
Chapter 11- 8th Gym Battle Part 1

Arriving in a big field with Night Gabrina, he looked around the field. It was a Rocky field with the entire field covered in rock. If a Rock or Ground type pokemon used this field they will have a huge advantage over other Pokémon's. It size was almost as big as half a Soccer Field.

With us arriving in the field I saw a huge crowd of people waiting for us. Many were sitting in the stadium and looking at us entering the field.

Once Gabrina went to her side of corner, there was a huge cheering for her. After I arrived in my position, a Referee came in a ring, looking at both of us he said "Now we begin the Gym match of today. On the White Side we have our very own Gym Leader who is known for her powerful Psychic pokemon, and on the Red side we have our challenger Lycan Karki, for this 8th and final Gym Battle before he challenge Indigo league or participate in the Tournament. So both the challenger and gym leader will use all their strength in this match. I don't want to make you people wait due to me telling the rules which I am sure both of you are familiar with; the match shall begin when the Timer hit zero. Trainers take you position."

Gabrina looked at me and said "I shall show you what a true psychic is Aura Trainer, Go Lunatone"

Her pokemon appered in the field it was a odd shaped pokemon. It looked like a crescent moon and had yellowish color. I remember reading about this pokemon in the Pokemon Journal. According to the journal, Lunatone is a cream-colored, rock Pokémon with a crescent moon shape. In the center of the crescent is a pointed, beak-like structure. It has deep-set, red eyes, which can cause paralyzing fear or induce sleep. It lives in caves, and becomes active under a full moon. The moon increases its power, and its health is tied to the lunar phases. Using its psychic powers, Lunatone floats through the air. It was first discovered at the site of a meteor crash. It was Rock/Psychic type Pokemon.

Seeing this pokemon, I took my pokeball and threw it in the ring "Go Seadra."

Seadra appeared in battlefield, and looked at its opponent with a glare. I then looked towards the Refree to start the match.

The Referee looked at us and said "This is a Six on Six pokemon battle, the battle ends when a side has no more pokemon to battle. The challenger has the right to substitute. Start the Timer"

With the Referee word, a Screen was displayed in the stadium, which had a timer on it.




0 [Beep]

Night went first "Start with Psywave."

"Dodge it and use Water Pulse" Lycan ordered.

Seadra leaped up in the sky just as psywave blew below him. In the air, he compressed water and fired it towards Lunatone. The attack crashed into Lunatone and pushed it th the edge of the platform.

"You'll have to do better that that if you want to beat me," Night said, "Lunatone, use Psychic!"

Lunatone eye started glowing and the rock around Seadra started spinning and forming a tornado. It hit Seadra causing it pain.

"Use Protect, and Surf." Lycan ordered.

Seadra used protect to protect itself from the flying rocks around him, and used surf that called huge amount of water and crashed into Lunatone.

The surf was filled with both water and stones which caused huge damage to Lunatone, but Seadra was fine due to protect.

"Lunatone use rock throw" Gabrina said.

"Use twister Seadra and make it suffer the same pain as you." Seadra then used twister and the same situation as before appeared in the field with the target changed.

"Lunastone use hyperbeam" seeing Lunatone in trouble, Gabrina ordered a use of powerful move to protect itself.

"Seadra use Smokescreen and Hydro pump." Gabrina Lunatone was able to safely destroy the twister with hyperbeam but due to smokescreen the hyperbeam was unable to Seadra.

When it entered the stage where it needed rest from using hyperbeam, Hydropump hit lunastone in the face sending it smashing in the stadium walls.

"Lunatone is unable to battle, Seadra wins." the judge announced.

"Hah Beginners luck" Gabrina commented as she returned her Lunatone in the pokeball and switch her pokeball. "It's your field Slowbro" and release a pink pokemon with a huge fishlike pokemon in its tail.

I knew this pokemon was a Psychic/ Water type pokemon. Since Seadra had no disadvantage against psychic type ,but it had a move that was super effective agaist water type so I decided to let it fight.

"Seadra use Agility" Seadra took off jumping around the field with its increased speed.

"Slowbro Psywave" Slowbro glared at Seadra and send pink waves toward Seadra.

"Dodge and Dragon Rush" Seadra Jumped up and the Psywave went under him, like the previous match, but this time instead of colleting water for water pulse, a blue aura surrounded Seadra. When the aura to shape it looked like a blue dragon which took off at an incredible speed toward Slowbro.

