
Pokemon: A Legendary Journey

What if one day you were suddenly thrown into the world of Pokemon, sounds fun right? well it's far from that, our main character "Jayden" was transmigrated into this world of bizarre elemental creatures. Watch as he grows to become the strongest, while also surviving in this world. (this story won't follow the Pokemon plot,meaning ash and all the other characters won't be here, I'll be making my own characters for this story, but the Pokemon we all know and love will still be here of course) join da Patreon if you want early chapters I have already written (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patreon.com/EternalKings planning to stockpile atleast 10 early chapters over there discord https://discord.gg/KB95R2Sq8a --- none of the characters were created by me, except for the protagonist and any Oc 200 stones: 1 extra chapter 400 stones: 2 extra chapters daily 600 stones: 3 extra chapters daily 800 stones: 4 chapters daily 1000 stones: 5 chapters daily

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23: Daisy, and going back home.

"grandpa who is this?" a female voice was heard before a figure entered the living room of the lab.

it was a female figure.

"oh, daisy, meet Jayden, I met him in the forest earlier when I went out" professor oak said towards the women who had appeared.

daisy was the same age as Jayden, she had long brown hair and seemed to always carry a smile on her face.

Daisy looked at Jayden and smiled before walking up to greet him.

"hey Jayden, nice to meet you"

Jayden stood up and replied with a formal handshake.

"the pleasure is all mine"

Jayden sat down immediately after.

"grandpa I will be leaving for a while to meet up with some friends, I might be back later tonight" Daisy said while giving professor oak a hug.

"ok, stay safe out there" professor oak replied.

the moment daisy left professor oak returned his gaze back to Jayden and said.

"she is a good girl huh, that's my granddaughter" Professor Oak said with a large smile.

"mhm" Jayden only nodded, he didn't know what this old man was trying to hint at.


"you are going to cinnabar island in a few days?" professor oak asked Jayden while they were talking.

Jayden had already told him about it since he thought the old man would probably be interested.

"yup, I'm meeting up with my parents in 3 days" Jayden replied.

"3 days, hold on" professor oak said before he stood up and went towards his desk before grabbing a parchment.

"since you will be in cinnabar island, can I trust you to hand this over to the people in the cinnabar lab?, giving it to anyone should work" professor oak came back and handed the parchment to Jayden.

"of course, I will keep that in mind" Jayden replied, it wasn't too much work to do.


Jayden spent three whole days at professor oak's lab, he wasn't being lazy, in fact he helped professor oak around the lab and learned more and more about Pokemon.

things that he didn't even know, he had even watched the process of professor oak and a few scientists hatching a Pokemon egg in the laboratory.

Jayden enjoyed his time here, they had good food, and if he wanted he could immediately head out into the wild to train, whenever professor oak went to the wilderness.

Jayden had also taken time to bond with the young Rhyhorn and fed it a lot to increase their bond together.

Although Jayden fed Rhyhorn a lot, he wasn't planning on training it too much, he would have more than enough time to train Rhyhorn at cinnabar island.

it finally came down to the day he had to leave.

Jayden sat in a car with professor oak.

daisy stood outside of the lab and bid them both farewell while waving with a smile.

Professor oak had offered to drive him back to pewter city, so Jayden had no reason to refuse, it was definitely better than riding a bike.

during his stay here, Jayden had wanted to ask professor oak about aura, but he decided to keep exploring the ability himself, atleast for a little while more.


"bye, don't forget about the parchment I sent you, and be sure to call when you're over there" professor oak said after dropping jayden off in pewter city.

"don't worry I will" Jayden replied while taking out his bike from the trunk of professor oaks's car.

"I'll be leaving them" professor oak said before driving off.

Jayden texted his parents and notified them that he was almost home.

he drove his bike for 30 more minutes out of pewter city and entered the small town his family was currently living in.

"I'm home"

Jayden shouted after opening the door with his keys.

"hey Jayden, welcome back" his mom could be seen in an apron as she approached.

"go talk with your father, I'm cooking right now, we can start packing clothes tonight, the cruise leaves around the afternoon tomorrow" she said with a smile before entering the kitchen again.

Jayden's dad was seen on the couch drinking some beer while watching a Pokemon battle which was broadcasting.

"hehe, look at you, after going outside for a few days you already look more like a man, I hope your pokemon are stronger too" his dad said the moment Jayden entered the living room.

"of course they are, might even be stronger than your Pokemon" Jayden joked.

in fact he actually knew his father's pokemon were all around level 30, this was information from his mother.

a trusted source.

"you wish" the burly man laughed excitedly.

"come watch this Pokemon battle with me, this is from the sinnoh league currently" his dad said in excitement, he seemed to really enjoy watching pokemon battles.

"are these battles really that nice to watch" Jayden sat down and said.

"of course, plus I better see you in the indigo league this year, although you probably won't win, I still want to see my son on the screen" his father said in laughter.

Jayden only knew he was joking.

After all to his parents, participating in the league was something most trainers couldn't do in their lifetime.

just the requirement of 8 gym badges was absurd, all trainers who could make it to the league were very powerful.

most new trainers couldn't even get 8 gym badges within a year.

After a while dinner was finished and the whole family ate the food while watching a Pokemon related movie on the television.

Jayden helped his parents clean before they went upstairs to pack clothes and other daily items they might need for the trip to cinnabar island.

they would be on a public yacht which was going to cinnabar island, they would then book a beach side hotel which they would stay for the whole vacation.

After packing everything he needed, Jayden laid in bed and prepared to go to sleep.

his rotom phone rang and he looked at a message which came from Stephanie.

"Jayden, isn't this you in this battle?" it was followed by a PokeTube video which she had forwarded to him.

Jayden watched the video and realized it was his battle between Forrest inside the pewter city gym.

what made him even more speechless was the fact that the video had garnered over 100k views over the span of a couple days.

"I guess so, how did my fight end up on PokeTube" Jayden replied before turning off his phone.

he didn't think too much about it, perhaps one of the spectating pokemon trainers in the pewter city gym building had recorded the battle and posted it.