

Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokémon, a world inhabited by fantastic creatures known as Pokémon which have incredible abilities and can be found in all kinds of places... but let's leave this presentation and focus on our hero Ash Ketchum-Hale from Pallet Town and recent winner of the Indigo League.


With Ash.

Hello everyone, my name is Ash Ketchum-Hale from Pallet Town and I am a Pokémon trainer, previously I was a normal person who lived in a world called Earth but I died in circumstances that I do not remember and reincarnated in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum, my favorite character in the entire anime, this happened just over a year ago.

After numerous adventures I managed not only to make new friends, but a great family that loves me, I also found many girlfriends whom I love and with whom I will marry in the future.

But chances are everyone knows me already, so let's move on to more important topics...

It had been 4 months since the end of the Indigo League and a lot things had happened since then.

Me, Nancy and the others returned to Pallet Town where we started a normal and quiet life during these months, let's say that during these 4 months it reminded me a lot of my home planet only that we have Pokémon swarming around us, I love this.

But not only did we do the lazy but we also helped around the house with daily tasks.

As for the people I thought were going to come to try to snatch me or buy my legendary and mythical Pokémon... they never came which I found very strange and I even called Looker to see if he knows anything, but he replied that he had no idea, anyway it doesn't matter, I appreciate that they didn't come.

As for the members of Project Mew, as Gary said, some of them came but they were good people and they just wanted to observe how Mew went about his daily life, they didn't even show up before him, they just studied him from afar and believe me they didn't do anything else because I was always with them, with Gary and the girls.

So I guess everything went well, however, 4 months had already passed and it was time to start our journey again through another region, the different Pokémon Leagues were about to open their registrations and we had to leave now, specifically tomorrow.

What is my next region? Well, logically it is...

"Do, Dodrio Di!" – shouted the Dodrio.

I woke up instantly a little startled along with Molly that I woke her up with my startle.

"What's wrong brother?" - said Molly, rubbing her eyes.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu said somewhat resentfully.

"It's nothing, it's just time to get up" - I said.

But before i said anything else, a voice resounded.

"Ash, Molly, Pikachu it's breakfast time!" – said a voice.

It was Nancy.

We both quickly went downstairs while trying to wake up completely.

"Good morning to the two sleepers, What happened today? You always get up early" - Koharu said with a smile.

"I'm sorry girls but I was so tired that I fell asleep and if I don't wake Molly she won't wake up alone either" - I replied.

"I like to sleep with my brother!" - said Molly.

"Yes, yes, come, sit down to breakfast because today we have to talk about many things" - Nancy said.

We all sat at the table, it was me, Pikachu in front of me, Molly on my right side, Nancy on my left and then Koharu, Verity, Latias in the form of Bianca, my mother and father, in that order.

Breakfast today was eggs with bacon, delicious.

"Well Ash, it's time for us to talk, the Pokémon Leagues are about to begin, I'd like to know what are your plans" - my mother said.

"Oh, well at first we were going to go through Hoenn, however, we will have to cancel our plan girls" – I said looking at everyone.

"Huh, why?" – they all asked.

"Because I got a job" - I replied.

"A job? You're a Pokémon trainer" - Verity said.

"Don't worry, it's a very easy job that won't stop us from making our trip" - I said.

"And what a convenient job is that?" - my father asked.

"I have been offered a position as a teacher in a summer academy in Alola region" - I replied.

That's right, Alola was going to be my next destination, at first it was going to be Hoenn but something happened that made me change my mind.

"In Alola?! that's much better than Hoenn!" – exclaimed Nancy with a smile.

All of them also had similar reactions.

"Sorry Ash, but I would like to know how you got the job, did you search on internet or something like that?" - my father asked.

"No, it was actually thanks to Professor Oak" - I said.

"Professor Oak?" - my father asked.

"That's right, it turns out that Professor Oak has a cousin in Alola who is in contact with the Professor Pokémon in the region, his name is Professor Kukui and he is also a professor at the Summer Academy" – I replied.

"Wow, who was going to say that the Professor had a relative in Alola" – said my mother.

"That's right, but what intrigues me most is... why you?" – said my father.

"That is a good question, because it turns out that Professor Kukui needs someone to help him and as he saw me in the Indigo League it occurred to him that I could help him and now you will wonder why me?, because Professor Kukui is a friend of Professor Oak's cousin and asked him as a favor to try to contact me to see if I could help him, that's what happened" - I explained.

Basically he was interested in me, the only strange thing is because so soon, the original Ash had to go through many regions before Alola and yet, my next destination is Alola, as if it had to be Alola yes or yes, but all of that does not matter to me, what interests me is if his students will be Lillie and the others, please be there, Lillie, Mallow and Lana I always loved them, if they are in the academy, I have to conquer them yes or yes.

"Okay, then I guess I can only wish you luck, when are you leaving?" – my mother asked.

"Tomorrow, so you have to pack your bags because we have accommodation included" – I answered.

"Do they also give you accommodation?" – my father asked surprised.

"That's right, apparently Professor Kukui has a huge house with many rooms and when I told him that we were many and that it was better to rent he told me not to worry about the accommodation, he says that as long as we are less than 7 people there are rooms for everyone" – I nodded.