Slowbro use Ice beam" seeing the situation was unfavorable for her she decided to change the tatic.

Slowbro fired Ice beam toward the rapidly approaching Seadra.

"Protect and Thunderbolt" Lucan said with a smile.

Seadra stopped midflight using Dragon Rush, but the momentum was still there.

When ice beam collided with Seadra, a green shield appeared in from of him and when Seadra was near Slowbro it fired a thunderbolt which is super effective against water type.

Lycan looked at Gabrina and asked "You know my Seadra will become dragon type in next evolution right, he is still a water type currently."

Gabrina said "Yes it was to slow him down. Not to damage him."

"Slowbro get up and use psychic on Seadra." Seadra was tried to dodge but was unable to do so, he was send flying due to Psychic.

"Follow it with thunder punch." Slowbro fist started to crackle with lighting and stated running toward Seadra.

Seadra use dragon breath." Seadra fired a blue beam toward slowbro who blocked it with his thuder punch was throw few feet backward.

"Seadra follow it with Dragon pulse." Seadra was already tired at this point using massive move over and over have taken its toll. When it fired dragon pulse it was near it limit.

Protect" The Dragon Pulse strike in the Shield and was broken, Sending Slowbro flying. Slowly Slowbro got up and starting moving towards Seadra.

Seeing him rapidly approaching Lycan said "Seadra one final time, thunderbolt."

Seadra was able to use thunder bolt, but was weak many times compared to before, when it hit Slowbro it caused him to winch but nothing more.

Finally he appeared in front of Seadra and his trainer said "Thunder punch"

Slowbro used his thunder punch sending Seadra out of the ring with swirls in his eyes.

"Seadra is unable to battle, Slowbro wins" The referee announced.

When he said that Slowbro grew purple, he was poisoned

This was Seadra ability, Poison point when anyone uses CQ against pokemon with this ability the pokemon has a chance of being poisoned.

Already weakened and tired Slowbro also fell down and fainted.

Referee cleared his throat and said "Both the pokemon are down, the match is a draw. Trainers Send another pokemon."

Gabrina looked at me and said "That's quite a pokemon you have there, I don't want tot battle it when it fully evolves." saying this she send her 3rd pokemon in the field "Go Mr Mime."

Lycan took another pokeball after sending Seadra to rest, throwing the 2nd pokeball to the field he said "Ivysaur to the Battlefield"

Ivysaur is now also near his final evolution time. He has grown to 2.2 Meters, bigger than some Venusaur. Due to which his appearance caused some commotion.

"Mr. Mime use Bulk up and Psyche up." Mr mime started to use moves that will increase its psyche energy and psychical energy.

"Ivysaur Sunnyday and follow with sleep powder." Ivysaur who could be called Venusaur if his plant in his back was bloomed send a huge light in the sky above the stadium. When it was in the sky, it increase sunlight and cleared the sky with any clouds.

After doing that he send green pollens from his flower in the back sending them towards Mr. Mime.

Mr Mime use safe guard and quick attack." Mr. Mime surrounded with a field that make all negative effect immune to the users. it then used quick attack to go in front of Ivysaur.

As Mr. Mime was rapidly approaching, Lycan commanded "Grass Knot, and follow with Razor leaf."

A grass appeared in front of Mr. Mime and made him fall in the ground, which was followed with razor leaf, damaging Mr. Mime.

"Mr. Mime use agility then fire punch." Using agility Mr. Mime was able to increase its speed and appered in front of ivysaur with fist covered in fire. Sunny day was still active causing fire move to increase in damage.

"Take it while using sleep powder." Mr. Mime was able to hit ivysaur with a super effective move but due to safeguard ending it fell asleep due to sleep powder.

Lycan the said "Use Synthesis, and follow it with your strongest solar beam. Take your time."

Gabrina seeing her pokemon asleep use telekinisis to instruct her pokemon to wake up, during which ivysaur healed itself with synthesis, and was now powering Solar Beam.

Mr. Mime started to wake up, due to Gabrina constant use of teklekinisis on him, but was still sleepy.

After 2 second a super charged Solar Beam under intense heat attacked and hit, Mr. Mime sending him back to sleep.

Refree then said "Mr. Mime is unable to battle. Venusa...Ivysaur wins the match."

Lycan looked toward the Gabrina waiting for her next pokemon.