
Psychic Partner

I needed to find a pokemon that has a strong evolution line, as well as can accompany me with his/her strength similarly to my current Riolu, who is as strong as a Elite four pokemon and will be as strong as a Champion pokemon when he evolves.

The pokemon which will have the same potential as Riolu should have same strength or research value as him. So I searched, in this period I found many pokemon that could fit the criteria but their potential and behavior made it so I disagreed with capturing them.


After 1 month of training and searching for pokemon that may have the potential to join us, I found a Shiny Beldum.

Looking at that pokemon fighting that it was fighting with I could see it was a wild Zangoose, A normal type pokemon.

Both Beldum and Zangoose were in each other throat, Beldum using head butt and smack down, whereas the Zangoose was using fury cutter and tackle.

Beldum used take down, sending Zangoose flying, which was able to stop by using his claws to stop himself.

Zangoose returned with anger, using quick attack. Sending Beldum flying, he followed it with fire punch.

Being a metal type it did a huge damage sending Beldum in very critical health. When Zangoose was going for a kill, I interrupted their battle using Aura Shield to protect Beldum and punching Zangoose with Aura Punch.

Looking at the pokemon in the ground, Lycan said "I will have to ask you to return Zangoose, you know you can't beat me. Forget about my pokemons." Sending my Aura to pressure Zangoose, Lycan stood in front of Beldum.

Zangoose looked like it was going berserk but was able to control its temper knowing this was a losing battle. With a glare he returned in the forest.

Lycan looked towards the injured Beldum and send use Aura Heal, making it so that it can at least move.

Beldum was looking warily at the human that protected it, when Lycan send a Blue energy toward him which he could recognize as the same things that the human used to damage Zangoose, it tried to get back up.

When the energy made contact with him, it didn't damage him but instead healed him. HE looked toward the human waiting for the answers.

Lycan looked at Beldum who was healing and was satisfied. This pokemon don't age wasn't more that 3 weeks old and was able to fight a nearly 3-4 month old Zangoose, it had potential. And the most important thing is this pokemon is Shiny.

Shiny pokemon are pokemon which have different color that their species. This is caused my mutation between the two pokemons and this type of mutation has both advantage and disadvantages.

Some pokemon with mutation will be weaker than their normal kind, making them worthless and isolated. But some like this Beldum will have a powerful mutation making them powerful that their kind. Even though there are many hypothesis why this happens there have been no real proof.

As for why he knew its age was around 3 weeks old not a problem due to Mutation, it was due to him using Aura to check the situation of the pokemon. Aura Check can provide many information about pokemon, such as its Age, Gender, Health, Parents Data (Who they were), and their DNA.

This method is one of the active methods he has been using to collect data of pokemons, and how they are different from other people, in his research.

Looking at the Shiny Beldum which had a Silver-Gray Metal with Golden lining, instead of its species Blue metal and Silver lining, he couldn't help to be captivated by its beauty.

Looking at this pokemon knew that, he was born for him. With his Psychic energy trying to wrap around Beldum he said "Do you wish to be strong and reach your full potential."

Beldum still looking at him said "Bel". From his Aura he understood that Beldum was asking him Why?

Lycan looked at him in the eyes and said "You Beldum have the potential to be strong, stronger than your kind, stronger that many pokemons. But if you stay in this forest, you'll never achieve your potential. I want to make you stronger, and become stronger with you pokemons. I want you to follow me. I'll make you stronger that the Zangoose that won against you will be like a ant in your eyes. Follow me."

You could argue that Lycan was trying to brainwash this pokemon, with kind word and promise to not lose. Still that is what every trainer do, so yea if only you do it's a crime, if everyone does the same thing it's legit.

Beldum who preciously looked like a scared cat now looked at him with fire in his eyes "Bel Dum Dum "

"Welcome to the team." Lycan said sending a pokemon toward Beldum which shucked the pokemon inside and after 1 shake it was his pokemon.


Next day was him introducing his new pokemon to his team. His Haunter and Golbat were in his storage, whereas his Electrabuzz, Seadra, Dragonair, Riolu, and Ivysaur were with him in person. After all he went to travel to catch a new pokemon so of course he had made a slow for him.

After the greetings, Beldum training started. For the next few days he was being trained by my pokemon to a acceptable level. I also gave him his 'EverStone' for the training.

He was after all 3 weeks old, he had problems in the beginning but after few days he adapted to his situation. Such Adaptation is one of the pokemon worlds specially, no matter how hard the situation there will always adapt to the situation.

The next months were me and Beldum tying to control my Psychic energy, and yes it really was Psychic energy. I can now use Telepathy and can hear all my pokemon thoughts.

Being able to hear their though and their ideas and problem, has improved our speed and strength in training by tenfold.

If there is some problem I would have felt that problem in the past due to Aura, but now I can understand and feel, it so yea we are growing faster.

We have now been travelling and training all over Kanto. I even was able to witness Shaymin, the Legenday pokemon in the flower field, but was unable to collect any data, as it was too fast for any of my pokemon and myself to catch up to.

Its been 4 Months since my battle in saffron city and 3 months since Beldum joined my team, as I was travelling all over Kanto waiting for the League, something happened that caused a huge change in my destiny.

Before that incident the worst I could see myself was me being evil scientist, but after this moment you could say there weren't any laws I wouldn't have broke, if it means achieving my goals.

Remember I told you guy, the story will start from Chapter 15, well that chapter is next.

Disclaimer- I don’t own Pokémon, if I did I would be rich and spending money not sitting here.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts