
Chapter 5 - Finally

The moment I entered the gym, I saw a guy sitting with a Ryhorn and a Dugllet. He was a muscular guy with short black hair and brown eyes. When I entered the gym he looked up and said "Trainer?"

I replied "Yes! I'll like to challenge the gym."

"Ok! So how many gym badges do you have?"

"None! This is my first."

"So a beginner huh! Ok come and go stay in the trainer line in the other side of the field." He then looked at the right where a teenager was playing with his pokemon and said "Card bring me a referee and my Pokémon for beginning challengers."

After saying this he didn't wait for a reply and went to the trainer line opposite to mine. After a few minute a person came with 2 flags and 2 poke balls, giving the Gym leader Grunt those poke balls he went to the middle of the field.

After receiving the pokeball, he said "We will be allowed to use 2 Pokémon and you the challenger have the right to change the Pokémon anytime he wishes. I hope you know the rules. So ref start the battle."

The referee took both flags and shouted "This is a Gym battle of Lycan of Pallet town in the Red Corner and Gym leader of Viridian City Grunt in the Blue corner. This is the challenger 1st gym battle so I shall say the rules. The Challenger is permitted to change his pokemon in the battle if he/her desire, whereas the Gym leader is not permitted to do so. Any and all help that is given by challenger and Gym leader that is not a command may lead to Disquallification. I hope both the trainers follow the rules, So let's begin."

Grunt looked at me and said "I specialize in Ground types pokemon, be ready go Geodude"

His first Pokémon was the Rock and Ground type Pokemon Geodude, seeing this I took out my own pokemon "Go Riolu."

Riolu being a fighting type have a type advantage against a rock/ground type Pokémon, and with him having fighting moves this match was in my favour.

"Riolu start with quick attack." Riolu started running toward Geodude covered in a White light in a fast speed.

Grunt said "Rock tomb." Geodude then started to move rock around the ground creating obstacle in Riolu path and with Riolu rapidly approaching and may crash there, it was doing its job.

"Riolu jump and use Focus palm." With quick attack speed he jumped above the rocks and used focus palm on Geodude. Being a fighting move it was super effective.

"Geodude use take down" grunt said

With a smirk on my face I said "Counter"

Riolu was then covered with red energy, when Geodude attacked Riolu, he was only pushed few steps back, which was followed with a strike in the Geodude who was still recovering front the coil of return damage of take down.

Geodude who attacked with take down was throw off the ring and fainted with those moves. Counter use the energy of the opponent to counter back but with Take down being a move that is like a double edge sword which damages both Pokémon it finished Geodude.

"Good job Riolu. Now take a good well deserved rest." Saying this I returned him inside his pokeball.

"Now go Diglett " Grunt said as he send his new pokemon. It was Diglett a pure ground type Pokémon.

"Come along Bulbasaur." I said as I brought my Pokémon out of his ball. This was also in my advantage as ground was weak against grass.

After Bulbasaur appeared, I said "Growl"

"Diglett use dig" Grunt said as he looked at my Bulbasaur.

After that Diglett disappeared, I said "carefully listed to the ground around you and when you think it appeared use Razor leaf."

Though Bulbasaur tried to sense Diglett beneath the ground, he was unable to use anything as Diglett appeared beneath him and tackled him.

"Now Bulbasaur use leech seed." Bulbasaur who was send flying, looked around for his opponent, who was nowhere to be found.

Diglett disappeared in the ground before Bulbasaur could recover and use his move. Seeing this he knew Bulbasaur was in a tough spot.

As there was going to be next dig attack, I said "use vine whip to lift yourself up the ground and use Razor leaf as soon as you see him." Bulbasaur then used his vine whip as a leg and stood there as it carried him off the ground.

Next when Diglett appeared he couldn't find his target but was treated with Razor leaf. "Quick follow it with leech seed."

Diglett was now unable to return underground as Razor leaf stopped him in his track, which was followed with Leech seed

With Diglet being unable to attack Bulbasaur now who was in the air, and with leech seed continued to leech his health he was unable to fight soon after.

Grunt appeared after the fight with my Earth Badge and said "I see you have quite a creative mind, but I think you should train your Riolu some more fighting and steel move and your Bulbasaur some poison moves. Here this is Earth Badge, your proof that you won your match here."

I asked him "Why did you use Beginners Pokémon with me why not your strongest?"

He looked at me and laughed and said "The person with 3 or lower badge are to fight against Gym leader beginner Pokémon, 4th ,5th , and 6th badge holder the Gym leader use their Training/ Trained Pokémon, and the person with 7th and 8th badge holder Gym leader use their strongest Pokémon. After all you can't use your strongest Pokémon who you had for more than a decade to fight a person with a Pokemon who have been together for a few months. It is too unfair, so this rule was applied. This takes out Trainer who bought the badges as well and trains the new trainer. Anyway I wish you luck in you adventure. Visit more in the future." Saying this he shook my hand and returned back to his Pokémon.

With my 1st badge in hand I started my journey to the next stop Pewter city.


I went over what he said and decided to teach my Bulbasaur Poison powder and Sleep powder, and my Riolu Mediation and Low kick. Since I wish to learn Aura, I started to train with Riolu and have made Made progress in last 2 weeks more than my whole 10 years.

With Riolu I made progress and now can say I am an Aura Guardian in training. It wasn't too difficult

, and it's advantage, I am growing stronger. No not super strong but like a Pokémon I am slowly growing stronger. I and Riolu have form Aura bond and can hear his thoughts. Currently I can only use Aura bond on him due to both of use using aura but I'll probably be able to use this on other Pokémon in the future.

With 3 more weeks of training Bulbasaur successfully learned Poison and Sleep powder. Riolu learned Mediation, low kick and Reversal.

It seems making Aura bond with me also made him stronger.

Now we are on our way of pewter city and will arrive there around mid day today. Can't wait to test my Pokémon against the Gym leader and challenge them.

Story will start to darker as the story progress, Mc hasn’t have a bad past so he don’t want power to much he just don’t want to be normal. I will give him that reason and he will slowly change into a grey Mc. It will be in 10+ chapters so good day.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts