
Aura or Psychic? Whats the result

The Indigo League is around 1 month away from today, I believed this day will be similar to the past few months with me training my pokemon and Meditating with Riolu and Beldum.

Deep in the mountain, my pokemons were attacking each other and defending using a single move over and over again, while their partner used a different type's move repetatly.

In one side, Electrabuzz was attacking Ivysaur with different moves such as Fire punch, Thunder Punch, Tackle, Volt Tackle, Iron Tail etc. The constant use of different moves to attack Ivysaur made him suffer different hits from time to time.

This method I developed due to them taking longer to switching between using moves of different categories, I don't want them to learn only moves of their type, I want them to learn everymove they can if their body is capable. This is after all about Evolution, and I am trying to evolve them to learn every move possible and make sure they can switch between type.

Current my maximum of 6 pokemon limit is causing me some problems in teaching them. I have found many pokemon in the wild, some I captured for pure research like Zubat who is now Golbat. This Carrier limit is really making my research time difficult.

I sometimes really wonder if I should quit becoming a trainer and become a Researcher instead. This will solve my problem and give me opportunity to travel to different places that are normally forbidden, but this process will take time, and most of all the duty of researcher is massive.

We're going off the topic now; Ivysaur is losing his speed as he is growing so Elecrabuzz who is the heavy hitter in my team is teaching how to defend himself. First in the training he was getting massive injuries, but now if he can't dodge then instead of being hit by fire attack he will go toward electric attack that is lesser effective against him.

Dragonite is learning as many moves as he can from simple Ember and Water Gun to Hyper Beam, and Thunder. Due to massive potential this pokemon hasn't stopped growing strong and learing now moves. Thou he is just learning new move, he will join the other pokemon in the future to perfects those moves.

Beldum and Riolu are always next to me training Psychic and Aura together. With me being a core they are able to amplify themselves and are learning new moves daily. Even Riolu who was near his peak stage now has surpassed them and is learning even more. His Aura is 5 Times a Normal Lucario.

Beldum is strange pokemon, they join together to evolve. Like to Evolve into Metang two Beldum needs to connect to each other and they will evolve. Same is with Metagross, which happens when two Metang join together to evolve.

But I don't know if this is due to his Mutation, my Beldum don't need another Beldum to evolve. But I don't wish to take a chance, and will find a strong Beldum make sure he is strong and join together with Beldum to Evolve. It is after all said that Metang is twice as smart as a Beldum, and MEtagross is 4 times as smart as a Metang.

Still that is for future to decide, let focus on the problem today. I got a strange call from Police station asking me to contact them once I am near any government faculty.


After 2 days, I reached Gerory town and visited the Local Police station in the city.

Arriving in front of the reception in police station, I said "Hello My name is Lycan Karki, and I was asked by Officer Henry to contact the nearest Station. Can you please check what the problem was?"

The woman who was in her mid-thirty was sitting in her Police Uniform, hearing my request she replied "Please wait for a few moments."

After typing in her computer for a few minutes, she called a number. After 5 minutes of call where she was constantly looking at me, but would hide her eyes whenever I looked at her.

After few minutes she ended the call, she walked in front of me and asked me to follow her. She then led me to a private office where a person was already sitting.

The person was a male of around 6 feet in his late Twenties. Looking at the police women, and giving a silent gesture to return to her work, he turned toward me.

Looking at his gaze I wonder what was wrong. I haven't done anything illegal yet, remember I said yet. I had plan for the future but now I was only gathering information, and should not be inside a police Station alone in this kind of serious mood for at least a few more years.

Waiting for answer, the man started talking "Hello Kid! My name is Kibry, the call you got was from my friend. I think you were a pokemon trainer weren't you? How many badges do you have?"

HE said trying to stop the serious mood, I knew this was a method used to make themselves harmless and trying to gain information by making the people in front of lowering their guard. I really don't remember what I have done that is putting me in this position.

I replied in a calm tone "Sir, I have 8 badges, and am waiting for the Indigo leagues which will happen in next months. Can you please tell me the reason for me being here. There isn't much time before the League and I need to train my pokemon."

Kibry laughed and said "Don't worry; I just wanted to make sure you're alright. So you have 8 badges so you must be quite a strong Trainer then, what is your goal Pokemon Master?"

I pretended to act like I was thinking them replied "I wish to be a Researcher, I will apply for the position in the future after completing my journey. My uncle Professor Oak will probably help me."

Hearing my reply he laughed and we talked about our life as he told me story. I already knew he was waiting for someone with the way he was acting. But I also knew I wasn't in trouble due to lack of attentiveness and him acting in carefree manner.

If there was any problem I could probably put him down easily, as long as he don't use his pokemon.

So after 1 hour, a Femal Officer appered and asked me to follow her.

Looking at Kibry he waved bye to me and asked to return if there is any problems. After getting in a car, the Officer took me towards the Highway, and started to move toward my home.

After appering in the Veridian City, the female officer stopped to car, asking me to follow her she took me to the City Police Station. After arriving there, she talked to the reception about her bringing me.

Then she took me to a waiting room, after waiting for 5 minutes Professor Oak appered in front of me. He after capturing my sight hugged me and started to cry.

I was still confused and no matter what hypothesis my brain gave, I still haven't found the answer.

Professor Oak looked at me and said "Lycan, I am very sorry. You're parents are not in the world of living anymore."

Lycan paused for some time as he didn't hear what he said and said "Sorry! I couldn't hear your words, can you repeat yourself?"

Professor Oak looked at Lycan with sadness as tears flowed down his eyes and said "Your parents, they are dead."

Lycan who was still confused, felt as if he was hit by Thunder and even though he has been literally hit by Thunder due to Aura he wasn't hurt. But this time, he shook as his brain went overload thinking about conspiracy, lies, and other things.

With final hope he asked "Please tell me you're joking, cause if you are I am going to kill you."

Oak looked at me Lycan with tear filled eyes, and said "I wish I could say it was a joke or lie but I can't. They are dead."

Lycan who already has more emotion than a normal person by ten times, couldn't handle the truth and fainted.

What he didn't know was, his Psychic power were once again splitting themselves, previously it was just a small amount but this time it went to three direction.

One side was all positive emotion that is now nearly in extinction.

One was darkness with all negative emotion which was like raging Waves.

And the Final was Grey with all the emotion that felt like seashore, maintaining the balance stopping the negative waves and suppressing the positive emotions.

These Waves were felt by Beldum, who was in his Pokeball. Knowing his trainer was in danger of going mad, he quickly used his Psychic energy to supply the Positive emotion and amplifying the Grey area.

His Aura also tried to solve the issue by protecting the mind from influences but this wasn't outside influence this was inner struggle, so it tried to make sure the mind was in Meditative state gaining knowledge instead of shutting down. This made sure his brain felt like it wasn't in coma but was mediating.

Both Riolu and Beldum tried to stabilize the Aura and Psychic energy in their host, continuous changing and helping made them connect to each other. Aura tried to solve and help the Positive emotion, Psychic suppressed and tried to control the Negative emotion, whereas the Gray part was given free access, as it suppressed all emotion and tried to balance the emotion.

While the huge battle was going in the mind of Lycan, Oak was still in the dark. Thinking the child couldn't handle the truth and fainted this was in his mind, which would be true if Lycan was a normal child, sadly he wasn't. If a powerful Psychic pokemon was out there they might be able to control the raging emotion that was constantly growing and being suppressed in his mind.

Though Beldum was strong he wasn't able to control a person whose Psychic energy matched his own. He was after all the Primary Evolution who is only 4 months old.

With 0 help, the Grey side was able to stop the fight, sending both the Dark and Light Emotion in the corner of the mind, devouring and suppressing both the emotion and becoming the ruler Emotion.

The Grey side which was a mixture between both the light and dark Emotional side, but mostly dark Emotion as they were the strongest there. The Light Side tried to get stronger by using Aura making the Gray side Devour Aura and being the Balance Emotion the "Light Side Emotional Aura" and "Dark Side Emotional Psychic" was devoured and became the Gray side, Joining both Aura and Psychic in his mind.

This wasn't impossible but Lycan shouldn't have been able to do this before 10 more years, as his training wasn't advanced enough to do such a thing.

Now the Emotion were suppressed but a problem occurred. Light side Emotions was the previous Host or should I say Ruler emotion, now being suppressed and devoured by Grey side lead to a new problem.

His Emotion which was previously good now has a selfish flavor in them. Previously he wouldn't have hurt anyone without reason, Dark side would have done so easily but we don't know what the Grey side will do.

Grey is neither dark nor Good, so the Host or in this case Lycan will have different Thinking Process.

And now the final problem, the brain which house two personalities before now houses three personality.

What will be the result? Well we can only guess.