To be honest I would swear that in the anime his house was not so big, but hey, better.

"Wow, then everything is perfect, you don't need to worry about anything" - my mother said happily.

"That's right, as I kept saying you have to pack your bags girls" – I said.

"I'm sorry Ash, but I'm afraid we won't be able to go with you" - Koharu said.

"What?" – I asked in confusion.

"What Koharu wants to say is that we won't be able to go with you tomorrow specifically" - Nancy said.

"And why?" – I asked in confusion.

"Well, because Professor Oak has hired us as instructors for the Pokémon summer camp that he will do in 3 days, at first we rejected him because we were going to Hoenn but now that we are going to Alola and we have accommodation, we cannot leave Professor Oak in the lurch" – explained Verity.

"Another encampment, how long will it take?" – I asked.

"Not long, two to three weeks, then we will go with you to Alola and we will do the island challenge together, without interruptions" - Nancy replied.

So I'll be alone for three weeks? Well the original Ash also traveled alone to Alola, although being honest I am somewhat sad.

"Don't get depressed, we'll only be out for three weeks, plus you have your Pokémon to accompany you" - Nancy said trying to comfort me.

True, I forgot to comment that I am not like the original Ash, my Pokémon will come with me and stay in Alola, apparently Professor Kukui has a huge garden and Alola has a great climate 365 days a year, so they will not have problems and as the house is huge, the Pokémon that wants to sleep inside will also do it and yes, everyone will come with me, I don't plan to leave any of them in Pallet Town.

"You're right, plus it's only 3 weeks, they'll fly by" – I nodded.

"Well said, we will be there in a few days, while you can take advantage to know all that and when we arrive you can take us a tour" – Nancy nodded.

"First of all I would like to say one thing" - my mother said suddenly.

"What's wrong mom?" – I asked in confusion.

"You won't be leaving just with your Pokémon, we've decided that Molly will go with you to Alola too" - my mother said.

We were all speechless.

"Yes, I'll go with my brother, yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss!" – Molly shouted with excitement.

"Mom, it's not that I don't want to, but what about Molly's school? Besides, do you trust me enough to leave her in my care?" – I asked confused.

"First I will tell you that it is summer and there is no class, second that we have already transferred his file to the Pokémon Academy of Hau'oli City on Mele Mele Island, we have everything prepared, we have already prepared his suitcase and everything" – said my mother.

I was speechless at my mother's words, I couldn't believe they were going to leave me in Molly's care... Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter, he's also looking at me with those eyes that I'm unable to refuse.

"Okay, I'll take care of everything" - I said without any choice.

"Yeeeeeeeesssss!" - exclaimed Molly, jumping.

"By the way, I have bought you both new clothes, the outfit you wear is fine but sometimes you need a change of scenery, go up and change" – said my father.

One of my new father's hobbies was clothes.

We both nodded and after breakfast we went to our parents' room and on top of the bed the new clothes lay well folded.

When I put it on I was stunned, not for anything in particular but because it was the same clothes that Alola's Ash wore in the anime and even the cap was identical.

As for Molly, she wore a white t-shirt with ruffles decorated with some Pokémon and a pink skirt along with a white sandals, while in her brown hair she wore a heart-shaped ribbon that I gave her.

After getting dressed we went down underneath again.

"Well, what do you think about your new clothes? I think it's perfect for you" - my father said.

"Just look at them, they look great!" - my mother said.

The girls also nodded.

"It's lovely, thank you Dad" - Molly said cheerfully.

"Yes, it's great" – I nodded.

"I'm glad you like it, but it's time for you to make final preparations for your trip tomorrow" - my father said with a smile.

We both nodded and proceeded to do so.


The next day.

Yesterday passed very normally, we only prepared some important things that could be useful and the rest of the day we did nothing at all.

But let's talk about important things, the rest of my girlfriends, what happened to all of them? I'll tell you.

First let's talk about Roxy, after the Galar League, Roxy and Gloria decided to travel together through the Unnova region, she wanted to come on a trip with me but Gloria convinced her to go on a trip with her at least, which she reluctantly accepted, but not before promising me that she would come to see me no matter the region.

Wendy and Leaf decided to travel together through the Johto region, in reality they believed that the girls and I would travel there and they signed up for the Johto League without us knowing it to give us a surprise, which, as you can see went wrong and now they have no choice but to participate in Johto League, but not before telling me that they would visit me often, don't look at me like that, it's their fault for not warning.

Bianca on the other hand finished her studies and immediately became a famous Pokémon painter, she was not super famous, but in that world she was, she also made me some visits to Pallet Town during these months and also had a flexible schedule so she said that after finishing her current painting she would make the excuse that she had to go to Alola for inspiration and would stay with with us a few months.

Last but not least, Lira and Lisa, I know that neither of them are my girlfriends but I think you would like to know about them, well, these two decided to take a trip together through the Kanto region, Lira said she wanted to be close to me and go with me on my trip but in the end they chose to go to Kanto, it's not because she didn't want to be with me but in one of her trips to Pallet Town he marveled at Kanto and wants to give him a chance, yes, she said he would visit me from time to time, Lisa for the other hand had the same opinion as Lira.