shattered.

After eating, it was time for us to prepare our luggage. We planned to use my flying pokemons as our transportation. I bought special pouches that could be wear by them. Since each of them could wear 4 pouches, we had 24 in total. I did not plan to use Gyarados for flying so that is why I obtained that number. The girls also had some flying pokemons. For example Mia had a Breezeon, which was the flying evolution for Eevee, Laura has a Skarmory and an Altaria while Anna has a Crobat. However Breezeon and Crobat were not the better choice for long transportation. That is why my pokemons will be carrying most of their things. Believe, the three of them had a lot of things… I desperate after seeing the number of clothes they wanted to bring… I mean why bringing so much of them? Just take a few and wash them regularly like I plan to do… by no, they needed night dresses, sport clothes, casual clothes,…

"Is that all?" I asked after watching the remaining pouches being fulled.

"What do you mean all? We still have our backpacks to prepare. Also we did not take any weapons yet" Mia replied.

"Did you even take any first aid kit or some food?" I asked.

"Why? You already took some" she replied surprised.

I gave up. Sometimes women are too much for me to understand. I think she is like my mother. Giving up can spare me many headaches. I should not generalize… perhaps I will meet a woman which will have a similar logic to mine. I hope so. Maybe she will be able to explain me Mia's logic and my mother one. Oh that would be nice…

"Do you know that I can read your thoughts?"

"Well I can read yours so please enlighten me about your logic"

"Here we go again. Even by reading your thoughts, I do not get your logic too. So listen carefully when I explain" she sighed.

We both gave up after 5 minutes. I am telling you, this is one of the mystery of mankind! Some people's logic are not compatible, and it seems to be our case.

I watched her putting different knifes as well as firearms into the different backpack. Some would find it scary, other sexy. Me? I was indifferent.

"I already took a shotgun" I signaled Anna when I looked at her ready to put one in her luggage.

"Better to have two than one… moreover my little baby here is special"

"What do you mean special?"

"Hahaha! He is cute is not it?" she asked to Mia while ignoring me.

"Yes his ignorance is the cutest" she replied while looking at me.

'Those girls… they really take me for a fool'

"Oh do not put" Mia said before patting my head.

"Seriously? Take all those weapons and clothes with you… but do not come to me complaining that you need food, because I will not share" I said before leaving the room.

"As if he would resist our charm" Mia giggled.

"That is right… in the worst case we just have to beg him in a nice way and he will comply" Laura sighed.

"Or we could hunt our own food" Anna added while loading her gun.

"Are we forgetting something?" Mia asked them.

"Make up"

"Ah yes! That is important. They do not provide it in hotels" Mia remembered.

"In general, no. But if he asks I am sure they can provide it" Anna explained. Since I was the son of their boss, of course the hotel managers will listen to my wishes.

"No, we should take some. Else he will use it as a proof that we did not take the essential stuff" Mia declared.

"But I have no place for it" Anna replied.

"My backpack is fulled too" Laura added.

"No? Yours too?" Mia said desperate.

"What should we do?"

"Oh fuck it! We are going without it. Do we even need it in the first place?" Mia said before angrily closing her backpack.

"Of course no" Anna and Laura replied at the same time.

"Then let us go!"

They joined me who was waiting next to my pokemons. Charizard, Corviknight, Dragonite, Salamence, Pidgeot and Aerodactyl were ready to go. Laura released her Altaria and Skarmory before putting some pouches on them.

8 pokemons for 4 persons and their luggage. The girls complained that we should have use more pokemons. I sighed while hearing them. They do not seem to get the difference between traveling and moving to another house. In the latter you bring all your stuff, not in the first!