

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes arrive at the Mallow's family restaurant, however, there her mother Laura seems to recognize Ash and Molly and decides to ask Ash some questions in private, there they discover that Molly's mother did not die in the landslide but stayed one more day to settle some issues and was never heard or her again, hoping to find a clue of her, our heroes went to dinner unaware that Team Rocket was setting a trap for them.


With Ash.

We had finished dinner and I must admit that Mallow's food was exquisite, I have not tasted Brock's food in this world but it is probably at his level or even more.

After eating and congratulating Mallow for her great work in the kitchen we went straight home, the guys came with us because they also lived in Iki Town and even Mallow had her house there.

But just as we were walking around talking about mundane things... I fell, in fact, the only thing I remember is being already on the ground.

"Ugh...What happened, are you all okay?" – I asked rubbing my head.

"That hurted but it wasn't that bad" - Kiawe said as he rubbed his head.

"Molly, are you okay?" – I asked Molly nervously.

"I'm fine brother but I didn't fall! Are you all okay?" - asked Molly from the top of the hole.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu said from above.

"But what, how come there's such a big hole here?" - asked Lillie in a daze.

"We've been through this place hundreds of times and I've never seen anything like this" - Lana nodded.

But before anyone could say anything else, a voice was heard.

"Wow, we seem to have caught something very special!" – said a voice.

"Yes, it looks like we won the lottery!" – said another.

"Who are you and why have you set such a trap for us?!" - asked Professor Kukui.

"Who are we?" – asked the voice.

"We will show you who we are" - said the other.

Oh no, I know who they are...

Jessie: Prepare for trouble...

James:... and make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket, blasting off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right.

"Team Rocket, who are those?" - asked Lana in confusion.

"They're a gang of thugs who steal another people's Pokémon" - I replied.

I have to pretend, at the moment no one can know that everything is a sham, we do not know when Team Rainbow Rocket will attack so for now we will have to pretend that they are evil, although technically those three do not know the truth so they really believe that they have to steal Pokémon to take them to their boss but wait a minute, How do they know I'm in Alola?...

Thinking about it that question does not make sense because it was most likely Giovanni, after all he is the only one who knows next to Looker that I am here in Alola, it is not that I called Giovanni directly, in fact I only called Looker to inform him but Giovanni was there and heard it, so most likely they know it from him, I still thank him because now I can try to get them to change.

"But say it all brat, we're a gang of thugs very elegance" - James said.

"Exactly, we will always steal your Pokémon but with a smile" - Meowth nodded.

"Team Rocket, you should leave Team Rocket! Why don't you do something else like Pokémon battles or contests instead of stealing Pokémon?" – I asked.

"You don't understand brat, Team Rocket gives us freedom to do whatever we want, we are free and we can go anywhere and all we have to do is steal a few Pokémon" - said Jessie.

"I see so for now I won't say anything else, Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" – I said.

"Pika Pi!" - shouted Pikachu.

But at that moment I could see how Meowth pressed a button and suddenly a huge robot in the form of Meowth got in front of him completely nullifying the Thunderbolt.

"What's that, is it a robot!!" – exclaimed Sophocles somewhat excitedly.

Hey, don't get excited about something like that...

"Your Thunderbolt won't do anything to us, hahaha!" – laughed Meowth.

"Guys I need you to help me!" – I said looking at the others.

Everyone nodded.

"Tortunator I choose you!" - said Kiawe.

And Tortonator climbed out of the hole with the others.

"Tortonator use Flamethrower!"

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"

"Togedemaru use Thunderbolt too!"

"Litten use Ember!"

"Popplio use Bubble Beam!"

"Bounsweet use Razor Leaf!"

Six attacks targeted the huge robot, however, when they hit it it did not suffer any damage at all.

"How is that possible?" – I asked somewhat surprised.

"Now it's our turn, Robot Meowth MK.300 catch them all!" – said Meowth.

Suddenly, both fists of the robot opened and numerous nets shot out at the Pokémon enclosing them in it.

"Bad people you won't take the Pokémon!" - said Molly trying to free the Pokémon.

But it was impossible, the network was so resistant that it could not be broken with conventional methods.

"We won't entertain you anymore, we're leaving!" - said Meowth, pressing another button.

Suddenly, their huge balloon came out of nowhere, they climbed on it, and flew out beside the robot that was hooked to the balloon.

"Brother, they're taking them!" - said Molly sadly.

"Guys, you must promise me that you are going to keep the secret I am about to tell you!" – I said nervously.

"Aren't we friends? Of course we will keep your secret!" – nodded Sophocles.

The others also nodded.

"Latias, chase them!" – I said.

Latias nodded and abandoned her human form only to fly out behind the balloon.

"Was her a Pokémon all this time?" - asked Mallow in surprise.

"That's right, Latias can transform into a human whenever she wants but now we must concentrate on getting out of here, then I will explain!" – I nodded.

Everyone nodded but first of all I took out another Pokéball.

"Mew I choose you, follow Latias and help her!" – I said.

Mew got out of his Pokéball and chased Latias with all the speed he could muster.

"Come on guys, we have to get out of here!" – I said hurriedly.

Everyone nodded and little by little we left that place until we finally managed to get out of all.

"What should we do now? Everyone is far away" - Lillie said nervously.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I have a secret weapon" – I said with a smile.

