
chapter 53 : Alex's anger

On hearing the command, Slowking vanished in front of them. Alex didn't bother to look at him but continued to look far away in the direction from which the Tide's full force will arrive.

As he stood tall, Slowking returned a few seconds later with a cluster of men who fell one over the other. They were thrashed in front of Alex.

Their arrival startled others but Alex seemingly ignored their very existence.

The disordered men rose to their feet and looked around to find out just where the hell they were at. Looking around, they found they weren't in their command room but somewhere outside.

Their eyes fell on Second Lieutenant Jim and Gold asked," Jim, where is here? And how are we here?"

Jim glanced at Alex's back and then replied jokingly," Do you really want to know that?"

" Stop joking. We are facing a tide and I don't have time to waste it playing word games with you." Gold thundered.

" Please Second Lieutenant Jim tell us so we can go back and get our work going " one of the sergeants joined to support Gold.

" We are very busy and don't have time to goof around so can you please hurry?" Another joined in this.

Their words only serve to increase the anger of Alex. They say they are doing their best but when he asked them to do their best they try to skip or ignore his command. Alex was only one step away from thundering on them.

He emotionlessly said," You are busy and working hard to protect the town. Don't joke. You piece of waste are just hiding in your office and never did think of helping out but getting benefits through your ranks.

Why don't you head home and hide in the clothes of your mother or wife. I am sure cowards like you can at least good at hiding isn't it?

You are just like zubat blind to see anything but very addictive to drinking people's blood. You all should be tied to a stone column under the hot sun and let some murkrow at you so they could eat out your innards slowly."

He was furious with their blatant disregard of his orders. Alex was already at nerve endings due to lack of sleep and now this had made his normal calm and cool mind go short-circuit.

He saw the deaths of people around him in his sleep who accuse him of murdering them. Whenever he close his eyes, their dull but accusing eyes appear in front of him.

He hasn't slept for days because of this. And it was taking a toll on him mentally.

His words angered them and they thundered at him without realizing who they were talking to.

" Who do you think you are to talk to us like that?"

" Do you dare to dishonor the pride of the 65th Infantry corp?"

" It seemed someone hasn't been taught how to behave. Today I will teach you in your parents behalf."

Gold himself was angered by his words but he hasn't said anything yet he looked towards the source of emotionless voice and saw the back of the person. He felt like he saw a back identical to that back and tried to remember it.

Then his eyes fell on the Pokemons by his side. Although he doesn't know of Electabuzz existence, he knew that the commander has a Snorlax as well as Slowking.

And both of which were normally around Captain Alex. So he finally has recognised who the person in front of him was.

He immediately saluted and said," Second Lieutenant Gold reporting to Captain Bart."

He stood at attention.

His words woke everyone else and they too followed him and said," Reporting to Captain Bart."

Alex didn't bother to recognise their voice and action and continued to look at the horizon.

He slowly started," You have grown quite bold during the times of Tide, Gold. Before it started, you were obedient and listened to my orders and discussed if you find any problems in them.

But when I let you be the commander in the Frontline, you started to ignore me. You ignored my orders. I even heard you don't respect my authority. Is that true , Gold?" He turned around to look right into Gold's eyes and ignored other's existence around him.

Gold felt an unbearable pressure on himself when his eyes locked into Alex's. He was wobbling on his feet and felt like he would faint any moment.

" Do you really think no one would care about your little misconduct?" He asked severely.

" Ssss…..siiirrr I was.…..I w…asss just trying to…."He stuttered and tried to explain himself.

" Shut up. Did I order you to speak? I don't want to hear even a single word coming out of your damn mouth until I say so? Am I understood? I AM ASKING AM I UNDERSTOOD?" he roared at th end.

"SIR, YES SIR" everyone there said in unison.

" I don't care when you didn't listen to me earlier. I was only asking or requesting you at that time. Even if you don't listen, it doesn't affect my authority in the Corp.

But, now when I ordered you to assemble everyone for the battle, what did you do? You just ignored it under what you felt like. What you felt?

In army, authority of the superior cannot be challenged. It is the IRON LAW. Yet, you had the courage to blatantly disregard it with your coharts.

What do you think that just because you are more in number you aren't getting any punishment or I will be lenient to not cause problems in the corps.

Well let me tell you, your actions represent a sense of mutiny towards league's orders. When even a second lieutenant who is not even a Captain can disobey then in the future a General could disobey them, then what will remain of their authority?

Where is their damn prestige? Is it so cheap that just any nobody could tample on it and pass by.

It seems you don't know anything. Let me tell you something about the strong people of the world. The strong people don't like their prestige getting hurt or damaged. They are especially angry when a piece of shit like you do so.

Do you know what will happen to you? You better pray that you hopefully die or else I will make you experience a fate worse than death." He said

Gold has turned white when Alex has mentioned what he has done and how he wasn't getting scot-free this time.

He knew that not only he angered the captain this time but also managed to get into the shit list of the league and the only one who could help him was the young man in front of him.

He dropped to his knees and held onto Alex's legs abandoning his pride in the face of imminent disaster and apologized and said," Sir I am sorry. Please forgive me this time. I won't do it again and follow your every command."

Will Alex forgive him as how will the fight go? Stay tuned

to be continued…

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