

Chapter 13 - Anger

I am currently waiting for Gabrina to return from the Pokémon center, in her Gym lobby. The previous Pokémon battle, I am a bit sorry for outcome turned out to be. I wanted to show her my pokemon strength hoping to impress her; moreover I haven't even used my strongest Pokémon Dragonair.

I wanted to impress her and make her teach me psychic which is why I made my last Gym Stop, this Gym not others. There is still 5 more months left before the Indigo league after all, plenty of time to train Psychic, which was my goal.

1. Impress her with your trong pokemon.

2. Learn whatever you can about Psychic and Aura in those 5 months.

3. Get a Psychic pokemon. (The gym breeds Psychic pokemon so they have strong pokemon with potential and children's of strong pokemon's are said to have more potential than a child of a wild pokemon.)

Looking around the people in the lobby are looking at me with distasteful eyes, and some with worship in their eyes. After all I literally destroyed their Gym leader, when she was using her strongest pokemons.

As I was observing them, the girl from the reception appeared in front of me with an emotionless face. She was carrying a Red box, after she stopped in front of me she said "Sir, your gym badge."

I replied "I am waiting for Gabrina to give present it to me herself. I don't mind waiting sometime"

I think she misunderstood my intention and thought I was trying to downplay her Gym leader so with bit of sharpness in her voice she said "I really hope you take this badge, I will leave it in here." After putting down the box in the table in front of me, she turned and left without saying anything.

After 1 hour I finally saw Gabrina entering the Gym, and was passing in front of me.

I said "Gabrina wait."

Gabrina "You should already have your badge, why are you still here." She was looking at me like I killed her parents. (I Didn't)

I said " I am sorry about your pokemon, I wished to show my strength through my Pokémon, but your pokemons were kind of slippery, while my pokemon are trained for pure destruction. My pokemon would not have been able to win against them, if your Pokémon weren't cornered or captured before they start to use hit and run tactic. And if I didn't use such opportunity then my pokemons will have to use massive energy to take them down." I tried to show her my intentions as best as i could.

Gabrina looked at me with anger and said "Kirlia is badly injured and will be in the Pokemon Center for 2 more weeks before she can get out of there. Whereas Medicham is in ICU, I don't know what will happen to him. And you're telling me sorry and even then still making excuses."

I looked at her a bit offended and said "I wanted to impress you to ask for some favor, I didn't want them to be injure badly, you could have easily took them back. I gave you chances to take them back, but you still made them fight. Yes it's my Pokémon fault to injure them, but stopping the fight this duty is both the Referee's and Trainers."

Yes I did give her chance to recall them, Medicham was even given chances 2 times, once when I returned my Pokémon Electribuzz and brought Riolu out, next was when when Riolu tackled Medicham.

She fought and sends her Pokémon to fight even after she could see my Pokémon ruled them and could easily destroy them. Yes they were attacking and using powerful move but this is my final Gym you can't expect me not to use my best performance.

Gabrina was angry now "Yes, it's my fault. But please leave I wish you won't come back again."

Lycan "I wish to ask you a question, if you answer them, I'll leave."

Lycan knew this talk wasn't going in a good direction and he probably couldn't train here so he did the next best thing "I wish to ask about Psychic energy and how to train them from you, though you are angry can you tell me can both Aura and Psychic be trained together?"

Gabrina still in anger said "No both the energies are incompatible so can't be trained together. You really think you are a hero or something. Both the energies to cultivate a person must be born with it, and if any person was born with both of them, they will be in a science lab not adventuring. Now leave."

Lycan was now angry "Look I am trying to keep my cool; I didn't want to injure your pokemons. They are like a cockroach always slipping from the hands, so I did what I could to keep them down. This is my final badge so i was a bit excited ok. Can't you forget about it and start things back."

Gabrina screamed "My pokemon Are in ICU and you want me to forget it. F**k you, now leave."

Any and all understanding was out of their mind; he looked at her and said "Sore Loser." And leaving the gym as it was no more use to him anymore.

Gabrina looked at Lycan back and said "You know you Aura Users are all like this thinking yourself as great. This is why you people are in jungle not in the city like we Psychic are. Bunch of Barbarians."

Lycan stopped him footsteps and turned toward her and said "'Before you judge me, make sure that you know the rest of the story.' Remember this line you'll get some wisdom out of it, Sore Loser."

Lycan didn't stop and left the Gym not turning back.


Lycan was angry, yes he was super angry. His Psychic energy was out of control and he didn't want to know what will happen if it is not managed, and with his chance of learning how to control it due to some people being weak, he felt his brain was on fire.

So he did the next best thing, he started to meditate. He needs to control his anger if not he will do something bad, that he knew. With his IQ he also had his emotions increase; his mother love for him has made it so that she is even higher in his heart than his past life wife and children's. He didn't know why but his emotions were too high to be controlled with meditation.

If you want to measure his emotion perimeter currently you can do it with his IQ. In his precious life his IQ was 130, presently it is over 300, for people who don't know what it represent. It represent a person brain can be used many dozen times faster than what a normal human brain operates.

Let me give you an example in Marvel Universe, Tony Stark/ Ironman IQ was 270. The man whose brain was so sharp that he made an armor that can fight with god was 270, and some may think what its just 30 more. No that +30 can make it so that he has nearly photographic memory and is a Super Genius that can be found in 0.0001% people.

So yeah he is smart so what the point? You may ask- It means his brain is moving faster that Time itself. If it moves faster, then we can say he has a power to see in the future, after all in 1 second he can process what is happening in his surrounding and get a proper idea what will happens, but that's the problem. His brain is working faster, and with faster brain come faster anger. In his body Psychic energy is uncontrolled and Aura is trying to calm him down, the both energies don't want to work together.

There can be many possible outcome of this situation, one is being able to ascendant to higher life form that he always desired, and other is ways to seal the anger.


Lycan POV~

My head is killing me; I am getting angry that it is normal. I need to stop it, if not it might cause problems.

I felt as if my blood was on fire, and my head was being hit with hammer, as I tried to control myself. I felt as if I was going to faint, yes this could dd. I I faint when I wake up I can probably control my anger.

I was currently in my tent in the outskirt of the forest, with such anger I don't want to be anywhere near Saffron city.

Thinking of solution I passed out.



When I woke up I found myself not in my tent, I don't think this is my tent as the place I am sleeping is really uncomfortable.

As I look around I see, broken trees and blood, as if there have been a huge fight in here.

Looking around where I am, I see I am sleeping in a dead animal corpse. I in surprise mixed with disgust and confusion looked at the corpse.

After looking around I see my cloth is covered in blood and have few injuries. First I need to calm down.

Yesterday I went to sleep, due to extreme anger. This might be a result of it, me doing this subconsciously, I have many possible scenarios.

1. I did it subconsciously due to extreme anger. (70%)

2. Some pokemon attacked me, and killed themselves. I who have fainted probably use Aura to save myself, and this is the current situation. (20%)

3. Unknown cause due to Psychic Energy going uncontrolled. (10%)

I don't like mysteries and this sh*t is a big mystery. Let go back to camp I'll probably find more clues there.

I when arrived in the camp saw no sigh of fighting except a few broken rocks and branch that seems newly broken

After searching and finding no Clues, I put the incident in the back of my mind. This helped in controlling my emotion as the Psychic energy is more controlled, and Aura is more powerful.

Still if I could learn how to use Aura myself then why can't I do the same with Psychic, Let move I have 5 months to train and need to capture a strong 3 evolution line Psychic Pokemon.


Note- This is my final chapter i have written before the Virus problem, so i have completed it. Yea it will be few chapters in the future coming week. I'll try to write more but this is my hobby not my job.

I have a potential Psychic pokemon in mind, but if i find a good suggestion that will surpass it in the comments then please give me your seggestion.


# Evolution line - 3

#Type - Psychic

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts