
Waking Up


I don't know what happened to me as I was sleeping, I felt as it I was born or should I say reborn, but that don't make sense I remember the 11 years of my life in this world and 55 years of my life in my previous world.

Still what am I feeling and why did I have such a big reaction to my parent's death? Yes they died, but I haven't seen them. Just because someone tells you something with tears in their eyes don't make it true.

And even if it is true in this world everyone dies, so what the sadness for.

Looking back at my memory why did I do something that is completely irrational, is out of my mind.

As more and more thinking and looking back at my memories, I finally found why I had this feelings, I was truly reborn.

From the person that wish was only to not be normal and be remembered to the current me. I don't even know what happened. My thinking process has changed but I feel as if this personally is better than previous one.

Why? I don't know. How it happened? I will find the answer in the future.

Looking at my surrounding I realize I was in an unknown room. The rooms consist of a Table; chair some books, a cupboard, 2 doors, a single widow and a bed I am sitting on.

From my last memory, my uncle professor Oak should have brought me here. Looking at the date, I realized I slept for 13 days.

I need to be ready for Indigo League. That was my first thought but then I realize, why?

My desire was to Evolve but why should I become a Pokemon Trainer. Yes they are able to go to different place and are permitted to capture pokemon but other profession also gives such rights. So why? For Fame? No, I never cared about it, never even in my past self did it.

Then why? Money? No there are many jobs that earn hundred times the income of a normal Trainer. So why did I become what I became. I know the past me was as smart as present me, so why my past self did, what he did?

Why am I trying to be a trainer? Looking back at my memory I realize, my wish was to make myself strong but my old life contributed a huge deal in this idea. "I didn't want to be normal", "become something great", "Don't be a sheep who follows a shepherd", Now I realized even with my intelligence I simply wished happiness and become someone that people dependent on. But as the saying goes "The More you show your true feelings, the more people find a way to hurt you" This made me want to be the best while hiding my feelings, and I wanted to make my parent watch my achievement, so when their death news was heard by him, he broke and I was created.

Now with my mind cleared and a new dream in mind I opened the door to the room. Looking outside I saw few peoples in white sitting there and I quickly realized I was in a hospital. After I got out of my bed, I looked at the nearest Nurse and said "Excuse me but can you please call someone, I wish to know my present condition?"

The Nurse looked at mu Room number and nodded her head and walked towards her colleague and giving them my information. How I know this you may ask as I am around few hundred feets apart from each other, it seems what ever happened has caused my Psychic Power to increase in power. Now I can feel and read a person mind with a wish if I desire for it. I can also sense every living beings in this building both sleeping, moving or sitting.

Walking back in my room, I searched for my pokeball but was unable to find it. Waiting for someone to inform me of my situation I waited. A female Doctor came through the door, looking at me I looked thorough her memory.

Tough she didn't have many information regarding me, she was quite a good doctor so I copied some medial information from her brain and stored inside my own. Maybe due to Beldum inteferance in the process, I obtained ablity like a Ai. I can categoried my brain in different section but current I am only able to do 2 task at once.

Looking through her memories, I got what I wanted and said "I wish for Professor Oak to be called and please prepare to discharge me from this hospital."

With a bit of Hypnotism she did just that, my problem was just a shock and as soon as I was out of my shock induced coma I was to take rest but no other process were necessary.

After half an hour Professor Oak appeared and started blabbering about how worried he was. I directly looked into his mind, and it was a treasure trove I gained huge knowledge about pokemon, their habitats, their behavior, their foods, and everything regarding pokemon. This man dedicated 20 years of his life researching pokemon since he was 20 years old now 40.

With massive information, I quickly copied that information and saved those information that are useful while deleting the unnecessary ones.

I found out that a Criminal Organization by the name "Team Jet" was conducting experiments above the hills outside of my home town Catlet Town.

Similarly a strong pokemon from Jhoto was able to destroy and kill the Team Jet members but was injured in the fight and when her egg went missing the Pokemon that goes by the name Tyranitar destroyed everything in its path. With the hill being just above Catlet Town the berserk pokemon went and destroyed the town.

My parents were able to save some people and tried to run with them, the berserk pokemon send a massive hyperbeam that evaporated 8 survivor and 2 pokemons with his parents being the 2 of the 8 Survivor there. The town was destroyed and among the 200 resident that lived there 30 people lost their life, 14 are currently in ICU, 80 with some cuts and injuries suffering minor injuries and others were able to get to safety.

The pokemon is still creating Havoc, as 10 Rangers and there pokemons have already lost their life trying to fight the beast. It is currently deep in Viridian Forest, hiding.

Oak who didn't know that his whole mind has been r*p*d continued a story of a powerful pokemon attacking the hometown killing many people with his parents being in the casualties.

He didn't tell him about Team Jet due to him being afraid that he will go to get revenge, he also lied about the pokemon being killed and the justice being served.

Lycan who mind had already gone beyond anything making him immune to emotion just stood there in silence.


Lycan following life was not meaningless, he continues to travel all over the Kanto, Mind Reading ever person he deemed important and gaining knowledge.

The Tyranitar that killed his family had already been captured; making sure that it will suffer fate worse than death was his duty. After all it causes many problems that could have had serious consequences.

His pokemon found his different but didn't question them, Beldum and Riolu who now shared even deeper bond with him now stayed with him all the time. The Riolu has taken the position in his shoulder and head, whereas Beldum is always floating near him.

He also captured many pokemon that may help his research in Genetic Engineering, Some have been added in the Main pokemon Team but rests are in his Reserve list.

Some pokemon that is always with his is Ditto, and Eevee. Both are mysterious pokemon, Ditto due it its inborn ability to transform into any being, though a bit weaker but it was able to use the other pokemon ever moves.

After a big conservation, I learned that Aura Sensing or Psychic Sensing is the key to Transformation. When a Ditto takes the Aura of that pokemon he sees in front of him, he auto-tunes the process and transforms learning whatever that pokemon is able to use.

These moves have become my goal as for how? This is for the future me to find out. After all I am currently researching not just Ditto.

Eevee is another pokemon that evolves depending on the circumstance. Fire energy can cause it to evolve in Fire type; Water Energy makes it Water Type, More and more. It has 7 Evolution form and all of them are unique Flareon- Fire type, Vaporeon – Water Type, Jolteon- Electric Type, Leafeon – The Grass Type, Espeon – The Psychic Type, Umbreon – The Dark Type, and finally Glaceon – The Ice Type.

(No Sylveon in this story. The Fairy type is confusing and unnecessary for this story.)

My future is looking bright, and Oh I also have caught 8 Beldum all are training for evolution. I have given my own Beldium the task to train them and have instructed if they are proven talentless or lazy they are returned to wild, and only the best can combine with him.

Looking at them I know they will be stronger than your average Metang when they are fully trained.

Now I am training to be a Professor and Researcher, Oak suggested waiting few years but I didn't. After taking 10 tests regarding my understanding, I am given an award and labeled as the youngest assistant professor in the world.

Assistant Professor is the position given to people who are in their way to be a Professor and whose knowledge is near Researcher. I also tried to be a Researcher but was denied due to my age but was given permission to take the test when I was 16 year old.

Assistant Professor gave me the right to visit relic lands, read history, and remove my limit carry as to how many pokemon I can have as a trainer. With my future looking bright I went toward my journey of capturing and training pokemon while researching and trying to find a method to Evolve.

Sorry for the delay, had computer problems.

In this cold weather it is really boring to write for hour thinking about the plots and all.

Still there will be 4 chapter per Week. That much I can promise you.

Note - And People Please give your review regarding the story. I am not getting many opinions here.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts