
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Komik
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129 Chs

S4E17: Departing Gift

That night Foxx sat on the beach with Joy looking out to the ocean wondering which path was indeed the best one to take? Should he head south and just finish his research or should he go with Fantina and wait for Dawn and ash to come by? He really missed Dawn but on the flip side he nor anyone has been this close to opening the G.S. Ball in years.

That's when it hit him. He was only eleven and had only been on his pokemon journey for a year and the G.S. Ball has been sealed for years what would a little bit longer be? Plus it would be more special with someone else there anyways. So about midnight he sighed and went to bed with Joy curled up next to him.

As he slept Foxx dreamed of traveling the world with Dawn discovering new things and helping forge new leagues all while crushing any pokemon criminals they came across along the way. Was this what he was meant to do or was this just a bunch of high hopes or foolish dreams? Either way he didn't have much time left to think about for as he laid in his bed looking at the ceiling his alarm began to ring in his ear thus causing him to sigh as he sat up and got ready for the day.

With a yawn he exited the little room he'd been reign from Professor Ivy with his bag in his right hand with Joy walking along side of him. They were heading downstairs to meet up with Fantina when Silvia came rushing out of her room crashing into Foxx causing the two of them to tumble and crash down the stairs while Joy just sat down at the two of the stairs looking down at them with her head tipped to one side. Meanwhile at the bottom of the stairs Foxx landed on his back with Silvia landing on top of him smiling.

"Silvia, I'm glade you're enjoying the view but you're also crushing my spleen." moaned Foxx as she just laid there with all of her weight on him.

"Oh, sorry Foxx." replied Silvia with a smile as she slowly got off of him and dusted herself off while he too got to his feet.

"So tell me Silvia were the fire is?" asked Foxx as he dusted himself and tried to gather his things.

"Oh umm sorry about I was actually rushing to catch you before you left is all." sadly confessed Silvia as she shuffled her feet and looked at the ground in shame.

"I was just heading for some breakfast the ship doesn't leave until noon." replied Foxx with a smile as he lifted her chin with his hand so as to look her in the eyes before asking, "So what was it you wanted to catch me for?"

"Oh, I have a gift for you." replied Silvia with a new bounce in her step as she looked around the base of the stairs for the item of which she must've dropped when they collided only to sigh, "Or I had something to give you."

"No worries me and Joy can help you look for it." encouragingly replied Foxx.

"But you don't even know what it is?" confusingly asked Silvia.

"Yah, but I think we might be able to spot anything that doesn't seem to belong." teased Foxx booping her on the nose before starting to look for anything that didn't belong or looked present like.

"Oh yah I forgot." laughed Silvia only to smile when he booped her nose. "Silly me."

She then started to look round for the present along Foxx while Joy just sat at top of the stairs watching them with a smile because she'd already spotted the package up here at the top of the stairs. She seemed to get a little chuckle at them crawling all over the floor looking for something one had no clue what it looked like thus was checking every odd item while the other panickingly scrambled looking for the item.

Then after a short bit Foxx started to inspect the stairs of which Joy didn't realize how close he was getting until it was too late. Foxx popped over the top step to meet her eye to eye still sitting where she was with a little wrapped box between her paws. She tried to smile only to look down in shame.

"We can talk later about this but for now let's just make Silvia happy." scoldingly whispered Foxx into Joy's ear before grabbing the box and sitting at the top of the steps and called down to Silvia, "Silvia, Joy found it up here or at least we assume this is it."

"Oh yes it is thanks." called Silvia as he held up the packaged and she quickly assented the steps to sit on the other side of Joy before smiling and adding, "Ok go ahead and open it."

"Okay." replied Foxx as he began to open. Removing the ribbon from the box and placing it on the floor next to them shortly followed by the top of the box.

Inside the box was two items. The first was that of a golden trophy like pendent that was inscribed with the letters "O.I.C." in silver on the base of the trophy It also had four small pearls on the trophy part. Right next to it was a similar pin like item to which Foxx was confused and looked up at Silvia.

"The one is a charm for Joy's collar to symbolize that she was part of your team when you won the Orange Island Championship. As for the other it is a matching pin for you to place next to you badges for the Orange Islands seeing as you had to send the trophy back home." explained Silvia with a smile. She then smiled and asked, "Can you please send me letters of how things are going because I'd like to keep getting Joy these pendants when you two complete a region's gym challenge so just let me know and I'll send them to you."