

On the Hotel Lobby , I look for a computer to call mom and tell what did happen to me . Hiennrich and Gregory went upstairs to our room while Joe is with me .

I dial mom number and she answered it , then I saw mom smiling to us and asked​ who is the little boy beside me I told her that he is Joe , a new friend of mine .

Before I told what happen to me , I spoke to dad, mom , Andy , Skyler and my new little brother Ollie who's just 6month old. They are all happy to see me specially dad because he had told me that he gonna give me a poke egg once I come back home .

They asked me what did I do these past weeks and I told them all of the experiences I had encountered. First is the Hoenn Region tour , The Hiking and camping to Ever Grande Forest , The Dragon Rescue and lastly the recent abducting incident happen to us and that made dad and mom so worried but I told them that me and my friends handled the bastards .

Mom is the most worried person you will ever meet because she even cries , but I can't blame her because mom really loves me so as a promise I told them that I'll be going home next week after the Open Contest event is done.

Dad was surprised when I said I joining the open contest and he even give his full support to me. And now he's telling stories of him about joining pokemon open contest on how he fought hard and how many times he won on it .

We say goodbye to them and I ended the call and I dial the number of professor Balmont to give him update on Torchic's condition . Professor advice me to take Torchic in battles to made its skill level increase and also give some tip on what training drills I will conduct.

Soon as the call ended we went upstairs and Hiennrich called Joe and offer him to sleep with him . Joe responded and gladly went to Hiennrich room and I went to my room fix all my stuff and I took a shower .

After taking a bath , I put on comfortable clothes and lay on my bed . Every moments that happened in the past just came to my mind I'm very thankful with this buddies I had not only for saving me but for the friendship they offered me . And of course my pokemon that become my helping hand and I called them out to tell them that I thanked them .

Golbat , Torchic , Growlithe, Pineco, Scyther, Bagon and lastly Baltoy . I told them all I wanted with them to be a strong pokemon someday and I'll be their guide in their way to it. I also tell them that I'll be conducting hard training for the coming days for the Open Contest is happening soon.

" Golbat let's stay focus on increasing your poison power."


" Growlithe let's have a walk tomorrow with Torchic and we'll test your fire power ".

Grooww ... litheee ...

Chic .. chicc...

" Bagon soon we'll have to work on your Dragon moves "


" Scyther and Pineco we will conduct trainings that will increase power your bug type moves".

Scytheeerrr .. . Pineeeccooo ...

" And Baltoy I'll be conducting some research for your training drills."

Baaalltoyyy ...

" All right guys come back now , And tomorrow is gonna a big day for us " and I recalled them back and I research to my pokedex on Baltoy's moves .


Rapid Spin

Spinning Attack



Double slap

Psycho Balance

I was very impressed with the moves Baltoy has , it is a psychic type and ground type pokemon. Maybe I can conduct trainings that will increase its Psychic ability or Ground ability.


My alarm ringed and I woke up I look at my watch and its 4:30 AM and I get up on bed . I went to the kitchen and have some coffee and also to prepare our breakfast and pokefood .

While I am cooking , Joe wake up and went to the kitchen also to wash his face . I greeted him and asked him about himself . He told me that he is Jose Marquette , from Moss Deep City .

" So your a Marquette ?? They are known as worlds famous family of steel crafters ." I said .

" Yes indeed , Dad is the president of the company of the Marquette ." he replied.

" How did you get on the hands of those bastards? "

" Last week I visit my grandma in Norpeak Town in Johto Region and also to get granny's gift to me ."

" What gift did she give to you ?? "

" This one ." he said while presenting a pokeball .

" Okay your Vulpix".

We are enjoying sharing stories about ourselves when my buddies woke up and went to us . They also join us sharing stories about pokemon . I went to the Bathroom and took a shower while they are still busy sharing stories.

After taking a bath ,we grab our breakfast and I went for a morning walk. I went to the Park not only for a walk but also for conducting a training for my pokemon .

I saw that the event staff are now busy preparing the Arena and the stage , I saw also Ever Grande City mayor Juan de Blaise who is been interviewed by the media . I continuously walk as I have reach the park mini arena to train my pokemon .I sat on the bench and called out Torchic and Growlithe.

" Come on out Torchic and Growlithe !"

Grooww... litheee ..

Chic. . chic.. tor .. chicc..

" I told you last night that we are conducting training right ?"

Grooww .. torr.. chicc...

" I came up to an idea to have a training battle on both of you ".

I started the battle between them , Growlithe charge in using Quick attack as it went near it uses Fire fang but Torchic able to dodge and jumps through the air and charge to hit Growlithe with peck .

Growlithe seems surprised so it continues to charge by using flamewheel and Torchic tries to stop it by using Firespin . Torchic is unable to dodge is it and endure damage , It countered back by quick attack then slash that also hit Growlithe.

Someone got my attention , he is watching my Pokemon battling . He is a medium tall man a bit smaller than me and same age as mine , colored green hair and eyes . I stop the fight and called them to give them potion spray and energy giving food.

The stranger started to talk and seems he wants something to me.

" Good day ! I'm Cylian Leavend of Unova Region . "

" Good day too ! I'm Bj Great from Kanto Region." I answered.

" Are you new here ?? " he asked.

" Yup , I've just got here last week ."

" hmmm .. you're good in conducting training drills to your pokemon ." he said .

" not as much " I answered .

" Why not , Let's have a pokemon battle ? I was very impressed with your fire types . If you win I would give you something that will help your fire types."

" Even you don't give any , I'll be accepting your offer . it would be a good idea to have battle with other trainer ."

" Okay we'll then , Let's start it ".

" okay ."

" Let's go ! Crustle ! "


Crustle is an orange Pokémon resembling an insect or crustacean. Its most distinguishing feature is its enormous shell, which resembles a cut-away block of sediment with multiple layers and strata visible. The tips of its pincers and six feet are dark gray. It has two glaring yellow eyes. Crustle possesses a straight tail that is concealed underneath its shell. It is very strong, to the point that it can carry heavy rocks for a long time, even through arid lands where it resides. It fights members of its species over territory in battles which can become very vicious. If its shell breaks during such a fight, it loses.

" Go ! Growlithe ! "

Grooww .. litheee ..

" Crustle use Hammer In "

Crusssttlleeee ....

" Growlithe dodge ! and counter with fire fang "

Grooww ...

Growlithe able to hit Crustle that dealt damage , Cylian was amazed on the quickness of it . He ordered its pokemon again to attack .

" Crustle X-scissor!"

That attack surprised me too , it directly hit Growlithe and it was hurt. Cylian' s launches now and use Reckless charge .

" Counter now with Flame wheel ! "

Both of our pokemon collided and a dust blasted in their center leaving Crustle fainted .

" That flamewheel is very strong , I really admire it " Cylian said and recall Crustle back .

" Thanks " .

Cylian called out his next pokemon .

" Let's go Simisage !"

Simiii .. saageee ..

Simisage is a simian Pokémon that is primarily green. It has a pointed, bush-like crest on its head similar to a pompadour. The leaves that grow on this crest are bitter. Its ears are broad with light green insides, and it has oval eyes and a black nose. Simisage has furry, white eyebrows and shoulder tufts; and a cream-colored face, chest, hands and feet. Its hands have five fingers, and its feet have three toes. Its thorny tail is long and tipped with leaves.

" Go Torchic !! "

Chic .. chic..

" Torchic use quick attack ".

" Simisage dodge and use vine whip "

Simisage dodge by jumping towards Torchic and wrapped it by using vine whip .

" Use seed bomb ! "

Simiii .. sageee ..

That dealt huge damage to Torchic but I won't stop by that only so I commanded Torchic to fight back using Fire spin but a strange move Simisage done it use Fire fling .

It absorbs the flame blown by Torchic and use it to made a solar beam and hit Torchic directly . It is fainted.

I recalled Torchic back and summons Growlithe . I'm sure Growlithe will have advantage to its opponent .

" Go Growlithe "

Grooww .. litheee ..

" Use Flamewheel !"

" Simisage dodge and use seed bomb !"

Another perfect dodge it made and hit Growlithe again with seed bomb .

" Growlithe use fire fang !"

That attack seems working and it hurt its Simisage and he ordered his to counter back .

" Simisage use Vine whip !"

Simiii .. sageee ..

" Dodge it ! Growlithe ."

Growlithe is wrapped again and Simisage went closer to it.

" Finish now with Magical Leaf !"

Simiii ... saageee ...

A powerful move hit Growlithe and it is now confused then later on fainted that only meant that I lose the match.

" That was a great fight !" I said calmly.

" Your a great opponent I had fight with , your fire type moves we're amazing . Ash must meet you ." he said.

" I hope someday I'll meet him and have a fight with him".

" Thanks for the battle " Cylian said and bows.

I responded too and says thanks.

" Since your a great opponent I'll give you this Fire stone ."

" Wow !! a fire stone ! "

" You can use that in evolving some of your eligible fire type. "

" Why are giving this to me since I lose "

" Because you're truly a great trainer I had meet".

" Are you sure about this ?? "

" Yes . That was just extra because I had other one " He presented another Fire stone .

" Thank you Cylian , This would give a big help to my team ."

" You're welcome . I hope someday you visit me in Unova and we'll have another battle".

" When that day comes I'll be stronger than you "

" I will mention you to Ash when I meet him, Bye ! thanks for the fight ".

" Thank you too ."