The boys looked at me strangely but I took a Pokéball from my pocket, normally he always stays in the garden, but today he cames with me, coincidence? Obviously.

"Charizard I choose you, we have work to do!" – I said.

And Charizard came out of his Pokéball.

"Wait a minute, if you had Charizard, why didn't we see him on the beach today?" - asked Kiawe.

"Charizard doesn't like water" - I said as I climbed on top of it.

When have you seen a Fire Type Pokémon? And in case you've seen any, Charizard can't get wet for obvious reasons.

"Come on Charizard, we have Pokémon to save" - I said.

"Char!" – Charizard nodded.

And then he flew out.


With Team Rocket.

"Hahaha, it worked, we have finally stolen his Pikachu!" – Jessie said with joy.

"I have to admit Meowth, I had my doubts but in the end your plan has turned out great" – James nodded.

"I'm a genius after all!" - said Meowth proudly.

But at that moment, the three of them fixed their eyes on the front and watched as Latias and Mew approached at high speed.

"Look at that, it's the Mew and Latias of the brat!" - exclaimed James.

"The brat has been very kind to bring his Latias and Mew here, they will be an excellent gift for the boss!" – said Meowth.

"Don't be entertained Meowth, cast the net!" – said Jessie.

Meowth nodded and pressed a button causing the robot to point the net at both Pokémon, however...

"Charizard use Flamethrower!" – said a voice.

It was Ash.


Before long I got to where the Pokémon were and saw how Team Rocket was trying to catch my Pokémon so I intervened obviously.

"Charizard use Flamethrower!" – I said.

A huge torrent of flames shot out into the net causing it to burn.

"No, the net wasn't fire resistant, what's going on Meowth?" - asked Jessie.

"I don't know, theoretically it should be, I don't know what's going on!" – Meowth said hurriedly.

"Since I don't know what's going on then we won't think about it anymore, Arbok go out and use Sludge Bomb!" – said Jessie.

"Weezing use the same attack!" – said James.

Both Pokémon came out of their Pokéball and fired an attack on my Pokémon.

Wow, it seems that their Pokémon have evolved, it seems that they have learned that with borrowed Pokémon they have no chance to win, although I wonder when they will catch Wobbuffet, I always liked that Pokémon but since I went to Alola instead of Johto the poor have not had the opportunity to catch him, should I help them?

I know that many of you will say that I'm dumb or something like i want to hel them to catch the Wobbuffet, I will go to Johto in the future and with a little luck they will follow me and catch the Wobbuffet but this will be the only time I help them catch a Pokémon, if they can't get the Pokémon they had in the original anime... I feel sorry for them.

But back on topic, both Pokémon attacked mine with the intention of buying time to flee.

"I won't leave you, Mew use Psychic to stop the balloon, Latias use Psychic to return their attacks, Charizard, since your fire can damage the network we will take care of rescuing everyone!" – I said.

The three nodded and we proceeded to do our respective tasks.

"We won't let you, Weezing, Arbok use Sludge Bomb, don't let them get close to our loot!" – said Jessie.

But it was impossible for them to do anything as Latias and Mew countered by stopping the Sludge Bomb and returning it.

At the same time we were where the network was.

"Charizard disintegrates that network using Flamethrower!" – I said.

"Char!" - shouted Charizard.

And a powerful Flamethrower shot into the net burning it and thereby causing the net to fall for a few seconds until Charizard picked it up.

"Oh no, our loot!" - said Meowth.

"It's time to end this, Charizard use Flamethrower and Latias and Mew use Psychic!" – I said.

My Pokémon listened to me and launched powerful attacks but not towards the balloon, but at the robot which immediately began to emit sparks and suddenly exploded.

"I think we already know our mistake!" - said Jessie as she flew off.

"Yes, leave the balloon for a while!" – nodded James.

"We will be back but without a balloon and no one will stop us, but for now...!" – said Meowth.

Jessie, James and Meowth: Team Rocket has been defeated again!

And so Team Rocket was defeated again, although if I look closely they flew into the forest, will they meet Bewear perhaps? It would be nice if they caught him, it's a pretty powerful Pokémon.

After this incident, I flew back along with my Pokémon and those of the boys and left them on the ground as soon as I arrived.

"Thank you so much for saving my Bounsweet Ash, I wouldn't know what to do without her by my side, I thank you!" – Mallow said with tears in her eyes as she hugged her Pokémon.

"Thank you so much Ash!" – nodded Lana.

Sophocles and Kiawe also thanked me.

"Although I saw it in the Indigo League, I must say that seeing your Mew in person is much more impressive than seeing on TV" – said Professor Kukui looking at Mew.

Mew looked at the professor with some curiosity but then he put himself back in my head like always.

"Yes, the professor is right, although I'm curious how you catch him" - Kiawe said.

"At this moment I can't say it, it's not that I don't want to but it's a complicated matter but in the future I'll tell you" - I said.

It's not that I don't want to tell them, but at the moment I can't reveal the existence of Mewtwo, Team Rainbow Rocket might find out somehow and I can't let them know that I or any of my girls and even Cindy and the others know that we know about him.

The boys seemed to understand my words and did not insist on the subject anymore.

Anyway, after this little incident we went straight home.

A chill chapter...


I you want a special chapter to celebrate this i'll do, only say it...

Thanks a lot again for the 1 Million views!

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts