
Chapter 9 - Progress

Chapter 9 - Progress

Me and my pokemon were waiting not in our camp, waiting for the result of yesterday capture. I took my Great ball and said "Go Poke ball!!"

After that Dratini was release it looked around and after seeing up, it glared at us.

I stepped forward and said "Hello Dratini, I am Lycan Karki a Pokémon trainer. I would like to invite you to my pokemon team. My dream is to be the best, not just my pokemon I also want myself to be the very best. So are you in, I can promise you i will make you the strongest your potential can make you."

Dratini stared at me for few second before nodding its head.

I looked at it and said "Good Decision, but remember you won't become strong with only talk, you have to earn it."

With a Nod Dratini shook its head up and down "Dra Dra".


Its been 2 months since the day I captured Dratini, Me and my Pokemon have grow to a whole new stage since then.

Riolu has learned Focus Energy, Aura Punch, Aura Sphere, Aura Shield, Brick Break, Cross Chop, and High Jump Kick. He already have more than 15 moves, and i have decided that if his training start to slow down, i shall allow his to Evolve.

Riolu have surprised me in many situation, I can say that he is the Pokemon who i can trust the most in my pokemon group. With his improvement i also was able to leech off him, his experience in aura allowed him to learn Aura Punch, Aura Sphere, Aura Shield, etc and he also helped me in learning them.

Yes you heard right I can use Aura Punch, Aura Sphere, Aura Heal and Aura Shield. Though it uses my entire aura reserve if I use them many times, considering I am just a Aura Guardian / Human where as he is a pokemon, I have nothing to complain, but this unfair advantage makes envious of them.

Still you can't have everything after all, and I know better that be greedy, many people have destroyed their life due to Greed.

Zubat has moves list are Poison Sting, Sonic, Screech, Life Drain, Sludge, Poison Bite, Bite, Crunch. Though he is not weak, I have Removed 'EverStone' from his body, So it can evolve whenever it desires.

Dratini Move List are Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Thunder Bolt, Flame Thrower, Twister, Dragon Rage, Agility, Quick Attack, and Dragon Dance.

I don't know if I had underestimated a Dragon pokemon and what it means to be a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon but Dratini was weak when I caught it, but now after 2 months of training he who only had Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, and Water Gun as it move now had learned Hydro Pump, Thunder Bolt, Flame Thrower, Twister, Dragon Rage, Agility, Quick Attack, and Dragon Dance. In the 8 new moves it has learned 5 are Heavy Attack or Finisher type move, 2 moves can increase a Pokemon states, and quick attack increase it movement speed to attack a opponent.

Dratini has gone from a weak wild pokemon to a powerful heavy hitter. Maybe only Riolu would have had a chance against him in a fight, of course that was considering my Bulbasaur hadn't evolved.

Yes, Bulbasaur Evolved and is now an Ivysaur. It happened 4 weeks in our training, Bulbasaur said that it stopped growing stronger, and was now peak of its present Evolution. After training him for 2 days more and seeing no particular improvement. I checked if there was any move that a Bulbasaur can only learn, but seeing it had already learned whatever it could learn and even learned moves that a bulbasaur can't learn, i took 'Everstone' back and decided to let it evolve.

Now Ivysaur Move list were Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Vine Whip, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Take Down, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Energy ball and finally bullet seed, But after evolution and training it has learned Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Skull Bash, Sludge, Leaf Storm, and Charm.

It strength has increase expectantly and all its move power have also increase.

It is 1.8 Meters tall, this is super big for its size and you have to remember that even Venusaur is only 2.0 Meters tall. So yes it is almost as big as its final evolution.

According to Book Journal, Ivysaur is a quadruped Pokémon similar to a dinosaur. It has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black insides, and it has narrow red eyes. It has a short, rounded snout with a wide mouth. Two pointed teeth protrude from its upper jaw. Each of its feet has three claws on them. The bulb on its back has bloomed into a large pink bud. A short brown trunk surrounded by leafy green fronds supports the bud. The weight of the plant prevents Ivysaur from standing on its hind legs and forces its legs to grow sturdy. When its flower is ready to bloom, it gives off a distinct, strong sweet-smelling aroma and starts swelling. Ivysaur will also start spending more time in sunlight in preparation for its upcoming evolution. Exposure to sunlight adds to the strength of both Ivysaur and its plant. Ivysaur's natural habitat is plains.


With my Pokemon I arrived in Vermillion City. This City Gym Leader used Eleteric Type Pokemon and the Gym Leader was quite strong.

It was a Three on Three pokemon battle. The Gym leader used Pikachu, Jolteon and Raichu.

Thought it was a fun battle, my pokemon were already ready to fight with their master Pokémons so I easily won the match and won my thunder badge.

Then my Journey continued, I travelled from place to places, challenged some gym, and searched for pokemon that interested me.

1 Month after my battle with Vermillion City Gym leader, I caught another pokemon that interested me. An Elekid, I found it as i was travelling in the forest, this pokemon was drawing electricity from the storm to power it up.

After it battle with Ivysaur it followed me. Its information according to the pokemon journal is the following.

Elekid is a yellow, round-bodied Pokémon with black stripes. Elekid's arms are bulky in proportion to its body, and it has three claws instead of fingers. It has two stripes on its arms, which wrap all the way around. There are two horns on top of its head which resemble the prongs of a plug, complete with holes in their sides. These horns glow bluish-white when Elekid is fully charged. Elekid has a black lightning bolt marking on its chest. Two rows of stripes are near the marking, with the pattern continuing around its lower back. Its legs are black, and its feet are rounded and toeless.

Elekid tends to play out in the middle of thunderstorms. By rotating its arms, it generates electricity. However, it tires easily and can only charge a small amount. A weak electrical charge travels between its horns as well. It lives in the grasslands.


It's Been 6 Months since my fight with Vermilion Gym Leader, and I trained my pokemon and travelled all around the Kanto region for the next 6 months.

I challenged Celadon City- Grass Type Gym for my 5th badge earning me Rainbow Badge, Fuchsia City - Poison Type Gym for my 6th badge which gave me Soul Bage, and finally Cinnabar Island - Fire Type Gym for my 7th Gym winning me Volcano Badge and won all the respective Gym.

The 7th Gym was the most difficult battle, I fought in. It was expected depending as the Gym being my 7th and Gym leader was able and permitted to use his own pokemon. It was a Six on Six battle and I was able to win only by using my Dragonair.

In these Six months many things have happened, First I caught 2 more pokemon, 3 if you count Elekid in it.

My Pokemon Team is

Dragonair- The Dragon Pokemon.

• Species- Dragon Type.

Riolu – The Emanation.

• Species – Fighting Type.

Ivysaur- The Seed Pokémon.

• Species – Grass/Poison Type.

Electrabuzz – The Electric Pokémon.

• Species – Electric Type

Golbat- The Bat Pokémon.

• Species - Flying/Poison Type.

Seadra – The Dragon Pokémon

• Species – Water Type.

Haunter – The Gas Pokemon

• Species – Ghost/Poison Type.


First and foremost regarding our development, I am able to use Aura bond, and have used them in all of my Pokémon except Golbat. With my Aura linked with them, I can feel the pain as well as understand them. I didn't use it on Golbat because it is my reserve pokemon. It is the weakest of my pokemon, and I honestly don't like it, other than its ability to use sonar, even that was now useless since it now has evolved and have eyes in this evolution.

Dragonair evolved 2 months ago(4 months), after the fight with a strong Gyarados from its pre-evolved form Dratini. Seeing Dratini reaching peak of it talent in his Pre-Evolved form, I decided to let it evolve after a fight with a strong opponent. After all the desire and satisfaction is needed for a Dragon Type Pokemon.

It is now super strong, and is the strongest Pokemon in my Pokemon team.

Dragonair is a long, serpentine Pokémon with sky blue scales and a white underside. Its violet eyes are dark and glossy. It has a smooth, rounded snout and a small, white horn on its forehead. Its head is flanked by two small, stylized wings, which are white and curve into a swirl at the base. Three blue, crystal orbs, one on its neck and two on its tail, adorn its body.

Dragonair emits a gentle aura that gives it a mystical appearance. As seen in the anime, it can make its wings grow larger in order to fly, but otherwise moves through the air unaided. Dragonair hosts a large amount of energy within its body, which it can discharge through the crystal orbs on its neck and tail. This causes its body to brighten and give off a different aura that changes the weather in its vicinity. Dragonair is a rare Pokemon that inhabits seas and lakes.

Its Moves List are Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Thunder Bolt, Flame Thrower, Twister, Dragon Rage, Agility, Attract, Quick Attack, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Draco Meteor, Hyper Beam, Sunny Day, Rainy Day, Safe guard, Protect, Agility, Fly, Thunder, Surf, Sword Dance, Outrage and Dragon Pulse.

If this moves aren't overpowered then what is. Seeing Dragonair i have no doubt that this Pokemon when fully evolved will give even the Legendary Pokemon a run for it money.

Riolu is my second strongest Pokemon, tough it has yet to evolve, it is not once but twice as strong as a ordinary Lucario. I was going to evolve it when it was strong as a Lucario but he said he wanted to grow stronger before evolving. He knows that the stronger he is currently before evolution then after evolution he will have more talent and potential, so now you cant find him moment without training. I have to send it to poke ball forcefully because it wouldn't get proper rest without it.

And i have to say this Guy have not only fulfilled my expectation but have surpassed it.

Its current moves are Tackle, Endure, Foresight, Quick attack, Counter, Force palm, Reversal, Low kick, Iron tail, Thunder Punch and Meditate, Focus Energy, Aura Punch, Aura Sphere, Aura Shield, Brick Break, Cross Chop, and High Jump Kick, Sword Dance, Metal Sound, Power-Up Punch, Drain Punch, Calm Mind, Extreme Speed, Focus Blast and Blaze Kick (Egg Move).

It has already evolved beyond it possibly can in these forms. Riolu now wears 10 times it body weight while training. Due to his massive improvement I also made huge progress in Aura, now i can fight wild pokemon and probably win. With Aura Shield for Defense, Aura Punch for CQC and Aura Sphere for Long range i have a good battle ability. I also made Aura Bullet and Aura Gatling which throws small aura the shape of a bullet into the opponent.

Nowadays Riolu and I train in Underwater with the help of Dragonair and Seadra using underwater pressure to temper our body, trying to focus in such environment have a massive effect in focus energy.

Though i have felt that my Psychic energy are giving me trouble, i have decided to solve it in the next Gym i visit, Saffron City also the Gym that uses Psychic pokemon and the Gym leader is said to have Psychic Energy.

Ivysaur is now also near his final evolution time. He has grown to 2.2 Meters, bigger than some Venusaur. His moves are Tackle, Growl, Vine whip, Quick attack, Leech seed, Poison Powder, Sleep powder, Razor leaf, Attract, Solar beam, Synthesis, and Energy ball, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Skull Bash, Sludge, Leaf Storm, Charm, Sludge Bomb, Grass knot, Sunny Day, Rainy Day, and Frenzy Plant.

It is stronger than most Venusaur, i can only imagine how strong it will be in the future.

Electabuzz is a slightly humanoid creature with a few feline traits. It is covered in yellow fur with black stripes; a large stripe on its chest is shaped like a lightning bolt. It has a long tail. There are three, clawed toes on each of its feet, two in front and one in back, while it has five fingers on each hand. Electabuzz has two sharp fangs and a pair of antennae with bulbous ends.

In the dark, Electabuzz will glow light-blue, with the electrical charge stored inside of its body over long periods of time. It is constantly leaking more electricity than it consumes. During torrential thunderstorms, Electabuzz will compete to find locations likely to be struck by lightning in order to absorb the electric power. Electabuzz are often used as an alternative to lightning rods because it is unharmed by the absorption of electricity.

As demonstrated in the anime, Electabuzz is sent into a rage by the color red. In battle, Electabuzz windmills its arms, apparently to add momentum to its punches. This method of battle seems ineffective, as opponents can escape in the meantime. It is also capable of entirely nonverbal communication via electrical currents when in close proximity to another of its species. Electabuzz typically resides near power plants and can cause blackouts in cities, though it can also be found in grasslands.

It is one of my pure destructive pokemon. It was also this pokemon that took out The Cinnabar Gym leader Draco strongest pokemon Charlizard, but was unable to beat Magmar. Its moves list are Quick Attack, Leer, Swift, Thunder Wave, Thunder Bolt, Thunder Punch, Protect, Light Screen, Electro ball, Iron tail, Brick Break, Low Kick, Thunder, Dual Chop, Focus Punch, Sword Dance.

Seadra is the water pokemon I caught in the ocean when i was travelling in the seas. It was fighting 3 Sharpedo alone as a Horsea, its pre evolved form. After helping him and giving him the opportunity to join us, it agreed. Horsea being a wild pokemon was already a strong pokemon and was ready to evolve any time which lead to it attacking those Sharpedo, to use the battle to simulate his dsire to grow stronger and evolve. But even then, I trained this pokemon for 2 more months before I gave it permission to evolve.

Seadra is a blue, seahorse-like Pokémon. It has a long snout and a two fin-like ridges curving over either side of its head. Its belly is covered with rough, cream-colored scales. Seadra's lower pectoral fins have sharp, pointed, cream-colored tips that exude venom. It also has a large, coiled tail.

Seadra can swim in any direction while facing forward by rapidly flapping its fins and tail. It catches its prey by spinning its body to create large whirlpools. When its prey is exhausted, Seadra swallows it whole using its long snout. Seadra's venom is toxic enough to induce fainting in humans, but is prized among practitioners of traditional medicine.

Seadra makes its nest by either wriggling between or anchoring itself to branches of coral under the ocean. After a female Seadra gives birth, the male Seadra will take care of the young. It is markedly vicious, and will mercilessly attack those who venture near its nest.

Its Moves list are Tackle, Leer, Scary Face, Bubble, Bubble Beam, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Hydro pump, Protect, Surf, Smokescreen, Agility, Dragon Rush, Twister, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Attract, and Thunder Bolt.

Its Evolved form is a Dragon type so Seadra had a very good collection of Dragon types move.

And Finally Haunter which is a female and Poison and Ghost type pokemon. I caught this pokemon in Lavender Town which had the biggest ghost type pokemon in all Kanto. I caught Gastly who was a leader of a small colony and was strong enough to fight with some Haunter before evolution. Of course it was near its evolution but still it describes it battle powers. After promising that i can make it stronger, she followed.

It's been 1 months since then and have received my permission to evolve and she evolved yesterday after finishing her training. Haunter is a purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head with a pair of disembodied hands. Each hand has three pointed fingers. Its head is flanked by three large, spiked protrusions on either side, and its eyes are large and triangular with small pupils. The gases composing its head curve down to form several pointed teeth framing a pink mouth and a long tongue. Its body tapers into a jagged tail.

Haunter hides in very dark places, where it plots to take the life of the next living thing that comes near it. It silently stalks its victim and steals its life force with a lick from its gaseous tongue, which inflicts convulsions that persists until the victim dies. It has the ability to float through solid walls. Despite its predatory nature, it has been known to entertain and prank people in the anime. Additionally, it has even been shown to feel intense loyalty to a deceased Trainer. Haunter lives in dark, abandoned caves.

Its moves list are Hypnosis, Lick, Confuse Ray, Dark pulse, Shadow Ball, Smog, Dream Eater, Poison Gas, Toxic, Sucker Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire punch, Taunt, Poison Jab, Hex, and Curse.

This is already the move she learned before evolving and only learning Curse, Sucker Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire punch was learned after evolving. After all Gastly has no hand to learn any punch moves, ignore the pun.

Now I am travelling to go to Saffron City to train my Psychic energy as well as earning me my final Badge.

This took me very long time to write. So many time i had to rewrite and was bored out of my mind. Anyway Enjoy.

If there is mistake i will correct them in the future.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts