
Chapter 12 – 8th Gym Battle Part 2

Gabrina threw her next pokeball in the field "Come Kirlia"

A Pokémon that looked like a human child, wearing a green and white skirt appeared in the front of me. I have read about this pokemon as it was one of the few pokemon that have appearance similar to humans and there have been cases of Garvedor having human child, of course they are human but those child are said to have either psychic energy or die young, according to research and hypothesis.

This pokemon was Kirlia, a Psychic type pokemon with 3 evolution form. I like this pokemon and will capture it if presented the chance but it not in my 'Must Have List'.

With this pokemon appearance, Lycan returned his Ivysaur for rest and send his next pokemon Electrabuzz in the battlefield.

"Kirlia use Psy shock then follow it with hypnosis." Kirlia send a shockwave around the field and send a hypnosis toward Electrabuzz.

"Focus Punch and follow it with thunder punches." Electra buzz after using focus punch was able to resist hypnosis and using focus palm the sleeping suggestion was useless. Electra buzz send a focus punch toward Kirlia which was dodged but thunder punch was followed which landed in kirlia sending her flying.

"Electrabuzz use your tail to catch her, and use thunder wave." Kirlia was unable to fight back Electrabuzz appered in front of her again without giving her chance to rest and started to beat her. When he put his tail in her hip, he sends a thunder wave paralyzing her and then there was nonstop attack of Metal Claw, Brick break, and thunder punch.

She was not able to do anything, due to paralysis and even unable to teleport due to constant attack.

Seeing such brutality, Refree stopped the battle and said "Kirlia is unable to battle, challenger return you pokemon. And also take an Official Warning for the merciless attack against a helpless pokemon."

Many may wonder why I did so, the reason was simple. It was a very troublesome pokemon. From teleport, agility, quick attack, protects, etc moves are normal for this pokemon to have. A fast pokemon with defensive and teleporting ability will cause my pokemon to use many moves and energy to end the match, so when my Electra buzz was able to capture her I directly made sure she fainted or defeated.

Still earning a warning was a bit excessive, after all the pokemon can be called back anytime to give up and it was still a psychic pokemon so there was very small damage form Fighting type moves and only thunder punch gave more damage to her.

Gabrina glared me with anger and returned her pokemon sending her 5th pokemon in the field. It was a pink pokemon with a big lips and small and slim body. It was Medicham a fighting and Psychic Pokémon.

This pokemon would be a good match with a dark type but against my Electra buzz it was just a bug.

"Medicham Meditate." Gabrina said to her Pokémon using a move that increase power of psychic moves.

"Electra buzz Sword dance."Gabrina eyes widened, this move sharply increases a pokemon attack.

"Medicham quickly attack Electra buzz with quick attack." Medicham moved toward Electrabuzz in a high speed using quick attack.

As Medicham was coming toward Electra buzz "I said Use Sword dance once more and use counter."

Electra buzz was covered in white energy and when Medicham was near him, it was replaced with re energies.

When Medicham Slammed into Electra buzz he redirected that energy along with its high power sending Medicham flying.

"Follow with Electro ball and Thunder." Medicham narrowly dodged Electroball was hit with Thunder. "Medicham Use Metal Claw on the Ground." Using Metal Claw in the ground Medicham was able to redirect thunder in the ground but was still injured.

Seeing the situation I took out my poke ball and said "Come back Electra buzz." Electra buzz glared at me but thinking it will be too easy for it to win this battle it returned.

Sending my forth pokemon in the field I said "Come Partner."

Saying this a Blue and Black dog like pokemon appeared in the field. It looked around and saw it opponent covered in thunder statics and looking at him in wariness.

It saw the situation and got ready for its match. "Riolu use sword dance."

Many may wonder why I changed my Pokémon but with how the battle is going I won't need to use my Dragonair anymore. After all I have already challenged and won against Cinnabar Island Gym leader who is said to be the 2nd strongest Gym leader in all of Kanto for my 8th Gym battle. Where as Gabrina Night is only in the 4th position of the strongest Gym leaders. Even then my pokemon are stronger then since my fight with Cinnabar Gym leader and I have even brought Haunter which is a Ghost type which is SE against Psychic.

If I don't return Electra buzz now I won't be able to use either Haunter or Riolu which both the pokemon I need to show in the battle to her. Haunter because I don't want my work to capture her is for nothing.

Gabrina narrowed her eyes and said "Finally using your dear partner huh. Show them our power Medicham Use Psychic."

"Riolu dodge with Agility and use foresight." After vanishing and appearing in another location using agility he use foresight which can help in predicting the next move.

"Riolu calm mind and Extreme Speed." A brain image appeared near Riolu which entered inside and then with increase speed of both agility and Extreme speed Riolu attacked Medicham.

"Medicham use Double Team and Use tornado Kick." Multiple Medicham appeared instead of a single one, and all of the started spinning like a bay blades.

"Riolu who used Foresight and Calm mind before appeared in front of Medicham and send a powerful tackled.

Medicham who was spinning was send flying and lasted in two feet, taking deep breaths.

Gabrina looked at Medicham in worry and said "Are you ok Medicham, can you still fight."

Medicham looked at her and nodded his head "Cham Med Medi Cham"

"Ok Use Agility then uses power up." It's used two moves one for increasing its speed and next for increasing its strength.

"Medicham Use full power Close Combat." Medicham starting running toward Riolu using its injured body, in his final struggle which will decide this match outcome.

"Riolu use Sword Dance and use Extreme Speed with Blaze Kick." Riolu used his 2nd Sword dance which will increase his attack power. Then used Extreme speed the uses his power kick to move fast but this time both its leg were on fire and where it reached Medicham instead of tackle, he jumped up and delivered multiple Flaming Kick towards Medicham.

Medicham Tried to counter with his Close Combat but, the extreme power Riolu was enough to beat Medicham no matter how much power use. 2 Sword Dance and full power blaze kick powered with extreme Speed made a very dangerous combo.

Medicham was send flying through the Arena and into the wall, having sevier damages.

"No Medicham" Gabrina went to her Medicham who was fainted and in need of a quick trip to hospital.

Gabrina looked at me and said "I'll Forfeit this match, take you Badge from the reception." Saying this she glared at me and returned her Pokémon in the ball and went towards the Pokémon Centre.

Looking at her fading back he couldn't help but think 'this wasn't in the plan, Damn it'.

HE just wanted to show her his strength so she could teach him about psychic; he didn't want to make her quit the match.

Looking at her fading back he couldn't help but sign.