
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Komik
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129 Chs

S5E22: A Night...

So with her eyes closed Dawn let out a short sigh before opening her eyes and lifting a hand to the hotel room door to which she gave it a few soft knocks. Part of her wanted to just run away somewhere and hide while the other part of her really wanted a hug from Foxx and to be told everything was going to be okay.

"Dawn? What are you doing here?" asked a confused Jessie before taking her hand and leading her into the hotel room to sit down.

"Is everything okay? Where is Foxx?" asked James shutting the door behind them.

"Is he not here with you guys?" asked Dawn even more confused and sad.

"No, after getting us this room and making sure we were set he left with you to go meet your family." replied a confused Jessie, "Did something happen at you parent's house?"

"Well, my mother was being her normal self critiquing the life choices of whoever I bring home to meet." sighed Dawn trying really hard to not cry. "In hope of allowing me and my mother to have a civilized conversation her just got up and left saying her was coming here."

"well, we haven't seen him and I''m..." started James only to trail off upon seeing the glare he was receiving from Jessie that said choose you next words carefully my love. So with a smile he turned towards the door adding, "Why don't I go looking for him it's not like he could get too lost in a little town like this?"

"I know someone who got turned around and was lost for three days in this town." replied Dawn on the brink of crying, "Then again he was an older gentleman and was later found in his neighbor's backyard, and he was only lost three days because said neighbor was out of town."

"See, there is hope that James wont get lost looking for Foxx." replied Jessie with a smile in hopes of cheering Dawn up.

"Yah." exclaimed James with a smile which shortly faded as her words sank in to which he then added, "Hay! I get us lost once and now its the but of every joke."

"Not every joke, and it was more then once." teased Jessie with a smile to which James just rolled his eyes and left the hotel at what point she took a hold of Dawn's hands as hey sat on the edge of the bed and added, "It's all going to be okay I'm sure Foxx just went to one of the shops in town or is getting something for dinner. Either way James will find him."

"Thanks, Jessie." replied Dawn with a half smile looking up at her before asking, "Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Sure dear what is it?" replied Jessie with a smile.

"Can I call you mom?" replied Dawn slowly looking away.

"Wow, I mean I'm not sure why you'd want me to be your mother but I'm honored that you'd even consider it." replied a very shocked Jessie, "I mean that is unless there is something you and Foxx aren't telling us and to be honest you two are a little young for that. Then again who am I to say anything seeing as me and James had Foxx at a very young age."

"No, there is nothing were not telling you it's just that you're so supportive and loving that I figured you'd make a good mother." confessed Dawn with a sigh. "I mean you can't be worse then my current mother."

"That may be true dear but she is also your mother and you really should give her another chance to prove to you that she can be a good mother." replied Jessie giving Dawn a hug before adding, "Though one day I would be grateful to call you my daughter and to have you call me mom."

"Well, that would really make it awkward for the two of to continue dating if we were brother and sister." came a soft yet charming chuckle from the hotel door way.

"It can't be any more weird then our current family status." replied Jessie with a smile as she turned to see Foxx holding two takeout bags in his right hand and a small gift bag in his left, but not seeing James caused her to raise an eyebrow while asking, "Where's your father? Did he not find you?"

"Oh, yah I ran into him as I was picking up dinner." replied Foxx holding up the two takeout bags in his right hand. "He tripped on a rock and is whining and taking his time following seeking sympathy from anyone who'd give it to him."

"That sounds like him." sighed Jessie as Foxx came inside and placed the food on the table before handing Dawn the little gift bag.

"Not much of a son are you, leaving your old and injured father to limp his way home." whimpered James as he dramatically limped into the room.

"One, you are neither old nor greatly wounded. You scrapped your knee." sighed Foxx as he watched Dawn try to open the gift only for her and Jessie to break out laughing at James jaw drop at Foxx's comment.

"Oh, wow, dear this is beautiful. Where did you find it?" asked Dawn as she pulled a little gold chain charm bracelet with a six short black chains with holders for pokeballs on the end. In between each black chain was a rainbow colored gem in the shape of a paw print.

"I made it for you on our trip here and just needed the box thus the gift bag." replied Foxx with a smile, "You should've seen the look on the shopkeepers' faces as I asked for just a little gift box and bag."

"I can only imagine." replied Dawn as Foxx took the bracelet and wrapped it around her left wrist before latching the clasp.

"It has a spot for each of your pokeballs so you can fashionably show off your dance moves while showcasing your coordinator skills." replied Foxx with a smile before giving her a kiss.