
Chapter 20- Celestial Town

Celestial Town


Searching for the legendary I visited many places, hoping to gain new knowledge to further my goals. My Team Evolution has already taken over Kanto region and is going to conquer the Johto and Hoenn soon according to my calculation.

In Sinnoh my Journey started from Sandgem Town meeting Professor Brake and Assistant Professor Rowan. I then took a small walk to twinleaf Town where I capture a sleeping Sprit tomb and also found a Cover Fossil which can be used to resurrect a Tirtouga that are said to be the Ancestor of all Turtle Pokemon including Squirtle, Blastoid, Lapras, etc.

Following and flying here and there near Twinleaf Town searching for pokemons, I heard of a powerful Dark or Ghost type rumor, checking the report I found Darkrai, The Nightmare Pokemon in the depth of Bewilder Forest located between Sandgem Town and Jubilife City.

My journey continued searching and collecting Data on various Pokemon and peoples learning whatever I can about this world.

I first visited Jubilife City and captured a Chimchar, the rest were me helping people while looking through memories of different peoples.

Along my journey Gengar and Darkrai had a huge duel due to previous unfinished fight, but due to lack of my command given by me, Gengar was only able to injure Darkrai before being defeated.

Darkrai seeing this result tried to get out of my control but using metagross I completely destroyed whatever pride he had in himself.

The next months we started to train him and I also tried to find what makes this pokemon Legendary and what this Energy they uses that are called Primal Energy.

It seems Darkrai was unable to use Primal Energy, which was a huge disappointment but still it was within my expectation.

There is 60% chance that only pokemon that are created by Arceus directly can learn primal Energy, but I disagree with this hypothesis but haven't had any reason or incident that can make it to be false. Now after seeing Darkrai being unable to use Primal Energy I am 70% sure that this is the case.

I travelled trough foot and this time I acted like a pokemon trainer. It was a huge difference that my travel 5 years ago when I had my old personality, where though having memory of a single person that lived 55 years he was able to live a normal childhood, though a bit anti-social it was a normal childhood.

Now I have more those 500 memories of people, some who are above 60 but most are around 40. Though I haven't gone through all the memories of all these people and only studied and took the research part or skill that can be useful.

Among those 500+memories 100 are useless, 200 are of researcher and trainers regarding their ideas, and I have to say some are so foolish that they might win the Most Stupid person Reward in my past life.

The rest 200 are people who have different profession, some are Pokemon Breeders, Beauty Contestant, Pokeball maker, Pokemon Item makers, Potion makers, Fisherman, Communicator, Psychic (Their memory were difficult to check but after gaining Chakra I was able to do so without their knowledge), Martial Artist (This world lack serious Martial Artists so they just know how to properly throw kicks and punch and how to make yourself fit), Gym Leaders, Doctors, Pokemon Ranger, Police, Lawers, Pokemon Caretaker, Pokebloc Maker (Pokemon Food), etc.

With my ability to read mind I have gained many experience and if I say I have the most experienced person in this region, there won't be many objection, of course they should have a machine to measure my experience beforehand. Except people who lived for many years there aren't many people who can win with me in experience. If there are well more Experience for me, this ability is a serious cheat.


Moving through the Oreburgh City, I searched for any pokemon that may interest me. Not finding anything I continued by journey. Oreburgh City is famous for the rock and steel type pokemon, but there aren't any pokemon that interested me, though I did help find a iron ore for the Gym leader there who was thanking me for the work.

I had already gained my prize by copying his memory in my mind while Chakra Scanning all his pokemon for future use.

I don't know if this is a side effect but my mind is becoming less and less human and more and more like a machine. This is not just my thinking process but also m memory, I can literally use my brain like a computer, I can copy memories, move and delete any information in my brain. If I didn't do so with the massive information in my head I'll probably had headache every day.

If I measure my IQ currently I can guarantee that my IQ is above 400, I can think faster that other people by dozen times. If you are thinking of a problem and taking 10 minutes, I need only 10 second to recall it and solve it.

My journey continued but in my journey to Floaroma Town which have a very interesting history, which connect this Town to a legendary pokemon. This town is covered in Flowers, once you enter this town, you will see flower as far as your eyes can see, making this town very popular among Grass type, though people with Pollen Allergy are strictly forbidden to go anywhere near it.

According to the Legend told by the townspeople, Floaroma Town was once a barren and desolate hill. People started planting flowers around it to cheer up the place, but nothing would grow. Then, someone expressed thanks for a blessing of nature, and the whole hill burst into bloom. It is theorized that Shaymin was the cause of the sudden burst of flowers, given it being the Gratitude Pokémon, and its ability to "instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers," according to its Ancient Journal regarding it.

I searched this town for few days and was able to collect data on different pokemon, that normally hide in deep forest to avoid human population.

After finding neither lead on any legendary, I was going to leave the town when I received information from my Team Evolution that a Mew Shrine has been found in Celestic Town. That's not the only information, it is also said that there is a Historical Research Center in that town which gather Data on the particular pokemon which just so happens to be Mew.

Hearing this News my destination which was Eterna City shifted to Celestic Town. Looking at the Map, which described that Celestic Town is 100 Km away from this location I took out my metagross pokeball sending he out.

When he got out, he already knew my desire for him after taking a one look at me. The Life bond that have created between the 3 of us including Me, Metagross, and Lucario we can feel emotions and have a natural telepath communication.

Sitting on top of Metagross head, Metagross started to use his Magnetic repulsion to levitate form the ground. After that giving him instruction on the direction, Metagross took off in a speed that will make even Agility and Quick attack slower in comparison.

Metagross can use the Magnetic attraction to levitate from the ground and this is it inborn ability from its pre-evolved form Beldum. With Magnetic repulsion, Metagross can speed up to a massive speed depending on the ground below it. And the most important fact about this ability is that Metagross don't get tired using it, it is for them like walking so this method is faster and easier in land area.

After 1 hour of travel, I was able to see the Celestial Town before us. Still sitting in the top of Metagross we entered the town.

Looking at the surrounding it is a small town with no more that 50 resident living here. There are around 15 house/ building which seem to be used in either living or act like pokemon home.

Sitting on the top of floating Shiny Metagross seems to attract attention as every person that passed by looked at me in wonder; I can even see some kids with stars in their eyes looking at Metagross.

Looking around in this small town, I just had to search for few minutes before I reached the biggest building in the town.

It had a huge board with its name "Celestic Town Historical Research Center" in its entrance. Though maybe due to the commotion caused by the children's, I can see few heads popping from inside the building to see the commotion.

Looking at me arriving towards them, a guy who looked to be in his mid- thirties wearing a lab coat appeared in front of my path. Looking towards me he said "Young traveler, may I ask who you are and what are you doing here?"

Getting off my pokemon, I smiled and said "I am a Professor from Kanto, I have come here for some research materials after learning that here a Historical Center is located here."

3/4 Chapter of the week.

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